The Wilkins Residence
(We see Eve in an argument with her parents.)
Eve: I don't need to tell you when I break up with someone.
Eve's Father: The only, and I mean only reason I agreed to you being a superhero was because Rex was there to take care of you.
Eve: I can take care of myself.
Eve's Mother: Your father only means that we like Rex very much, and we felt good that he was keeping you safe. But now that you're not even part of a team...
Eve: Rex cheated on me! Teen Team broke up. They're both over. It happens. I'm with (Y/N) now.
Eve's Father: Forgive him.
Eve: What?
Eve's Father: All guys make mistakes! I'm not going to allow you to be with some roided out freak! Don't be a--
(Her father's words bring tears to her eyes.)
Eve's Father: You're an 18-year-old girl. You can't do this hero bullshit on your own. You shouldn't be doing it at all.
Eve: One, I can do anything I want on my own. Literally!
Eve: I can rearrange atoms on a molecular level like it's easy...
Eve: And two, I'm not even sure I want to do this anymore!
Eve's Father: Good! It's about time.
(She hovers into the air.)
Eve: That includes this stupid family!
(She makes a door & leaves through it.)
Eve's Mother: Samantha!
Eve's Father: Don't you leave that door there!
The Marko Residence
(We see Y/N about to do some pull-ups, he's hanging off the bar.)
(Y/N): [deep breath] Here goes...
(He does one pull-up before...)
(He hears tapping from his window. He drops down from the bar & walks towards his window to see Eve hovering in front of it.)
Eve: *wording* Let me in.
(Y/N): Right, right.
(He lets her in & she hugs him immediately.)
(Y/N): Oof!
(He hugs her back.)
(Y/N): What's wrong?
(They let go of each other & Y/N lifts Eve's head up by her chin to see that she's been crying.)
(Y/N): Tell me what happened but we gotta keep it down, if my parents catch you in my room, they'll kill me.
Eve: [sniffles] Okay.
(She tells him what happened between her and her parents.)
(Y/N): I haven't met your dad yet and I already hate--don't like him.
Eve: Nice save. I don't blame you for saying that. How do your parents feel?
(Y/N): Feel about what?
Eve: You being a superhero.
(Y/N): They're supportive for the most part. Though, it changes when they see me all beat up. Speaking of being a superhero; any idea on what you'd do if you gave up being a superhero?
Eve: Ugh, no. To be completely honest, I've been too busy to really focus on that.
(Y/N): Superheroing, high school...
(He points at himself then at Eve.)
(Y/N): A new relationship. I'm sure it's a lot. If you need help with any of it, especially that last part, I'll start leaving my window unlocked.
(She kisses him on the cheek.)
Eve: You're sweet.
(Cut to Mark, Eve, & Y/N leaving school.)
Mark: This superhero thing is destroying my GPA. How about yours, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Meh.
Eve: Meh?
(Y/N): I mean, not at all.
Eve: Like you'll ever need to find Mongolia on a map.
Mark: I know, right?
Eve: No, you do need to know that. I'm not kidding, it's really important that you can find places from the air.
Mark: Oh, yeah. [chuckles] Right.
(Y/N): I never thought about it like that.
(He puts an arm across her shoulders as they start walking.)
Mark: You okay, Eve? You look...down?
Eve: You ever read about those kids who get kicked out of the house at 16, and wish it was you?
Mark: Not really. Do you want to talk about it?
Eve: Yes. No. I don't know. I-I just don't know what I'm doing anymore.
(Amber runs up to the trio & denies Mark a kiss.)
Amber: Slow down, tiger, you're still on my shit list. You're coming tonight, right? Hey, Eve, (Y/N).
Mark: Of course, I'm coming.
Amber: Do not stand me up on this, okay? It won't be only me counting on you this time. Mark volunteered to help me at the Beckwell Community Center downtown. We do dinners twice a week for anyone who's hungry.
Eve: I'm impressed.
(Y/N): Very cool, Mark.
Amber: Don't be and don't praise him. He owes me. Beckwell's like my second home. I used to hang there after school til my mom was done working. Changed my life.
Mark: It's on Third Street, right? Low brick building?
