extended summary + disclaimer
in which sage clarke is the brightest young witch of their generation and remus lupin helps her to find her light again
If you were to inquire about the most notorious friendship in Hogwarts in the early 1970's, you'd get one of two answers. It was a debate taken very seriously by the students of that time, and both sides had commendable arguments.
The first group that was insisted upon – mostly by those clad in yellow or red – was, of course, the infamous marauders. Their reputation was trailed by mischief and fireworks, and if anyone didn't know their names they found a way to change that.
James Potter, with sparkling eyes hidden under thick-rimmed glasses and an ever-present cheeky grin, was a walking deception. Charmed by his boyish good looks and child-like disposition, you couldn't help but allow yourself to be lured into a false sense of security, only to be shocked into reality by a carefully placed dung bomb or exploding quill. Unless you were Lily Evans, of course, but that was a story for another day.
If James Potter was the personification of trickery, his counterpart, Sirius Black, was the siren's call that made you forget about your anger in the first place. A single glance at his leather jacket and enigmatic smirk were enough to warn you that getting entangled with the boy would lead to nothing but trouble, but his bright eyes and aristocratic structure were enough that it was difficult to care.
Peter Pettigrew, while a little shorter and a lot shyer, had his own charms. Attracted to the power the other boys radiated and eager to please, he would go along with anything they said. With his shy smiles and submissive nature, it was difficult for anyone to stay mad at him, professors and girls alike. This led to him often being a scapegoat for the others.
The anomaly of the group, really, was Remus Lupin. With his head perpetually stuck in a book and his hands constantly pulling at the sleeves of his over-sized jumpers, he got just as many admirers as the others in their little group, but you would never see him with anyone but the marauders. Though he was kind to everyone he met, and many were attracted to his sleepy eyes and mysterious scars, he held everyone else at arm's length. It was almost as though he feared letting people close, but his three friends were the exception.
The other friendship that was constantly bubbling over the lips of everyone at the school of witchcraft and wizardry was that of Sage Clarke and Samael Harris.
A friendship woven of a cloth of blue and green, they were an enigma in themselves. If the marauders demanded attention, the duo attracted it regardless of their desire (or lack thereof) for fame. The two were, for lack of a better word, geniuses like the halls of Hogwarts hadn't seen in decades, and were bound together in this right.
Sage, an eagle of blue and bronze and the first wizard of her bloodline, was a shining light to all those who gazed upon her. She was the top of her classes with ease, completing assignments and shooting above her peers effortlessly. Her love for magic knew no bounds, to her it was an art form. She wielded her wand like a paintbrush and created beautiful artworks in the form of spells and potions.
Samael was the dark side of their radiant moon, a serpent of both birthright and his own volition. He craved power, and soaked it up with ease. If Sage's creations were crafted with the intent of showcasing magic, his were made with the intent of increasing his capacity to preform, and they did so well.
It was no surprise the duo's fates became woven together, each drawn to the other's gifts like moths to a blinding flame. They were notorious, yes, but neither would have noticed, as they were trapped in their own little bubble.
It became a game to them, seeing who could outsmart the other or create the most interesting spell. Classrooms were their playing fields, and everyone else were nothing more than spectators in their battle of wits.
Of course, every bubble must pop, and theirs did in an explosion so fiery and incredible it was impossible to get away unscathed, and Sage Clarke crashed to the ground after floating for so long, the loser in their little games.
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disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of it's characters. If you've heard of it, it's probably not mine. If I did own Harry Potter - Sirius Black's death never would have happened JK Rowling you little mud wasp.
Also, despite having read the books since I was a wee child and fawning over Remus Lupin, Luna Lovegood, Cedric Diggory, and Oliver Wood since the beginning of time, I have never written a Harry Potter fic before. I only acted them out alone in my room when I was a kid with no friends. If I make any mistakes, please be kind.
that being said - hold onto your broomsticks kids, it's gonna be a wild ride.
love you to the (hopefully not full) moon and back and stay hydrated,
-belle xx
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