Chapter Sixteen
In the five minutes that I spent waiting to be picked up by David, I was able to apply my makeup and make sure I looked decent enough to meet David's other roommate. I took my hair out of it's braid, happy to see that it was wavy, adding volume. I straightened my outfit, which consisted of a navy blue lace romper and beige lace up heels. Surprisingly, I was able to finish just after David arrived in his Tesla.
"Bye Scott!" I yell while grabbing my purse and getting ready to go out the door.
"See you later, Khe! Make sure you behave!" Scott hollers back from his bedroom.
I walk out to David's beautiful car and greet him while a smile.
"Hey," he says, smiling back and motioning to get into the car. I see someone, whom I assume is his roommate, Dom, in the passenger seat. I climb into the back seat next to Alex who I met at breakfast a day or two ago.
"Hi, Alex," I smile and buckle up.
He smiles back at me, eyes shining bright behind his glasses and saying hello.
"Dom, right?" I ask the guy in the seat in front of me.
He turns around and looks me up and down before nodding. "You're Kheagan, right?"
I nod my head. "It's nice to finally meet you," I chirp. I was actually in a fairly good mood today; I think it's because of the hike we took this morning. Hikes really make me feel refreshed. I decided to make a point to go on at least once a week now.
"Yeah, nice to meet you," Dom agrees, lips twitching into a half-smile.
"Don't mind the dirty comments that he'll definitely make tonight," David says. "He's like the definition of a fuckboy."
Dom shoots him a dirty look and I laugh, finding it amusing.
"I'm not actually a fuckboy," he laughs awkwardly, running his hands through his hair. "I just really like women."
David and I laugh at him, and I notice that David has been vlogging this entire time. I'm not surprised, though, David seems to vlog the most out of all the guys.
We end up at some restaurant that I've never heard of but the guys say it's really good. Dom, Alex and I are let off by David while he goes to park his car. I put my name in since there's a little bit of a wait and we wait outside for David to come back. He very well could have used the valet parking that was offered, but he refused to leave his baby in the hands of a stranger.
The wait for David was a little bit awkward to say the least. I asked Alex how his day was, to which he replied was a simple, "good," and a polite smile. He seemed really quite, as he was the day we met, but I took it as shyness and didn't let it bother me. I used to be shy, too, but since the move I could feel myself slowly coming out of my shell.
"Damn, you look hot in that thing," Dom says, motioning to my romper and giving me a cocky grin. I wasn't sure whether to laugh because he doesn't know what a romper is or to be flattered.
"That's one of the things that David said to ignore," Alex laughs.
"So are you a YouTuber, too?" I ask, turning to Dom and ignoring the comments.
He smiles widely and says yes, then asks me what I do.
"Well I moved out here recently, as you probably know, and I really want to get into film writing and that sort of thing." He nods his head before we both pull out our phones and scroll through social media, not knowing what else to converse about. The rest of the time we spent waiting for David, which seemed like fifteen minutes, but in reality was just an excruciating three minutes, we just scrolled through Instagram and sent Snaps.
A minute or so after David came back, my name was called and we were seated near the bar. I was in the mood to drink tonight, but obviously I couldn't because of my age. I ordered a caesar salad with chicken, Alex got a sandwich, and David and Dom got burgers. Dom got an ale, being 21, and the other guys and I just got waters or soda. Our meal was spent talking about meaningless topics, but this time it was a lot less awkward with David there. Alex talked a little bit, but still not as much as the rest of us, who were laughing and having a good time.
When we finished, I reached for the check, pulling out my wallet. David got the check before me, swatting my hand away.
"What kind of gentlemen would we be, letting you pay?" He jokes, putting his credit card in the slot.
I give him a look as if to question his sanity. "David, I can't let you pay for all of it!"
"Really, it's no problem," he says, smiling and handing the check to the waiter before I can protest again.
"Well, I owe you," I sigh, letting him have his way. I truly felt bad, though. Everyone has been paying for my stuff recently, and even though I'm not rich, I still have money.
When we get outside and wait for David to go get his Tesla, I ran into someone I didn't expect to see here.
"Monica!" I hug my friend, surprised to see her. "How are you?"
She hugs me back, smiling. "I'm good, you?" Her phone buzzes in her hand, receiving a text. Curious, I ask her about it.
"Oh, it's that Heath guy you were hanging out with the other day! We've been texting a lot since I gave him my number the other day at that restaurant," she beams. A feeling that I haven't felt in a while bubbles in my chest, but I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was, specifically.
"That's cool!" I fake smile before dismissing myself. "I have to go now, but we should hang out sometime."
"Definitely!" She hugs me one more time before going into the restaurant. "See you!"
"Well that was fucking awkward," Dom mutters, obviously able to feel the tension that was present a moment or two ago.
"Yeah..." I trail off, mentally praying that David would hurry up so we can get out of here sooner. As if my prayer was answer by God himself, David pulls up in his car. We all pile in, ready to leave.
David suggests that we go back to his apartment so that I can meet his friends, Jason Nash and Josh Peck. He also said that he would invite over Gabbie and Liza so I wouldn't feel so uncomfortable being the only girl there. I agree without a moments hesitation, more than happy to meet some more new people and shoot a quick text to Scotty, telling him where I'll be so he doesn't flip shit on me for not being home.
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