Amber: Yeah. 7:00 p.m.
(An alarm beeps on Mark's phone.)
Mark: Oh, man, gotta run. I told my mom I'd help with an open house.
(He kisses Amber on the cheek.)
Mark: I'll see you there. Bye, Eve. Bye, (Y/N).
(He jogs off.)
Amber: You two wanna come tonight? We could use the help.
Eve: Mm. I wish I could. But...
Amber: Too busy saving the world?
Eve: Hmm. Not anymore, actually.
(She looks at Y/N.)
Eve: You up for an impromptu date night?
(Y/N): Yes, m'am.
Amber: You and Mark are pretty close. Has he been acting weird lately?
(Y/N): No.
Eve: What do you mean?
Amber: He's late, all the time, or doesn't show, and then lies about why. At least I think he's lying. I don't know if I can deal with it much longer.
Eve: Guys are dicks...
(Y/N): I'm right here.
Eve: But Mark's one of the good ones.
(Y/N): I second that.
Eve: Yeah, his time management is awful, but he's super into you. You're all he talks about.
Amber: Really? Hmm. Well, thanks for that. See you two tonight?
(Eve leans her head on Y/N's shoulder.)
Eve: Yeah.
(Y/N): You bet.
Beckwell Community Center
(We see Eve walking into the kitchen area.)
Eve: Amber?
Amber: Hey! Eve! You made it.
(They hug each other.)
Amber: Come on, I'll show you around. Chicken. Mashed potatoes. Salad. Minestrone on the stove, but we'll need another pot soon. It's nothing fancy, but it's healthy.
Eve: Hey, my parents cook exclusively with a microwave. This looks like a dream. Mark here yet?
Amber: That boy's got about 15 minutes until his ass is on the curb, permanently. (Y/N) on his way?
Eve: He unfortunately won't be joining us. Something came up for him.
Amber: On his way to your shit list then?
Eve: [chuckles] No.
(She tosses Eve an apron.)
Amber: You look like you're good at chopping things.
Eve: How'd you know?
(Cut to Mark & Titan getting their asses kicked by the villains Machine Head hired.)
Machine Head: Wow! Ten out of ten! You guys, You guys are worth every cent--Wait. Wait, I'm getting something here. What?
(The Guardians of the Globe & Y/N burst through a wall.)
Black Samson: Cecil got an anonymous call. We'll take it from here.
Invincible: [moaning]
(Y/N charges straight for Battle Beast.)
Battle Beast: [roaring]
(Once Y/N is close enough, Battle Beast hits across the face with his hammer.)
Juggernaut: *touches his face*
(Y/N feels his face to find out that parts of his helmet have been cracked and pieces have been broken off, also blood comes down his nose & mouth.)
Juggernaut: Oh?
(He punches Battle Beast across the face.)
Battle Beast: [growls excitedly] You'll do.
Machine Head: Murder! These! Assholes!
(The Guardians disperse to take on the various villains leaving Y/N with Battle Beast.)
(Battle Beast hits Y/N with his hammer but Y/N is able to take each hit to an extent.)
(Y/N catches the base of the hammer with his hand.)
Battle Beast: Huh?
Juggernaut: [groans] My turn.
(Y/N headbutts Battle Beast which sends him back a bit & causing him to drop his hammer.)
Battle Beast: [winces]
(Y/N grabs a braid of Battle Beast's mane & pulls him back towards himself.)
(He punches Battle Beast square in the face. As the two separate, Battle Beast takes off his gloves & slashes Y/N across his chest.)
Juggernaut: Damn cat!
(He attempts a punch but Battle Beast dodges...)
(And bites Y/N's arm.)
Juggernaut: [yells]
(He starts punching Battle Beast repeatedly in the face but it doesn't cause him to let go. With each punch, Battle Beast's teeth sink deeper in Y/N's arm. Rex sees the predicament Y/N is in...)
(And throws some explosives into Battle Beast's face that cause him to let go of Y/N's arm.)
Battle Beast: Ahh!
Juggernaut: [winces]
(Y/N grabs his arm briefly before looking beside him to see Battle Beast's hammer & he picks it up with his good arm.)
