Naomi's POV
I got out of the shower and dried off and as I dried off my hair I felt like I needed a change.
I had though about doing this for a long time and remembered from when I was little the curly hair used to have. I need to start over and start fresh and I grabbed the clippers from under the sink.
Austin's POV
I woke up and rolled over to no Naomi in sight.
"Naomi? Where are you?"
I got up and ran downstairs. Only to see that she wasn't here. I guess she had to leave....she is always so full of surprises. I didn't know what to do and I figured she might've needed space.
~~~~Next Day~~~~
There was no text from Naomi
No sign of Naomi
No Naomi...
I was getting worried as I pulled up to school and I was just gonna stick to myself because I was worried about so much and she somehow soothes it all.
I stepped up to the school to see her sisters and we started talking.
"Hey guys are y'all okay?"
They responded
"Yea but we just a little worried about Naomi, nobody has really seen her, we just hear her shuffling in her room and we asked if she was gonna come to school, she just said she would catch up."
"Wow, I really hope she comes to school today because I haven't heard from her to seen her in a while."
Naomi's POV
I stepped into the hallway.....headphones blasting not really giving a fuck about anything. As soon as I stepped in....people looked at me like I was dynamite that just exploded.
I walk around the corner and I see my sisters standing with Austin and his back is facing me.
Their mouths dropped and they motioned for Austin to turn around and look. He look and smiled but you can see the smug look on his face as he bit his lip. He loved it.
I walk up to them and they were all so enthusiastic about the change. Austin wanted to meet after school and I was pretty sure I knew what it was about.
The crazy thing is that in spite of what seemed to be bad it made me do good. The things that would typically make you wanna do bad just made me wanna change it around to do good.
"You're smart kid, and I promise we gonna get better"
I smiled big as I walked to first period
****Time Skip*****
As I stepped out of school, I felt instant relief on my skin. This power heightened my senses all over. I could feel people's emotions in the wind and I could hear voices of people that I didn't even know if they were dead or alive.
I instantly snapped out of my thoughts when Austin wrapped his arms around me.
"Hey are you okay?" He said softly
"Can you feel the concern in his voice Naomi?"
"You're is pretty intense." - I responded back in my head.
"Naomi?" He said
"Yeah I'm okay....sorry about the other day....I just wasn't you-"
"It's okay, no need to explain." he said softly
We went to the restaurant around the corner and then went to the park. It was getting dark and Austin had to get home to finish a book report so he drove me home and hugged me goodbye.
I stepped into the house I and the girls seemed to be sleeping so I just went upstairs and showered. After the shower the I laid on my bed for the longest and I just felt all this energy inside me. I just sat and thought for the longest time with no real concept of what I was thinking. Before I knew it time had passed and it was late.
"11:32 PM" The clock read.
"Fuck...I can't sleep" Thought as I got up and looked outside my window.
The snow fell perfectly onto the city and life was kind of still. People were at home comfortably in their beds. Peace...... that's what I wanted.
"Go out there kid" The voice said.
"Why? Its late and its freezing out there." I replied
"If you want peace, then go out there."
Quietly I grabbed my black low cut Vans with my black hoodie and opened the window. I lived on the second story but it was easy to get onto the roof. I stepped onto the window sill and breathed in the cold air. This felt absolutely exhilarating as I looked upon the city. Suddenly all the energy I felt was in motion. I felt my heartbeat as I once heard it echo in my head again.
I leaped up into the air and it felt like I was flying as I landed on a rooftop. Suddenly I was jumping from tree to house, house to tree. I heard my heart echo faster and my pulse in sync with it. I felt the cold wind blow onto my face as I ran and jumped everywhere. It felt like I was moving like lighting, zipping from place to place. I slowed down as I reached me and Austin's special place.
I landed and proceeded to leap off of a high tree to the ground next to the creek. When I landed I smashed into the pile of leaves around me, sending them flying everywhere. I walked over to the creek and looked in the water.
"You are pure at heart kid. That will make you one of the good ones." the voice said
I looked a the water and I couldn't see much because it was running.
"Make the water still." it said.
I didn't know what that meant but I tried to focus all of my energy on the water. Suddenly it stopped and I was looking Or at least I though it was me because it didn't look familiar.
I had a silver glowing ring around the edge of my cornea which made them shine. My eyes had the vertical slits like a cat again. My top and bottom canines grew a little I was shocked because this was way more of a transformation than last time.
"All this emotion you felt...let it out will feel way better this time." it said.
I obeyed and stood where I had landed and remembered all the pain and emotion I had. I felt it and I released it all at once. I closed my eyes and yelled so hard until my eyes shot open I noticed I was floating. I saw all of the leaves float around me and a dark purple and orange aura around me. It looked like fire all around me.
"This is only part of your power kid... you can do amazing things, you just have to let it happen. I will train you and build you to be great." it said
" you." I said softly.
****Few Days Later****
Naomi's POV
My late night travels had been increasing over the week and every time I was getting stronger. Tonight was different though.....I just wanted to go out and explore. I did the same thing as usual and I went to my usual spot. I was good at both running and climbing on all fours. That was something I learned throughout the week. The voice told me it helps equal out the energy in the body. I hated calling it "The voice" I wanted to get closer to understanding it. I thought to myself.
"Well you never asked me kid" the voice chuckled
"Well then um first off.....are you a boy or girl?"
"Well I am you so I guess that makes me a girl." She stated softly
"That's cool to know but how come you guess on it? Like why wouldn't you just know?" I asked
"Never really though about it I guess. I mean I am a manifestation of all that you feel designed to kill you or others, hence the term Demon." she said.
"Right-right.....yea okay I understand. But there's one more thing I want to know."
"I know that you are me but you are not me I guess I'm asking if you want a name different from mine?"
"Wow, um yeah sure." she said happily
"Luluvu or Lu for short, it means emotion in Fiji"
"Lu...I like that."
"Okay Lu we are a team." I said smiling.
I looked around me, snow falling and the creek rushing. There was something I missed....someone I missed.
"Fuck it." I said and started running up the tree all the way to the top.
I looked and my vision magnified and my heart started to pick up. I leaped and landed on a light post and jumped onto the roof. I ran and jumped all the way Austin's roof.
I crawled onto the outside wall of Austin's window and lifted it up with my feet while I hung onto the roof and slipped in.
I hear his soft breathing and slowly walk over to his bed.
He moves and wakes up slowly then he speaks.
"The fuck? Oh shit is that you Naomi?"
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