Chapter 50: Love is free
♪♫♪♫ Let's turn forever, you and me ♫♪♫♪
"Hah... hah..." Kel's raspy breath quickens as he falls to his knees.
"KEL!" Hero dashed up to him, but Kel decks him across the face with his fist.
"Hero!!" Basil holds his knife steadily, cutting through the sister's tentacles with Aubrey.
"Aghhh..." Hero holds his broken nose, a crimson tidal wave flowing down his chin.
"KEL!! SNAP OUT OF IT!!!" Aubrey begs, but Kel stomps on Hero's back, a loud cracking sound and his cry echoing throughout the whale.
"Gah..." Hero coughs up fresh blood, and Kel bashes the ball against his head even more.
"He's not gonna listen!! Whatever they put in his body is stuck in there!!!" Basil trembled, fear rising in his chest.
"THEN WHAT DO WE DO?!?" Aubrey, terrified, looks at the bruised up Hero and Kel, who still has his foot on his probably broken back.
The sisters giggled, watching this all unfold, only jumping in and attacking when someone would get close.
"Fuck!" Basil looks at the knife, seeing his reflection in it.
" I took this from you cause you couldn't handle it. But, it can be channeled, into something... more useful."
... It's just like Stranger said.
I couldn't handle it... so i channeled it into something more useful...
That's it.
"KEL!! COME AT ME!!" Basil calls out, nagging him slightly.
Kel doesn't move forward, "Why would I ever listen to a murderer like you?"
"..." Basil takes a deep breath, trying not to get too aggravated, "I'm sorry, Kel."
Basil holds his knife above his head, and with all his force that his weak body could give him,
he chucks the knife at Kel.
Kel gasps, looking down slowly.
The blade of the knife was now nestled into his chest, right where his heart was.
He falls to the floor with a loud thud.
The sisters lean back in horror, while Aubrey and Hero shout, "KEL!!!!!"
Aubrey pulls Hero up, staring at Kel's half unconscious body.
"KEL...!!" Hero let's out a devastating wail, holding his head.
Basil, who was unfazed, takes small steps until he is right over him.
He then yanks the blade covered in black substance out without a second thought, Kel choking on his own blood.
Kel's voice trembles, "I... B.. B-Basil...?" His eyes slowly turn back to the dark brown that they are.
"I love you, Kel." Basil stares at the sisters, seemingly not bothered by Kel's condition.
He takes one more breath... and...
"NO!!!" Aubrey drags Hero to Kel, who isn't breathing, nor pulsating.
Hero frantically tries to heal him, a desperate attempt to try and save him.
Basil just stares at the sisters.
"Wow... you literally killed one of your own.." Marina's shocked and smug look makes Basil ENRAGED.
"𝐃𝐈𝐄!!!" Basil grips the knife, the midnight goo slowly melting into his own skin.
He sprints towards them, and with one slash, powered by a mixture or rage, and insanity-
10000000 DAMAGE TAKEN!!
The sisters hold the cuts, screaming in pain.
Basil slowly gets up, brushing off his pants covered with guts.
He flips his hair back, and to everyone's terror,
His eyes are solid scarlet.
"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!??!?" Hero grabbed Kel, holding his corpse close.
"I did what I had to." Basil puts simply, still unbothered.
"Yoo-hoo? Is this a bad time??" Humphrey pops out of the ground, "I am getting hungry..."
"Suck on my 𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐤." Basil holds his hand out, somethings flying out of his palms, making the Humphrey disappear.
"Basil?? What's wrong with you?!?!" Aubrey's yell doesn't do much, especially now that Kel is dead.
"I had to do it, for his sake." Basil has on a straight face.
The sisters, Aubrey, and Hero watch with horror as that expression slowly crumbles.
"h e h... HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Basil holds his head, playing with the bloody knife in his hands.
Everyone flinches at the unsettling laugh.
"E L L I E... this... is what you wanted all along... i was destined for murder ... wreaking havoc to everything i touch... you were the only person in my life who truly cared.. hehe..." He spoke between uncontrollable laughter.
His red eyes widened.
"i m n o t d o n e y e t. . ."
He wobbles up to the sisters, and the next thing that happens can only be described as horrific to the eyes.
He rips the head off of Marina with the blade.
He tears apart Molly's limbs, throwing them into the abyss below.
He shreds the torso of Medusa, yanking off pieces of skin and tearing them from her body.
And they were still alive, pleading in agonizing pain for him to stop.
But he didn't stop until they all took a final breath.
"Woah." Humphrey pops out of the ground again, "That was a little much." Everyone glares at Basil and the disheveled bodies under him in disbelief and utter shock.
"What... WHY BASIL?!?!" Aubrey stood up, legs quaking.
"Hehehe... y o u a l l w i l l d i e n e x t."
A/n: this chapter went off the rails *cries*
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