Juggernaut: *squeezes the hammer's handle*
(He slowly walks towards Battle Beast while dragging the hammer behind him. Once he's close enough he lifts the hammer up...)
(He brings the hammer down on Battle Beast's foot.)
Battle Beast: [roars in pain]
(Y/N brings the hammer up & hits Battle Beast under the chin, dropping him. He is now standing over Battle Beast. He lifts the hammer up.)
Juggernaut: I'm going to bash your fucking head in—
(Before Y/N can do anything, the electricity villain shocks him.)
Juggernaut: [yells]
(He drops the hammer as he's shocked.)
(As he's being shocked, he walks through it...)
(To punch the electricity, sending him through a wall.)
Juggernaut: [groans]
(As he was doing with the electricity villain however, the villains incapacitated the Guardians and Battle Beast got up, knocked out Shrinking Rae, picked his hammer up, & is now running towards Y/N.)
(Battle Beast slashes across Y/N's back with his claws.)
Juggernaut: [yells]
(Battle Beast swings his back...)
(He hits Y/N on the side of his knee with his hammer, shattering his kneecap & leaving his leg in an L shape.)
Juggernaut: [screams]
(Battle Beast walks around & is now standing in front of Y/N.)
(He sinks his claws on his right hand deep into Y/N's gut & twists his hand.)
Juggernaut: [coughs blood]
(Battle Beast pulls hand out of Y/N.)
(He hits the ground.)
Juggernaut: [coughs blood] Ah, shit.
(Y/N covers his stomach wound with his good arm while Battle Beast licks the blood off his hand & puts his gloves back on. He puts his hammer over his shoulder & looks at Mark.)
Invincible: [gasps]
(He walks towards him.)
Battle Beast: I was promised this world offered worthy opponents! Out of all of you, there was only one.
Juggernaut: [winces] Where ya goin'?
(He attempts to get up but due to his injuries, he can't.)
Battle Beast: Wait your turn.
(Mark attempts to crawl away.)
Invincible: [gasping in fear]
(Battle Beast steps on Mark's foot, stopping him.)
Battle Beast: But, oh, how you disappoint.
(He lifts his hammer up & is about to bring it down on Mark.)
Battle Beast: Killing you is an act of mercy.
(Black Samson breaks free from the rubble & aims at Battle Beast.)
Black Samson: Hey, asshole!
(But his canon malfunctions.)
Black Samson: [groans]
(Resulting in...)
Battle Beast: [roars]
(Rex & Y/N watch it happen.)
Juggernaut: [quietly, muddled] Mark...
(Black Samson takes his suit off.)
Black Samson: [bellowing] Invincible!
Robot: Black Samson, retreat!
(He charges at Battle Beast.)
(Monster Girl takes a crack at Battle Beast...)
Robot: [screams] No!
(He fires a beam from his chest that gets Battle Beast off Monster Girl. Rex, Shrinking Rae, & Kate have recovered.)
Battle Beast: [chuckles smugly]
(The remaining Guardians look at Monster Girl, Mark, Y/N, & Black Samson who are all unconscious due to the beatings from Battle Beast.)
Rex Splode: You guys just messed up.
Robot: Indeed.
Shrinking Rae: Big time.
(The remaining Guardians rally to take out the villains leaving only Battle Beast.)
Battle Beast: Pathetic.
(He stands over Mark & Titans, holds up Monster Girl & Black Samson their throats, & stands on Y/N.)
Battle Beast: This battle is beneath me.
(He drops their bodies.)
Battle Beast: There is no honor in killing insects.
(He opens a portal behind him & walks through it. Robot holds Monster Girl, Rex knocks out Machine Head, & Titan leaves. Cecil & some GDA paramedics arrive to deal with the wounded.)
Beckwell Community Center
Eve: I gotta take this.
(She answers her phone.)
Eve: [gasps]
(She hangs up the phone.)
Eve: Amber, I'm sorry. I...I have to go.
Amber: What's wrong? Was that (Y/N)...or Mark?
Eve: I know it's hard to love someone when they don't seem to love you back, but Mark loves you. He'd be here if he could.
(She leaves.)
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