[aere perrenius]
It had been the Fourth of July when Tessa Brennan first arrived at Camp Half-Blood. She remembered it like it was yesterday, even if it was four years ago. The memory was crystalline in her head, reminiscent of the fireworks exploding above the indigo sky, the sound of her own rapid footsteps as she sped through the camp, and the stares that ensued when a glowing trident appeared above her head when she finally reached the masses.
That day was the day that Tessa buried her old self and became anew, a phoenix from the ashes of a life she could no longer lead. She wasn't Tessa Brennan anymore, a young girl with a fiery attitude. She was now Tessa Brennan, the daughter of Poseidon, god of the sea. She possessed power beyond any mere demigod's capacity, and could control the darkest depths of the sea to the earth beneath her feet. She now had a reputation to uphold, and while at first it became a mask, Tessa eventually learned to embrace her power and lineage.
However, what Tessa remembered most vividly of her first day at Camp Half-Blood, was seeing her new home—Cabin Three—for the very first time. The stone cabin radiated a sense of home that Tessa thought she'd never feel again, and when she stepped foot within it, it had been both empty and yet full of an energy that Tessa learned to embody. Over time, she'd made the cabin her own, filling it with her clothes and belongings and trinkets.
But now, Tessa stood in her cabin as empty as it had been when she first arrived. The two bunk beds occupied by herself and her half-sister, Madi, were now made instead of rumpled. The dressers and desks were empty. There were no clothes strewn across the floor, or books and belongings hidden under their beds. Cabin Three was no longer their permanent home, and with a pang of her heart, Tessa smiled wistfully.
It might have felt bittersweet in the moment, but Tessa knew that the feeling would fade. She was going to college in New Rome—a feat that not every demigod lived to accomplish—alongside her closest friends. She'd be reunited with the love of her life, Kaden Gray, after three long months since their last reunion. She stood on the precipice of her future, and it was close enough to touch, to taste, without feeling overwhelmed by the mysteries it held.
"Tessa," Madi's voice ripped Tessa out of her reverie. "You ready to go?"
Tessa turned, glancing at the doorway of their cabin. Sure enough, Madi McKinley stood there waiting, a knowing look in her hazel eyes. Her brown hair was tied up in a lazy bun, and the second half-blood daughter of Poseidon seemed just about ready to go.
"Yeah," Tessa spoke at last, casting one final look around the empty cabin. She turned back to her sister, smiling as she gripped the backpack over her shoulders. "Let's go."
Madi pushed herself away from the doorframe, and together, she and Tessa emerged into the central green. As the daughters of Poseidon made their way through camp, Tessa found herself lost in thought as she watched the other incoming students leave their cabins behind. Where she saw the younger kids learn to hold a sword for the first time, she saw herself wielding Tempest in its sword form for the first time. Any pod of campers became herself, Dale, Mark, Reese, and Kaden, as they laughed and chatted their way to various events and activities. Any young girl became Tessa when she'd first arrived in the world of mythology, unaware of the potential she had yet to tap into.
Tessa chuckled under her breath, forcing herself out of her memories. The past was eternal, but the future had yet to be born.
The Big House stood like a crowning jewel at the top of Half-Blood Hill, catching rays of the September sunlight and refracting it back through the windows. A twinkling violet portal—sustained by Amelie Winters and the other children of Hecate—sat nearby, and campers filed through it to the other side, where New Rome University was waiting. Everywhere Tessa looked, she saw luggage, campers saying goodbye to their younger siblings and the friends who had decided to stay behind.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the Dynamic Duo of the Depths. Without you two to cause havoc here, I think we'll have some peace for once." A voice called, and Tessa whirled around to face it. Mark Akagi approached them, his arms folded across his camp shirt-clad chest. The son of Iris wore his signature impish smirk, like he was waiting for you to fall victim to a prank. However, his almond eyes radiated a softness that Tessa hadn't seen in a while.
Tessa laughed, glancing at her sister before returning her gaze to her best friend. "Like you don't cause any havoc," She retorted.
Mark pressed a hand to his chest in mock offense. "Me? Never!" His façade fell as he stepped forward, engulfing Tessa in a bear hug. "Have fun over there, kid."
Tessa hugged Mark tightly, savoring the moment. "Are you sure you don't want to come? Kaden and Kaya can pull some last-minute strings." She pulled away and searched the son of Iris' eyes.
