10 - puzzle
on phil's second day in hospital, dan only stayed for 20 minutes. on his third 15 minutes and on his fourth 10 minutes. however pj did show up on day four, which was a relief. he'd looked happy to see phil sitting up and talking and even happier when phil expressed his annoyance at dan.
to phil, it seemed like dan didn't really care anymore, considering how much the nurse said he'd cried when phil was out cold.
but phil tried to act nonchalant about whether dan showed up or not, which was so much harder than he'd expected because hospital life was so dreary and pj wasn't very entertaining, and whether phil liked it or not seeing dan was always the highlight of his day. phil couldn't talk himself out of his craving for dan's company.
and so phil was pleasantly surprised when dan showed up on the day of his release, claiming he'd called a cab so that they could go home together.
he signs the release papers and changes back into his normal clothes and finally, he was ready to go. after a couple words of warning from the nurse, phil finally steps out of the hospital. he hasn't breathed fresh air in a week, and so he takes a moment to revel in it. dan has to tap him on the shoulder to bring him back to reality.
"good afternoon," the driver greets opening the door for them. he quickly lets them both in.
when he's in the drivers seat, he immediately starts up the car and turns onto a main road. unfortunately, they are in london, and so the road is packed full of honking vehicles only moving a few inches at a time.
"how are you doing?" the driver asks and phil is glad he is breaking the silence.
"good, it's nice to finally be out of hospital."
the driver seems happy to have received a full answer and starts telling phil a story about his cousin. phil is glad to get his mind off things. there weren't a lot of people to talk to in the hospital. he missed the simplicity of holding a conversation with a complete stranger.
but before he knows it, they've come to a stop below their apartment building.
he sighs and starts climbing the stairs leaving dan to pay. he walks slowly, wanting dan to catch up to him.
when he reaches the second floor he stops and veers left instead of continuing up the stairs.
"phil, where are you going?" dan asks, before hurriedly following phil down the corridor.
phil stops in front of the smashed window. the whole window is gone, in the place of it, a large piece of wood.
he picks up the piece of wood and moves it out the way.
"phil, what are you doing? you're going to fall again," dan says clearly panicked and horrified.
he examines the window -which was now just a rectangular hole in the wall- for a bit, running his fingers along the sill, before turning to dan. he lowers his voice and his words come out in quick succession.
"judging by the fact that the window was double glazed with thick glass and that none of it remains, i must have hit the window with an exceeding amount of force. i had just tumbled down stairs, meaning my body was in a compact shape, meaning that the force of my fall would've been exerted over a small area making it even more deadly. not to mention the gravitational energy i had obtained from falling down the stairs at such a speed and the angle i hit the window at, making me fall to the ground even faster and most certainly die or at the very least, if i had managed to adjust my body before landing break a couple ribs and shatter some of the bones on my right side."
dan stares back quizzically.
"physics was always my favourite subject and my photographic memory comes in handy for more than just remembering shopping lists."
"i forget." dan laughs. "i forget that you're so smart."
"you're not the only special one. tell me how i survived."
"i have no idea, phil."
"stop playing with me!"
"i'm not, phil. i honestly have no idea," and phil doesn't know how dan can lie so well. he almost believes him for a second.
"i know you saved me."
"phil, can we not? or at least in our flat instead of in the middle of the hallway."
"admit you did it."
dan smirks, "admit that i saved you when you fell out a window? how on earth would i manage that? you honestly give me too much credit. i can't admit to something i do, so, let's just thank our lucky stars and go--"
"i can't take this. these constant lies. this new story every two minutes. if you don't come clean, i'll move out right now."
he smiles when he sees the uncertainty on dan's face, knowing he's won. after all, this was the reason dan had used to justify his actions last time.
"you wouldn't," dan answers, voice wavering and eyes squinting.
phil doesn't answer. he just whips around and calmly walks up two sets of stairs and into their apartment. he heads for his room and pulls out a bag, throwing random clothes in it. it doesn't take long for dan to burst into the room right after him, panting slightly and running his hand through his hair.
dan doesn't make any move to stop phil or get him to face him, only starting to speak quietly. "i didn't do it, i'm being serious."
phil sighs before throwing another shirt into his bag.
"yes, i am telekinetic. yes, i lied to you and tried to hide it. but i didn't stop you from falling. when i was trying to show you, with the pen, it wouldn't work. and the reason, it's so ridiculous." dan lets out a small scoff before continuing.
"when i'm near you or when you're on my mind, my telekinesis just doesn't work because you make my heart pound and my breathing uneven and i can't think about anything else when i'm around you. i can't focus, which is essential for moving anything. i can't stay calm. i can't stop thinking about you for two seconds to move a fucking pen. and that's why i was laughing, phil. i was laughing at how ridiculous i am for letting you affect me this much."
phil freezes and takes a deep breath. dan watches phil's shoulders love as he does so.
"i knew it wouldn't work, but i wanted to try so hard because you're the only one who's ever cared enough to find out. you're the only one who's ever promised to stick with me, no matter what my secret was. but you saw me laughing and you left. i tried to stop you but then you were falling and i was so scared, i couldn't even move. i stood so far away, that i couldn't even see you, but i heard the glass smash. that's how i know it wasn't me. i've always got to be watching the thing i'm controlling, unless it's an inanimate object."
the puzzle was forming before phil's eyes, slowly but surely.
"i called the ambulance and on the way there i just kept thinking the same thing. that even though you were the only friend i'd had in a long time, even though i trusted you so much, my secret had hurt you. and i felt so bad. when they told me how much blood you lost, i thought for sure you would die. i promised myself that i wouldn't let it hurt you again, so i tried to make you forget about it. but you're too smart for me phil. and i'm too selfish to let you slip away even though i know it'd be safer for you."
finally, the puzzle had formed, except for one middle piece. but phil could figure out the picture without it.
"i'm sorry, i know i'm a mess. i just wanted you to stay," dan was staring at the floor now, but phil didn't need to see his face to hear the sadness in his words.
phil finally turns around and they make eye contact. "i'm an asshole. you shouldn't have done this much for me."
"i wanted to," dan whispers because of their close proximity. the last time he was this close to phil, they'd been lying in bed and he was half asleep.
"you're an idiot," phil whispers back.
"maybe an asshole and an idiot would be good together."
and before dan can even realise what he just said, their lips are locked together. phil's smiling into the kiss as he lays his hand on dan's neck and runs his fingers through the ends of dan's hair, feeling nothing but complete bliss.
meanwhile, dan's the happiest he's ever been in his entire life.
**a/n two updates in one day?? i'm feeling generous ok. vote and comment if you appreciate my efforts :)
also i think this is almost over??**
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