Call for Me
Naomi's POV
"Hello?" I walk through the cold and silent mansion filled with old French paintings and red and gold rugs. There was a mad storm going on outside and the constant lighting lit up the house.
I keep walking look up at the paintings and I notice something creepy.
"Why does this look like my family?" I mumble to myself. Suddenly I hear a door creak and glass hit the ground. My senses flare up and become hesitant.
It sounded like it came from my right. I carefully walk down the hall to see a door cracked open.
A draft hits me and something gets on my face. "The fuck?" I say startled and I started to observe the room. I felt a breeze and rain hit my skin and noticed the broken glass on the floor leading to the broken window.
Suddenly, the lighting flashed and blinded me. I felt the wind pick up and a something called me to it.
"Naomi you are running out of time....." A strange voice said.
"Who are you?"
"Come...." The voice said softly.
I slowly walked toward the window and stepped on the frame, I looked down at the concrete below me and looked back at the lighting.
"Walk forward." The voice said
I took a deep breath in and stepped forward.
(???'s) Pov
"I have been awaiting for you."
"What is this place? Why do all these picture films look like my memories?"
"You are running out of time Naomi Smith."
What do you mean I'm running out of time?"
"Your heart is pure but your mind is clouded, this curse will not stop til it gets what is wants."
"Soon everything and everyone you know and love you will forget about them, this curse will take over."
"But I can't......I don't want.....that to happen."
"What the priest told you was a will be consumed by this, but you have a choice."
*Silently sobbing*
"You can let it kill your personality and consume your soul......or you can turn it into your power."
"Your choice for I cannot guide you I can only watch.....use it Naomi."
"Use what? How do I get sane again?"
"The curse has all the answers for I do not......"
"Don't always rely on your the curse."
Naomi's POV
"Don't always rely on your the curse." The voice said and I suddenly started falling
"WAIT! NO!" I screamed as I fell
I hit the ground and all my breath is withdrawn from my body. I feel the red and gold carpet along with glass on my back, laying in front of the broken window from before.
"I will have your soul Naomi and there is nothing you can do about it." I heard a different yet frightening voice this time.
The room started to spin and I tried to move but I couldn't. The other windows started to break while the lightning flashed furiously.
"It shall be and will always be....MINE!"
My body lifted in the air and a dark hand reached out and grabbed me. I saw a glass piece in its other hand and started to panic.
The glass hurdled towards my heart and......
I woke up in my bed covered in sweat gasping for air.
I look at the frosted window and try to steady my breaths. I grab my phone and go to Austin's name. "
Austin's POV
I was in the middle of my thoughts when my phone beeped, it had been an hour or so since I had left Naomi's so I was surprised to see it was her.
N: Hey are you up? :'(
A: Yea, what's wrong?
N: I know it's late but can I come stay with you tonight?
A: Sure I'll be there in five
N: Okay
I grab my keys and go out to my car.
Naomi's POV
I get up and grab my bag I put some clothes and my drawing book, it was still snowing so I decided to grab my hoodie and head for the door. I walk past both of my sisters room's and left a note on Rocky's door.
I grab my keys and carefully open the front door.
Austin's POV
I pull up in front of Naomi's house and see her outside. I get out the car and run up to her and grab her bag.
"Hey I got you" I said as she looks up.
We walk to the car as I open the door for and she slips in. I place the bag in the backseat and I get in and we pull off.
*Time Skip*
She was silent the whole ride but I figure she was tired since it was so late at night. I open the front door and let her walk in first. I lock the door behind us and grab her bag off the floor and her hand to guide her through the dark house up the stairs.
We make it to my room and I place her bag on the floor. She walks over to the bed and sits on the edge. I climb in bed and I grab her arm gently and motion her to come up with me. Her head leans in on my chest and she breathes out a big sigh.
"Yes?" I say
"If I become a monster will you still be here?"
"Why do you think that you will become a monster?"
"I don't know it's like when the demons take over I become less of a person....less of me." She said as her voice broke I could tell she was crying a bit.
I lifted her head up and her eyes locked with mine.
"Lightness always defeats darkness, and as long as you remember who you are......" I paused "No thing or no body can change you."
I wiped the tears from her eyes and she put her hands on my face.
"I don't care what kind of monster you say you are......." she said softly.
We locked eyes again and she moved closer to my face.
Hey guys so I've been gone......and a lot has happened I am sorry for the delay in stories......~Skittle_Queen_Dreams
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