Mark shook his head. "I'm sure," he confirmed. "I've missed enough of my home to step away from it so soon."
And Tessa understood. A year ago, Mark and Tessa had been a part of a quest to stop a rogue god. After they'd defeated Deimos, the group was separated from Mark, and for the following months, they believed him to be dead. However, he'd really been subject to becoming a proxy for a new enemy, Orion, and stood as the leader to an anti-Olympian group known as the Regiment. They'd defeated the Regiment last winter, but not without the casualties.
Tessa smiled at Mark, sadness laced in her lips. "Stay in touch, Rainbow Road."
"I will if you will, Aquaman," Mark winked, shoving his hands into his pockets. Tessa rolled her eyes at the name, socking him in the shoulder, but couldn't fight the twist in her heart.
"If you both are crying and exchanging sappy goodbyes, let me know so I can dive through the portal at the soonest possibility," A female voice chimed and Tessa didn't have to look to know it was the third to their trio, Dale Alcander, who had spoken. The Peruvian girl sauntered over to join them, her luggage trailing behind her in a cloud of nature magic. How Dale had learned to use her powers for that purpose was a mystery to Tessa.
Mark reached forward and tugged on the end of Dale's signature fishtail braid. "Oh, please, you were in tears the other day because of all this."
Dale slapped Mark's hand away, shooting a pointed look his way. "I did no such thing." She glanced at Tessa, and nodded towards the portal behind them. "We should get going, though. Time slot's running out."
A surge of energy rushed through Tessa's veins, a mix of anxiety and excitement. She and Dale embraced Mark one last time, before gripping the rest of their luggage and heading over to where the line was forming to step through the portal. Eli Allistairs, the son of Ahklys, had just stepped through when suddenly, it was Tessa's turn.
That summer, Tessa had had some...particular experiences with portals and time-travel. It wasn't exactly her favorite memory to reflect on, but ever since, she'd been extremely wary of portals and their purposes. However, as she gazed into the ellipse of magic and energy, she took a deep breath and left Camp Half-Blood behind in a flash of light.
Tessa's converse-clad feet met the familiar cobblestone paths of New Rome. The light that came with teleporting faded from around her, and as Tessa fought the daze, she took in her surroundings.
She stood in a park-like area, lined with cobblestone paths and trees whose foliage was just began to change. Surrounding the quad were large buildings that stood like monuments, architectural goliaths that Tessa knew Sophia Ransom, daughter of Athena, would have a field day studying while she pursued her own studies within them. The air held a light chill, but permeated a feeling of beginnings that Tessa hadn't felt in a long time.
"Welcome to New Rome University," Kaya Blackwood's voice chimed, and Tessa turned to see the daughter of Trivia standing nearby. She'd dressed down for the event of welcoming new students, save the billowing violet cloak that hung from her shoulders. She smiled at Tessa and offered a brief wave before escorting a group of new freshmen on a tour.
While Tessa had been in the valley of Camp Jupiter before, she couldn't fight the contagious feeling that came with this new chapter of her life. She'd defeated the odds against her and rose to the occasion, starting college in a prestigious school surrounded by those she loved.
Speaking of which...
As an air spirit whisked Tessa's luggage away to her designated residence hall and dorm, Tessa scanned the pavilion she stood within. She wove her way through incoming freshmen, councilors, and the endless stream of fliers and reminders, in search of the one person she was most eager to see. Her heart pounding in her chest with each step, Tessa stopped in her tracks as her turquoise eyes fell upon a figure in the near distance.
He was wearing jeans and a white-t-shirt beneath a flannel and a leather jacket, the fit perfect to his lean build. His chestnut hair was as perfectly windswept as always, and as he walked with his signature confidence, he raked a hand through it—a nervous habit that Tessa had come to adore. His emerald eyes scanned the sea of people around them, until they met Tessa's sea-green ones.
They broke into a run at the same time, barreling towards one another as fast as their feet could carry them. The distance became shorter and shorter and shorter, and Tessa's heart pulsed erratically in her chest until at last she was in Kaden Gray's arms for the first time in months. He picked her up and spun her around, and she laughed without a care in the world as he set her down and stared down at her.
"Tessa," Kaden exhaled, his eyes glittering with relief and happiness. He grazed a hand down her cheek, as if to confirm that she was really there after all this time, his fingers trembling.
Tessa smiled softly. "Kaden," She echoed.
