(We see an unconscious & bandaged up Y/N laying in a hospital bed. Beside him is Eve, asleep in a chair. A red light begins emanating from his chest.)
(Y/N): [groans] Where am I?
(He looks around to see nothing but darkness.)
(Y/N): This can't be good.
(He walks around his new dark surroundings. He's especially careful with each step he takes, not wanting to fall down a hole. Just as he's about to give up...)
(Y/N): [winces]
(A bright light shines directly in front of him.)
(Y/N): [winces] So bright...
(He's able to open his eyes slightly to see that the light is red. He pushes through the brightness of the light to find the source of it being...)
(Y/N): [sighs] Should've figured you would be responsible for this.
(There's a silence as if he's expecting the gem to respond to him.)
(Y/N): No?
(He taps the gem a couple of times but nothing happens.)
(Y/N): I know you're in there! Come on, you demonic mother--
(He raises his arms up...)
(And brings them down onto the gem. The force of the hit pushes Y/N back a bit.)
(Y/N): [groans] Still sore...
Cyttorak: Are you finished with your tantrum?
(He walks back towards the gem.)
(Y/N): Took you long enough.
Cyttorak: Remember this, (Y/N) Marko. Just because you're my avatar does not mean you can speak to me this way--
(Y/N): Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Wanna explain to me how or why I got my ass beat by that cat--
(Cyttorak's words hit Y/N to the core. He kneels in front of the gem.)
(Y/N): Forgive me, Master of the Raging Storm.
Cyttorak: Rise, my avatar.
(Y/N stands up.)
Cyttorak: You were going to ask how you were defeated?
(Y/N): Yes, because I thought at full power...
Cyttorak: Oh, my son. You are not at full power.
(Y/N): What?! Why would you restrict me?!
Cyttorak: I am not the one restricting your power; it's you. Your denial of who you are. An avatar of destruction. My avatar.
(Y/N): I wasn't denyin' nothing. I was there to--
Cyttorak: To assist some superheroes. To save your friend. A weak reason. And so you were weak. Call upon me when you are ready for your true purpose.
(Y/N): "True purpose?" What do you--
(He slowly opens his eyes.)
(Y/N)'s thoughts: Looks like...[groans] feels like I'm back.
(He opens his eyes fully to see Eve sitting beside him.)
(Y/N): Hey, Eve.
Eve: *teary eyed*
(She hugs him.)
(Y/N): I'm honestly loving this right now but...[groans]
(She wipes the tears away from her eyes & sits back down in her chair.)
Eve: Sore, right.
(Y/N): Did we win?
Eve: Machine Head is in custody so yes.
(Y/N): Mark, Monster Girl, and Black Samson?
Eve: You're the first to wake up. The others are still unconscious.
(Y/N): Damnit.
(He attempts to lift an arm up but it's the arm that Battle Beast bit, which is heavily bandaged.)
(Y/N): [winces] Anyways, how long have you been here?
Eve: Ever since I got the call about what happened.
(Y/N): Been watching me sleep, huh?
Eve: I also checked on Mark and the others so don't be getting a big head now.
(Y/N): [chuckles] Ah, don't make me laugh. It hurts when I laugh.
(She holds his hand.)
Eve: Seeing you like really scared me. I've never seen you so--
(Y/N): Weak?
Eve: No! Why would you think I was going to say that?
(Y/N): No reason...
Eve: Uh-huh. All I could think while you were unconscious in that hospital was that there are so many things I want to do with you.
(A small smile appears on Y/N's face.)
Eve: So try not to be on the receiving end of a beating this bad in the future, yeah?
(Y/N): Yeah.
(The two share a sweet & tender kiss. Cut to Mark waking up in his hospital bed with his parents over him.)
Mark: Mom?
Debbie: [gasps] Oh...sweetheart.
(She hugs her son.)
Nolan: I knew you'd pull through.
Mark: [groans] How long was I out?
Nolan: Six days.
(Mark sits up.)
Mark: Six days? No...No, no, I was supposed to, um...Amber--
(Eve & Y/N, using a cane to help him walk, enter Mark's hospital room.)
Eve: It's okay, I covered for you. Told her you got hit with a bus, which from looks of you and (Y/N), isn't far off.
(Y/N): No, it's not.
Mark: Black Samson? Monster Girl?
Eve: Still unconscious.
(Y/N): I just woke up myself.
(Mark looks at Y/N's cane.)
(Y/N): I know what you're thinking, don't sweat it. I've only got to use this cane to help me walk for a week or two while my knee heals.
(Mark looks down while Debbie places a hand on his shoulder.)
Debbie: It's not your fault.
Wilkins Residence
(We see Eve, followed by her mother, walking out of the house with two pink suitcases in front of her.)
Eve's Mother: I just don't understand why can't you do your new superhero helping job from here.
Eve: You know why.
Eve's Father: [shouting angrily] Samantha...
(She replaces the front door with a wall.)
Eve's Father: Samantha! *bangs on the wall* Samantha!
