(We see Omni-Man about to speak at the Guardians of the Globe's funeral.)
Omni-Man: I've fought the unimaginable in defense of this world. I've battled alien tyrants, defeated nightmares from the deep. Gone toe to toe with ancient gods...but no matter what threat I faced, I knew I wasn't facing it alone. Darkwing. Aquarus. War Woman. Green Ghost. Red Rush. Martian Man. Immortal. The Guardians of the Globe. Today, we have lost titans, protectors, heroes, and we are left to wonder...who will save us now? I will, and so will others like me. New heroes answering the call. New champions ready to risk everything to keep this planet safe. All inspired by these great souls who came before us. You will have moments of doubt, of fear, of uncertainty, but in those moments, have faith...
(He hovers up in the air.)
Omni-Man: And look to the sky.
(Cut to the private funeral of the Guardians of the Globe.)
Mark: We seriously have to put everyone through this again?
Eve: The big one's for show, but the public can't know where the actual bodies are buried. Souvenir hunters.
Mark: Jesus.
(Y/N): Shameful, right?
Nolan: I was never a Guardian of the Globe, but it was the Guardians who welcomed me when I first arrived on this planet. They were my mentors. My comrades. My friends. They knew the reality of this life. Martian Man was exiled from his own people. War Woman was from a different age. Darkwing...[chuckles ruefully, clears throat] Well, Darkwing made his own kind of solitude. It was a rare, lucky few of us who found someone who understood our path, even rarer if they accepted it. I hope they will rest in peace, but at least they will rest together.
(Red Rush's wife, Olga, is having a tough time with her husband's death. Sometime later, the funeral ends with everyone leaving. Y/N happens to see Damian Darkblood & Omni-Man having a conversation.)
(Y/N): Hm.
Eve: (Y/N)!
(Y/N): What?
Eve: I asked you a question.
(Y/N): Got distracted. Ask me again.
Eve: Got any plans after this?
(Y/N): Nothing really. Unless the city needs saving. You?
Eve: Probably same. Maybe Rex and I will do something. Thanks for coming with me by the way.
(Y/N): No problem. I'm honestly surprised no one else showed up.
Eve: I don't blame them. No one wants to go to a funeral.
(The two walk together whilst sharing an umbrella together due to how big Y/N is, he needs a big umbrella. They stop walking when they see Damian Darkblood in front of them.)
Eve: Is there something we can do for you?
Darkblood: If it's not too much trouble, madame, but may I speak with (Y/N)?
Eve: [chuckles] I'm nowhere near as old to be called that. But, yeah, you can talk to him. I'll see you at the base?
(Y/N): Yup.
(She takes out her umbrella & steps out from under Y/N's. Leaving him with Damian Darkblood.)
(Y/N): What can I do for you, Darkblood?
Darkblood: I did my research on you, Agent of Cyttorak.
(Y/N): Did you now? Whatcha find out?
Darkblood: That your soul purpose is to cause chaos and destruction upon this world.
(Y/N): Hm, spot on. I was someone before the gem but you don't care.
Darkblood: I couldn't think of a better way to cause chaos than killing the Guardians of the Globe.
(Y/N is taken back at his accusation. He closes his umbrella.)
(Y/N): Got any evidence to back that up?
Darkblood: I'm sure I'll find some.
(Y/N): Smug answer from a demon. Since you're so sure that I killed the Guardians...
(He walks up to Damian Darkblood & is now standing right in front of him, Darkblood is looking up at Y/N.)
(Y/N): What makes you think I won't send you back to hell right now?
(The two stare at each other intensely. Eventually, Darkblood backs away from Y/N.)
Darkblood: I know you didn't kill the Guardians.
(Y/N): Word? How do you know? I could've killed them.
Darkblood: You have a solid alibi. You had class during their murder.
(Y/N): Ah, of course. Don't take this the wrong way, but, I only want to see you if I end know.
(Points down to the ground as he puts his umbrella back up & walks away.)
Team Teen Base
(Y/N just landed & he dusts himself off.)
(Y/N): Maybe Robot can install some stairs or an elevator. I feel like one day I'm going to go through the floor.
(He sees Eve above him.)
(Y/N): Hey, Eve.
(She flies out of the base.)
(Y/N): Bye, Eve...Was she crying?
(He overhears Rex yelling & moves closer to try to hear what exactly is going on.)
Rex: Hold on! This? This doesn't mean shit! They're not even the real Kate!
Kate: We're all the real Kate.
Rex: Okay, I...I didn't...That's technically not what I...But you know what I mean, right?
(Y/N): Well then...
United States Pentagon
(Y/N is among many superheroes attending the Guardians of the Globe tryouts.)
Robot: Thank you all for coming here today. The Guardians of the Globe were more than a group of heroes. They were icons. Those of you who pass our trials will be among the elite...The best of the best.
(Eve beats The Hunk.)
Robot: Needless to say, not all of you will be up to the challenge.
Invincible: Ouch. What's up with her?
Rex Splode: No idea.
Juggernaut: I have a guess.
Robot: Those of you who are up for the challenge will succeed not just by the uniqueness of your abilities, but by the uniqueness of your tactics...the agility of your minds.
(Shrinking Rae beats Man Kong.)
Shrinking Rae: Oh, yeah!
(Black Samson beats Thunderbolt.)
Robot: ...And perhaps most importantly, the strength of your character and spirit.
(He helps her up.)
Robot: That is what truly makes a hero.
(Y/N walks into the arena to see that he's going against Fight Force. Yes, the entire team. The best plan Fight Force can come up with to take down Y/N was to all charge at him at once.)
Juggernaut: [sighs] Typical Fight Force.