Kaden grinned and leant down, pressing his lips to hers and instantly, Tessa was home. The universe fell into alignment as Tessa kissed back, her arms wrapping around his neck as his snaked around her waist, pulling her closer. They pulled apart after a moment, smiling at one another with all the love in their hearts.
"I missed you so much," Kaden whispered, running his hand gently through her hair.
Tessa leant into his touch, smiling up at him. "The feeling's mutual."
Kaden laughed, pecking her lips once more before taking her hand. "Come on, I want to show you around."
Tessa fell into step with her boyfriend as he escorted her down one of the cobblestone paths. She couldn't help but smile up at him, and when he met her gaze, they both grinned.
"So how's life as praetor been?" Tessa asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. The son of Venus had been praetor of the Twelfth Legion for seven months now, and if Tessa knew Kaden, he'd be having a blast.
Kaden dragged his free hand through his hair, taking a breath. "It's been great," He beamed. "The legion's prospering ever since this winter. We've gotten a lot of new recruits, and I'm trying to coerce Kaya into doing more things with Camp Half-Blood in the future."
Tessa raised her eyebrows. "Really?"
Kaden nodded, and Tessa could see the child-like excitement ignite his irises. "There's a lot of kids here that miss their families and friends, and are having some trouble adjusting to the world of mythology. I just want to do what I can to try and help, and I think that if we unite both camps then we can have some sort of program going to help orient demigods on both sides of the spectrum." He explained. "I want everyone in the valley to feel safe and happy here, and I won't rest until that's the case."
Tessa leant up on her tip-toes and kissed Kaden on the cheek. "This is why I love you," She smiled, a laugh laced in her voice.
Kaden stopped in his tracks, capturing Tessa's lips with his own. "I hope that's not the only reason why," He teased as he pulled away.
Tessa rolled her eyes sarcastically. "Yeah, no, that's it."
"Wonderful, thanks for letting me know."
The couple burst into laughter, continuing on their path of reunion. Their voices filled the air, telling one another what they'd missed in the time they'd been away. Tessa enlightened Kaden on the annual Capture the Flag game at Camp Half-Blood for the Fourth of July, which she and Sophia had led to victory. Kaden, on the other hand, explained how he, Mallory, and Jett had a run-in with Hannibal the war elephant before War Games. Before long, they reached a secluded part of the quad, dotted with flower gardens and small sitting areas.
Tessa eyed the various flowers which bloomed despite the trees throughout camp changing colors. "What is this place?"
Kaden smiled, leading her inside. "This is the Garden of Minerva. It's enchanted to bloom year-round, and there's a lot of space so students from the University come here a lot to study without getting overwhelmed." A revelation seemed to occur to him, and he lit up. "Come on, I want to show you something."
He led Tessa throughout the vast garden, past bushes and hedges of all kinds, until they stood before a fountain. It was fairly large, with one large basin at the bottom and two tiers in the center, lined with small Roman statues. Water bubbled from tier to tier, before dropping gracefully in the stone basin below. However, what drew Tessa's attention the most was the small trident atop the highest tier, embezzled with gems and Celestial bronze.
Tessa arched her eyebrows, turning back to Kaden. "I thought you Romans didn't exactly like Neptune."
Kaden smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "That's because it isn't for Neptune," He began, biting his lip.
Tessa eyed her boyfriend with suspicion, casting a glance back at the fountain before meeting Kaden's emerald eyes in realization. "It's for me?"
Kaden spread his hands innocently. "I couldn't help it!"
Tessa's eyes widened. "You bought me a fountain?"
"Not just me!" Kaden stammered. "The entire Senate thought that a tribute to one of the heroes of the two battles was necessary. You have one, I have one, and so do Reese, Alex, and Lucillia. Yours just happens to be a fountain that I had a lot of say in developing."
Tessa ran a hand over her face, as if to say what am I gonna do with this kid? But as she gazed at the fountain and the truth of its story resonated with her, she walked over to where Kaden stood, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Thank you," She laughed, pecking his lips.
Kaden exhaled in relief. "Thank the gods, I thought you'd hate it." He smirked. "You know, I actually came here a lot after it was installed. I felt like I was with you, even if we were 2000 miles apart. And now that you're here..."
Tessa smiled, gazing into Kaden's eyes. As he smiled down at her, she felt something click into place, like the stars in the sky all aligned and the gods above them were singing.
"We did it, Kade," She whispered. "We made it."
Kaden smiled, cupping her cheek delicately. "Do you remember last year on the quest, before we went to Alcatraz?"