Eve: The back door is still there. I need a fresh start. Somewhere new. Somewhere that's not here.
Eve's Mother: What about school? Or-or college?
Eve: I've got enough credits to graduate, and college can wait--
(Her father, now outside, walks up to his daughter.)
Eve's Father: Samantha! I'm not going to watch you ruin your life on some hippie-dippie find-yourself bullshit--
Eve's Mother: Adam!
Eve's Father: I mean it. This is the opposite of what you should be doing with your life.
Eve: And what would that be, Dad?
Eve's Father: You want a fresh start? Give up this superhero crap. You can't save the world, Samantha. It's gonna get you killed. The worst day of my life was when you got powers.
Eve: Wow, that hurts much more than I thought it would.
Eve's Father: I just want what's best for you. A normal life. A house. A husband. Kids...
Eve: That's what's best for you, Dad. Not for me.
(She grabs her suitcases & flies into the air.)
Eve's Father: Samantha!
(She hovers in front of her house.)
Eve's Father: You get your feet back on the ground now!
Eve: Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad.
(She flies away.)
Eve's Father: Samantha!
Marko Residence
(We see Y/N laying in his bed with his headphones on, listening to music. He puts an ice pack on his knee & stares up at the ceiling of his room.)
(Y/N): [sighs]
(Out of the corner of his eye he sees Eve standing in front of his window after flying through it. He takes his headphones off & sits up.)
(Y/N): Hey, Eve.
(He sees two pink suitcases.)
(Y/N): What's up with the suitcases?
Eve: I'll get to that. But first, I've got some important things to tell you.
(Y/N): Okay. Like what?
(She sits on his bed.)
Eve: For starters, I'm skipping college.
(Y/N): What? Why? You're literally the smartest girl I know.
Eve: When I was at the community center with Amber, something clicked for me. I think I can help more people by just...helping them, you know?
(She walks to his window.)
Eve: I don't have to wait for some alien invasion or the Lizard League's next attack. I can irrigate deserts, stop natural disasters, bring food to the starving. You know, make a real difference.
(Y/N): That does sound like a way better use of your powers. Leave the alien invasions or the Lizard League's next attack to me. I get it.
Eve: Huh. I fully expected you to talk me out of it. Rex would have.
(Y/N): You know I am nothing like me, thank God for that. And I'm assuming your parents did not take news of you not going to college too well which would explain the suitcases. You're leaving the city?
Eve: You're on a roll. Don't let me stop you.
(Y/N): You need a fresh start. You're never too young for a fresh start.
(He thinks about that for a second.)
(Y/N): You're breaking up with me.
Eve: What?
(Y/N): What's a complete fresh start without a breakup?
Eve: (Y/N)--
(Y/N): Why else would you be telling me all of this? I-I'm not upset. Sad, if I'm being honest. [deep breath] I understand. Really. Your timing could've been better though. I get my ass kicked, knee's shit, and now my girlfriend is dumping me--
(She places a finger on his lips.)
Eve: [chuckles] That is some imagination you got.
(Y/N): It is?
Eve: I want a fresh start, yes. But, that fresh start is always going to include you, (Y/N).
(Y/N): [relieved sighs] Cool.
Eve: So, wanna come with me?
(Y/N): I appreciate the offer but I can't just leave my parents.
Eve: I know that. I meant, like, a weekend getaway with me.
(Y/N): Oh, most definitely...[groans] But I'm kinda grounded right now. With my knee, my parents said it was for my own good.
Eve: Bummer.
(She flies out of his window & Y/N rushes over, looking out his window to see Eve flying in front of him.)
Eve: Is Juggernaut grounded?
(Y/N): *smirks* Do I have to put on my suit? My knee and my helmet is still cracked and missing a piece. I mean, it mends itself but you know.
Eve: [chuckles] Of course not. Don't worry about packing clothes either, I'll just make you some.
(Y/N): You're amazing. In that case...
(He picks up her suitcases.)
(Y/N): Let's go.
(She makes a ball around Y/N & takes it with her as she flies away. Cut to Eve & Y/N, still in the ball trailing behind her, flying over a forest until she stops in front of a giant tree at the edge of a cliff.)
Eve: Well, I like the view. (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Very scenic.
(She makes a part of the tree into a little hut.)
Eve: It's a start.
(Y/N's looking around the hut as Eve is scrolling through some news headlines.)
Eve: Make the world you want to live in. (Y/N), I'll be back in a bit!
(She flies off.)
(Y/N): I'll...just be here. By myself.
(As he ponders what to do until Eve comes back we cut to some of the heroic deeds Eve is up to.)
Later That Day
(At night, Eve finally returns to the hut.)
Eve: Oh my God! (Y/N), I'm so sorry I'm back so late but I have so much to tell you.
(She hovers over the bed to see that Y/N is asleep. He tried his best to stay up until she returned.)
Eve: [chuckles lightly]
(She lowers herself down next to Y/N & cuddles him. This causes him to wrap his arm around her.)
Eve: [sighs happily]
(She closes her eyes & falls asleep.)
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