12 - interruptions
they woke up tangled together, their bodies joining and becoming one. dan had never felt so close to anyone in his entire life, neither physically nor emotionally.
he remembers every single detail of the night before, but he thinks it's too good to be true. they'd kissed and kissed all night taking in each other. phil's presence had become a drug to dan; he just couldn't get enough. they'd eventually moved from the couch where they were supposedly watching movies to phil's bedroom and fallen asleep in each other's arms.
dan woke up before phil, and lay admiring the beauty next to him. he'd never noticed how angelic phil's face was. of course he'd noiced that phil was overly good looking, but an angel? how was that fair for anyone else?
beauty was weird. it was what society depended on, what society treasured. and yet, his beauty hadn't protected phil when he was young and getting teased for being so smart.
it was a strange thought, considering dan had always been someone who tried to make himself seem smarter than he was. he didn't know why. perhaps he was subconsciously trying to make up for what he lacked in other departments.
and yet, here was phil, with beauty, insane intelligence and a fascinating personality. how could anyone possibly be so lucky?
"what are you staring at?" phil mumbled, eyes squeezing shut as he yawned.
"nothing. just thinking," dan answered.
phil's eyes suddenly widened and he sat up a bit. "about what?" he asked, almost worried.
"you." he pauses. "why do you look so scared?"
"i feel like it's too good to be true. you and me together. after i've been thinking about it for so long."
and of course, this is a fear that dan relates to more than anything else, so he pulls phil's body even closer to his, and quietly whispers, "i'm not going anywhere, and i'm not letting you go anywhere either."
phil laughs and nuzzles his face into dan's neck. "i'm fine with that."
"show me again!"
"phil," dan whines, dragging out his name in annoyance. "you've already seen it."
phil widens his eyes and raises his eyebrows slightly. "please."
"i'm tired and you know how hard it is for me to concentrate around you."
"please," phil repeats still pouting.
"phil, stop."
"dan, come on. telekinesis is a pretty cool little talent and you've kept it a secret all this time. now you can finally show it off."
"i don't want to."
"yes you do."
phil can tell dan is debating it and only needs a push to send him over the edge. "and i'll make pancakes tomorrow."
dan groans. "fine, i'm going to try something, but stay super quiet and really still."
phil claps his hands excitedly, before removing his arms from around dan and sitting back. he crosses his legs and waits for the magic to happen.
"stop looking so excited. it's putting me off," dan jokes but phil smiles even wider showing all of his pearly white teeth.
dan rolls his eyes before staring straight at phil's face. he's trying not to look directly at his eyes, but he can't help it. he holds eye contact as phil starts to rise, slowly but surely.
"what are you doing? i feel tingly."
"look down," dan mutters, trying to focus on not blinking, and trying to commit the vivid colours of phil's irises to memory. truly he is so nervous. he's never worried about using his telekinesis so much. an image of him accidentally hurting phil flashes in his mind, but he quickly blocks it out. everything will be fine.
phil complies, eyes flickering to the couch they're sitting on. "oh my fucking god. i'm flying?"
"look at me," dan says urgently. the panic rising up in him again.
"it feels like i'm sitting on a cloud." phil says, excited eyes meeting dan's again. a feeling of relief settles over dan. he can breathe again. clearly, phil is doing fine.
"ok, don't move. stay exactly like that," dan firmly instructs.
phil sends dan a reassuring smile and then, suddenly he starts to whiz around the room. phil's gleeful laugh of pure delight fills the room.
"do you understand how perfect this is?" phil yells as he starts another lap of the lounge. "i'm like the laziest perfect alive. i can just fly into the toilet now."
"well, i'd have to come in with you because i have to be watching the whole time. remember?"
"then i'd make sure to put on a good show," phil quickly answers, adding a wink for good measure.
"stop," dan says in a disgusted tone, but he doesn't fail to notice that he feels much less anxious now.
"i know you love it really." phil is now levitating over the coffee table and looks more than delighted with himself.
"debatable," dan mutters as her carefully takes phil around the room faster than before. he's doing it. he's actually doing it. it's so much harder than he thought it would be, but the smile on phil's makes it worth it. this level of mental concentration is so difficult and he has to work hard to block out any intruding thoughts that might distract him. "how does it feel? riding around like this?"
but phil only giggles like a five year old, making dan realise what he'd said.
"honestly, how old are you?"
phil is still giggling too hard to answer and it's the cutest thing dan has ever seen.
in that moment, too many things happen at once.
the doorbell rings, before the house door opens, grabbing phil's attention. before dan can shout a warning, phil's falling and dan has no idea how to stop it so he stands there frozen. he watches it almost in slow motion as phil's body falls out of the neat formation he was sitting in before.
someone walks into the room but dan is too focused on phil to either notice or care.
"phil, phil, i'm so sorry. are you okay? god, i knew i shouldn't have tried. i'm such an idiot. why did i? oh god, phil, please tell me your okay?" dan's words come out faster than he can process, but he doesn't even care.
a excruciating weight is lifted of his shoulders when phil laughs. "dan, chill, i'm completely fine. that didn't hurt one bit. i swear. isn't that so weird, though?"
"i fell from like all the way up there," phil points, "and my butt isn't even bruising. i felt like i landed on a cloud."
before they can both ponder this further, the person who entered finally speaks up.
"i hope i'm not interrupting anything."
"no, of course not, peej," phil answers, good mood clear in his tone, baffling dan to no end.
"phil, i came to tell you to get away from him. there's something he's not telling you. dan should i tell him or will you?"
**sorry for the wait. unedited because i need sleep. vote and comment for more.**
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