"How we were about to kiss and then we were interrupted? Everyday."
"No, not that," Kaden chuckled under his breath, meeting her gaze again. "How I told you that I believed in us. We got through everything the Fates through at us, as long as we had each other and our friends. And even if we're in the clear for now, I'll still believe in us, but most of all, I'll always believe in you, Tessa."
Tessa felt her heart melt right then and there. She grabbed Kaden's collar and brought his face down to hers, kissing him passionately. She poured all of the longing and all of the desire that she'd felt in these past few months into the kiss, deepening it. Her hand slid from his collar towards his neck and into his hair, ruffling the chestnut mess.
Kaden's hands gripped her waist delicately, keeping her pressed up against him. He kissed her slowly yet forcefully, passionately yet as softly as if she'd shatter from the pressure. Tessa sighed in content, pulling away from the kiss and leaning her forehead against his.
"Whatever you do, DON'T INTERRUPT THEM." Reese's voice interjected.
Kaden pulled away from his and Tessa's embrace, shaking his head at his best friend. "Thanks for the warning, Hale," He rolled his eyes.
Reese grinned the sort of smile that only two partners in crime—like himself and Kaden—could understand. "Not a problem," He said as he met the son of Venus halfway, executing what Tessa and Dale liked to call a 'bro hug'—a sideways high-five, into a one-handed hug.
Imogen Cadwell emerged from around the way that Reese had come, rolling her eyes at the boys as she made her way towards Tessa. "I see our boyfriends have left us for each other," She teased. The daughter of Cupid, ever fashion forward, was donning a maroon skirt and a white sweater, her shoulder-length blonde hair billowing in the slight breeze.
Tessa laughed at that, hugging the centurion in greeting. "It's good to see you, Imogen."
"Likewise," The daughter of Cupid's green eyes glimmered as she flicked her gaze back to Reese and Kaden, who were deep in conversation. "Oy, Thing One and Thing Two! Hate to bring things up, but we've got plans."
Reese made a face at his girlfriend. "We do?"
"Yes," Imogen responded briskly. "I made reservations at one of New Rome's finest restaurants for us and our friends, so we should get going."
"Imogen, you really didn't have to do that," Kaden stared wide-eyed at the daughter of Cupid.
A ghost of a smirk laced over Imogen's lips. "What, did you have other plans? And don't say making out with Tessa, because you can do that afterwards." She winked, turning on her heel and marching off with Reese in her wake.
Tessa stifled her laughter, watching as Kaden's cool demeanor crumbled into a blushing, stumbling one. She laced her fingers with his, kissing him quickly to restore his focus. "Come on, Lover Boy, we've got stuff to do."
"You're telling me," Kaden huffed, but when Tessa met his gaze, he was grinning, and that was all she needed to see.
The rest of the day went by in a blur of laughter and camaraderie, and Tessa wouldn't have had it any other way. She was surrounded by her friends, without being armed or being led through battle, in just about the happiest day of her life.
Firstly, Imogen had escorted them to the restaurant she'd explained earlier, and waiting inside were Madi, Ben, Kaya, Jett, Eli, Sophia, Dale, and Charlie. They all had a great dinner, but not without the minor drama—Madi and Eli went against Ben and Sophia on what sorts of appetizers to order, and the waiter looked slightly terrified to be caught in the crossfire.
Afterwards, the group made their way through the city of New Rome, laughing and talking and catching up. The sky had darkened above them, but the streets were illuminated with the lights of the shops and cafes, as well as the enchanted lights lining the paths.
All in all, Tessa felt as if her future was just beginning, in the best way that it could. She'd been apprehensive about leaving her home of four years behind, but she had as good a premonition as any that New Rome would become her home just as quickly, with as large of a place in her heart as Camp Half-Blood.
At the end of the night, Kaya was the one to end it all. Given that classes started the next day, and it was nearly midnight, she led them back to the residence halls and the group was divided. Kaden insisted on walking Tessa to her dorm room, and while everyone called various suggestive implications after them, the two brushed it off.
Tessa had requested a single room rather than share a roommate—she'd had enough of that with Madi—and was relieved to see that the air spirits had unpacked for her. As soon as she swung open the door, she found her luggage unpacked and put away, her bed made with her own bedding, and her closet filled. Her desk in the corner was set up with her laptop and books, as well as a calendar and guidebook for Latin.
