Naomi Pov
I woke up with a sharp pain on my neck but I noticed that I wasn't in my room. I was scared until I saw Austin on the side of me he looked pissed of but his expression softened when I fully opened my eyes.
"Hey." I said in a bit of pain.
"Hey" he said softly.
"Where am I?"
"My house." he said
I looked at my phone. Six messages 15 missed calls.
"Oh shit..." I said.
I quickly called Beonca.
"Yea I'm fine I'm sorry I didn't call I got into some trouble and I'm at a friend's house."
"Trouble? What trouble? Listen we are still at the party do we need to come get you?"
"No I'm fine but don't tell Auntie and I will tell you what happened later."
"Okay I'm fucking trusting you and Auntie is out on business for a few months I forgot to tell you."
"Okay I love you and tell Rocky I'm okay."
"Love you too please be careful and come back home tomorrow okay?"
"Yes mommy!" I said in a kid voice, "Bye!"
I ended the call and looked around the room and Austin wasn't there, but a door was left open so I got up and carefully peeked through to see stairs.
I walked down and I saw Austin in the looking out the window.
"Hey ummm, thank you." I said
"No problem are you okay?"
"Well, my neck hurts but I'm okay."
"That motherfucker isn't gonna hurt you again..... I took care of it."
I asked no questions and walked over to him and looked outside with him.
Austin's Pov
She walked over to me and looked out with me. Then it hit me.
"Hey follow me." I said
I walked to the set of stairs leading to the living room.
I went into the kitchen and turned in the light.
"Hey can you sit down for me?"
"Sure" she said as I pulled her a chair out.
I grabbed a first aid kit placed it on the table.
"Can I ?" I asked
She nodded and I carefully turned her head to the brusied cheek.
"How'd this happen?"
"Well, I was walking from class and this bitch was messing with my sister Rocky and things were said and done so I beat the shit of her."
"So, that explains your hands huh?"
"Yup it was worth it though."
"Oh really?" I said laughing
I gave her some medicine and wrapped up her neck and hands.
"There you go."
"Are you hungry?"
"Yea let's eat" she said smiling
*Time Skip*
Austin Pov
"You can sleep in the guest room if you like." I said
"Yea its cool"
"Good Night"
"Good Night" she said
"Oh shit umm Austin can I have a change of clothes?" She says a bit nervous
"Yea no problem" I said
I gave her a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt.
"Thanks,Good Night."
I watched her walk in her room and get in the bed. I'm not gonna lie she looked sexy in the shorts and shirt I gave her, I couldn't help but get turned on by it, but I was more worried about her than anything I didn't want her to get hurt I had this feeling that I had to keep her safe.....it felt like if she got hurt I could die.
I got in bed with the sound of her voice in my head like a sweet melody.
Naomi Pov
I was running away from Bret and the jocks were holding my sisters and I was running to my mom, but when I got there she was high on drugs.
"Who are you?"she said slurring
"Daughter what daughter I never had kids get away from me!"
I heard Bret getting closer.
She started shooting herself up and laughing manically. I started shaking her and yelling while Bret ran up to me
"MOM PLEASE HELP-" I was cut off by Bret dragging me.
"Hey baby let's have a good time." He says ripping off my shirt. I start trying to punch and kick, but he has me pinned again. I could hear my sisters screaming and fighting back but after a few seconds I only hear soft crying.
"STOP IT!" I yelled and I kept trying to break his hold.
"Keep yelling baby its turning me on." He snickered. He went for my pants and cut them off leaving me in my underwear and my bra.
He goes for my underwear and smiles.
"Nice." He says then he starts to thrust inside of me.
I can only cry and yell.
I wake up out of breath screaming and I look at the wall.
I quickly jump out of bed and head up the stairs to Austin's room. I hear his soft breathing and I see him sleeping soundly. The door creaked and I guess it woke him up.
"Naomi?" He says
"Austin." I say with tears running down my face.
He walks towards me and wipes my tears off my face.
"Its okay" he says.
He takes my hand and puts me in bed. He crawls in next to me and pulls up the covers.
I suddenly feel an arm wrap around me while another rubs my head.
"Nobody will ever hurt you again." He whispers.
Austin's Pov
I continue to rub her head until I hear her soft breathing. I never left her side.
"You need to tell her" my mind was thinking.
"I can't tell her I'm a Vampire yet." I thought.
"Why not?"
" I just can't." I screamed back in my head.
Yea, I'm a Vampire but I'm not royalty or anything special, see my mother was supposed to be queen but gave up her position to marry my father. She had to go underground after a while to avoid war. My dad was a leader of a bike club and was the baddest vampire in the group.
So now a days they just travel on their bikes and go places leaving me to take care of myself.
I'll tell her one day but not now.... not while she's hurting.
Hey guys what do you think? Sorry to just spring on the fact that he's a Vampire like that but I had to make up for that fact I did not put that in one of my last chapters it was supposed to go in. I did the best I could to put it on here.
I hope you enjoyed it, I was squealing while writing. No lie
Love you guys!
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