(He claps his hands together & the force of the wind from the clap sends Fight Force back into a wall, effectively knocking them out.)
Sometime Later
(Robot is addressing the superheroes on who will be a part of the new Guardians of the Globe.)
Robot: It is my pleasure to introduce the new Guardians of the Globe. Black Samson. Shrinking Rae. Dupli-Kate. Monster Girl.
Rex Splode: [laughing] Aw, look at her, she's adorable! But isn't there, like, an age requirement for this ride? Am I wrong? 'Cause this seems weird, right?
Robot: Rex...
Monster Girl: I dunno, you're here. Isn't there a dick size requirement?
Rex Splode: I'm sorry?
Monster Girl: For what, your tiny dick? I mean, the way you've been strutting around here, you must be compensating for something.
(The other superheroes laugh along with Y/N.)
Juggernaut: [laughs]
(Monster Girl & Rex proceed to fight in the arena.)
Robot: Please, stop, this is hardly constructive.
Invincible: this okay?
Atom Eve: He asked for it?
(Monster Girl begins pummeling Rex's face.)
Invincible: Are you gonna step in or should I?
Juggernaut: I've been wanting to do that to him for years so, please, be my guest.
(Invincible puts a stop to it & Robot goes back to announcing the new Guardians of the Globe.)
Robot: As I was saying, welcome to the Guardians of the Globe, Monster Girl...
Rex Splode: I'm gonna shit blood.
Robot: ...along with Rex Splode, once he's recovered...and our final members being Atom Eve and Juggernaut. Thank you all for coming today. We'll be making a public announcement shortly.
(The remaining superheroes leave.)
Eve: Robot.
Robot: No need to thank me. I obviously needed to remain impartial, but I'm still delighted so many members of the Teen Team made the cut. Also, I apologize for not giving you a tougher matchup, (Y/N). I really thought all of Fight Force would at least give you a challenge.
(Y/N): No biggie. It's what happens when you put too much faith into Fight Force.
Eve: I can't be on the same team as Rex and Kate.
(She storms off.)
Mark: What? Why? Hey, wait.
(Y/N): I'll talk to her.
(Cut to Eve flying while Y/N is jumping beside her.)
(Y/N): Could you...
(Y/N): Stop for a...
(Y/N): Second? I wanna...
(He's about to jump again but he sees that Eve is hovering in front of him.)
(Y/N): Oh, thanks. So, I wanna talk about what happened back there. I also saw you fly out of the base and you looked pretty upset. I overheard Rex and Kate, so I have an idea as to what happened between the three--five of you, but I want to hear what happened from you.
Eve: Rex cheated on me with Dupli-Kate, all three of her.
(Y/N): Wow. [clears throat]
Eve: I walked in on them. Rex told her me and Mark were a thing? Ugh.
(Y/N): You and Mark? Impossible.
Eve: He even told her that I've been seeing you on the side for months. *pinches the bridge of her nose*
(Y/N): [chuckles dryly] You and I? [gags] Yeah...You know that Rex and I have never really gotten along so you won't find this surprising but he's an asshole.
Eve: He wasn't always, but...yeah.
(Y/N): Well, that sucks. I'm sorry.
Eve: Thanks.
(Y/N): You can go back up in the air.
(She lands on the ground.)
Eve: I'd rather walk anyway.
Late At Night
Teen Team Base
(We see Y/N sleeping on a couch when he's woken up by...)
(Y/N): [yawns] Fireworks?
(After rubbing her eyes, he sees Eve taking down some pictures of her & Rex.)
(Y/N): She probably wants to be left alone right now...
(He attempts to get up from the couch, but as he does...)
(The couch creaks causing Eve to look in his direction.)
Eve: (Y/N)?
(Y/N): [quietly] Shit.
(He stands up from the couch.)
(Y/N): Hey, Eve.
(She flies down to him.)
Eve: What are you doing here?
(Y/N): I like to crash here sometimes. I wasn't eavesdropping on you or anything...I was in the middle of leaving--
Eve: No, no. It's fine. Really. I hope I didn't wake you up.
(Y/N): You didn't. It was the...
(Y/N): These fireworks that woke me up.
Eve: You thank Rex for that.
(Y/N): He's up there? He can make fireworks?
Eve: Yes. [sighs]
(Y/N): I think you should reconsider joining the new Guardians of the Globe.
Eve: Right out with it, huh?
(Y/N): I mean, I thought about leading up to it but I couldn't really think of anything to say before so...
Eve: Why didn't you tell me this earlier?
(Y/N): Honestly? I was enjoying our walk together. That's beside the point.
Eve: I'm not going to be on the same team as Rex and Kate. Never again.
(Y/N): I understand that, but I don't think you should throw away a great opportunity like this.
Eve: I'm sorry, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Ugh. Fine, then I'm not joining the new Guardians of the Globe either.
Eve: Excuse me?
(Y/N): You're my friend, Eve. I'm with you on this. Fuck Rex.
Eve: [chuckles] I appreciate you saying that, (Y/N). I really do. But you should really follow your own advice about not throwing away this opportunity. Especially for a girl. A girl who is clearly not that important.
(Y/N): You're that important to me, Eve.
Eve: You don't have to say that just to make me feel better.
(Y/N): What? I'm not just "saying" that. I wouldn't say that to just any girl.
(He thinks about taking her hands in his but doesn't.)
(Y/N): You may not realize this, but you're my girl, Eve.
Eve: (Y/N)...I...
Eve: I'll be right back.
(She flies up to the rooftop.)
(Y/N): I' here.
About 10 Minutes Later
(Y/N): [sighs, groans] She's not coming back.
(He begrudgingly lays back down on the couch & goes to sleep disappointed.)
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