"Thank the gods," Tessa groaned, falling backwards onto her bed.
Kaden laughed, taking a seat beside her. "Come on, you've gotta get to bed."
Tessa gave her boyfriend a funny look. "Please, sleep is for the weak."
Kaden stared at Tessa pointedly. "Tessa. Sleep." Even with Tessa pouting, Kaden didn't give in.
Tessa narrowed her eyes at the son of Venus. "You suck sometimes," She said airily, standing from her bed and heading towards her bathroom to change after grabbing her pajamas from a drawer.
"I'm going into medicine, Tessa. If it's one thing you're gonna hear a lot of nowadays, it's my telling you what's healthy and what isn't." Kaden called, a laugh in his voice.
Tessa exchanged her outfit of the day for her pajamas, which consisted of an old t-shirt of Kaden's and pale pink silky shorts with cartoon sharks on them. She dragged a brush through her hair and wiped off her makeup, before emerging into her room.
Kaden frowned. "That's my shirt."
"Looks better on me than it did on you," Tessa retorted, laughing.
Kaden tossed his head back and laughed before pulling Tessa into his arms. "You're not wrong."
Tessa smiled, wrapping her arms around Kaden's neck and kissing him sweetly. She patted his chest, standing from his embrace. "Alright, come on, time to go, Gray."
"But I want to stay here with you," Kaden whined, his arms still around Tessa's center. He leant his head against her, hugging her tightly.
"You're gonna get in trouble," Tessa sang, running a hand soothingly through his hair.
Kaden hummed in response, looking up at her with a weak smile. "Well, when you play with my hair like that, it makes me never want to leave." He tried. "Besides, I'm praetor. I can't get in trouble."
Tessa rolled her eyes, laughing under her breath. She glanced at the clock on her bedside table, seeing the digits blink in the dim light of her room: 11:46.
"You can stay until midnight," Tessa decided at last with a sigh. "Deal?"
Kaden heaved a dramatic sigh. "Fine," He drawled, but didn't hesitate following Tessa under her covers.
Tessa rested her head atop Kaden's chest, his arms around her. She could hear his heartbeat slow down and speed up with each movement she made, and as Tessa exhaled in peace as she drifted off to sleep, she couldn't fight the feeling that after all she'd been through, after all she'd seen, everything would be okay.
Tessa's dreams were something else, however. She could no longer freefall into LalaLand at night, as she so desperately wished to do. Instead, her deepest fears and regrets haunted her like demons come from beyond the grave. Out of each thought, a new premonition bloomed, until Tessa was sure that was she was seeing was no longer just a dream.
Images raced past her until she found herself staring at Vinny's sapphire eyes, a portal's light beyond him as if he radiated an immortal aura. White buildings dotted the scenery, and Tessa wondered if the son of Victoria was trapped in ancient Greece, at the temple of Delphi where he had kidnapped Tessa to witness a prophecy.
The Oracle's words still haunted her as Tessa plunged into another vision, this time of her mother. Her childhood home had been restored to its full glory, despite the blizzard raging on outside. Christmas decorations lined the house, but inside, Sera Brennan stared sadly at a photograph of herself and Tessa. A thump echoed through the house, and the former Huntress set the photograph down and walked through the house.
Before Tessa could see what was happening, she was shown one last image, and this was possible the most unsettling. She saw a palace of obsidian and gold, with braziers filled with glittering Greek fire. A girl walked down the carpeted halls with the power of a queen, exemplified by the black jumpsuit and golden belt around her waist. Each time someone saw her coming, they froze in place and either nodded in respect or bowed deeply.
The girl's heeled footsteps echoed through the halls until she stopped before a large crystalline mirror, and it wasn't until the girl looked in the mirror that Tessa saw herself staring back at her, with a visage cut from stone and eyes filled with the force of storms that wrought shipwrecks and disaster.
The replicate of Tessa smiled in the mirror, meeting Tessa's gaze in her dream. "Accept thy darkness, accept thy name." The Oracle's voice radiated from her lips, and just like that, Tessa shot awake.
She caught her breath, glancing at her side to find that Kaden had indeed gone when she had told him too. The clock at her bedside table read 3:25 AM, about four more hours until her first class began.
Tessa kicked the blankets off of her, sweat coating her skin. She reclined back against her pillows, staring up at her ceiling. She closed her eyes, and with every ounce of power she had within her, she prayed to the gods above that what she had seen was only just a dream.
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