Axe Gleam
(CW: Someone suggests mutilation.)
I once discovered a prompt that said 'The Scarecrow and Tin Man realize that Dorothy has a brain and a heart. They just need to take them.' Sure, perfect horror story set up. But what if it goes differently?
Dorothy is the one to realize that she has the parts her companions need.
She is a lonely girl in a frightening new world. A witch is hunting her for the silver slippers she earned from an accident. Glinda is no help, just telling her to follow her the yellow brick road. Joy fills her with each new companion. (She doesn't tell her new friends about the witch.)
The Scarecrow is loyal and so, so smart- imagine what he would do with an actual brain? The Tin Man is kind and for something that claims to be heartless, an actual heart would have to be bigger than normal for him. The Lion is passionate and brave when it matters, now he needs actual courage to back it up.
When they take the break for the night before reaching Emerald City, the Tin Man builds a fire. Dorothy sits in the Scarecrow's lap, serving as a shield from the deadly flames. The firelight catches the ax, making it gleam. Dorothy stares at it. (She's not sure why.)
It's when her lie is revealed and the task is set, when Scarecrow kneels in front of her and promises he's with her no matter what, Dorothy remembers the ax. (And how sharp it was.)
She waits until they stop for the night. Lion has taken Toto with him while he hunts for himself. The Scarecrow went with them to find some more firewood. The Tin Man notices her stare. "Is everything alright Dorothy?"
" Tin Man? I was just thinking...what if we didn't have to kill the Wicked Witch of the West?"
If he still could, he would clearly raise a brow. "What do you mean?" Dorothy, staring at the ax, reaches up. She traces her brow, on the skin stretched over her brain, before moving to her chest, feeling her heartbeat. The Tin Man stares at her before her silent message sinks in. "Wha- no. Absolutely not."
"It'll be easier."
"Dorothy Gale, you are fourteen years old. You have an entire life- you need to go home."
"This is a death mission." She snaps, lifting up a silver slipper covered foot as proof. "The Witch is going to keep trying to hurt you guys-"
"-until I'm dead. And I'm not even sure-"
"She'll even stop at that-"
Dorothy's teeth audibly click when she shuts her mouth. The Tin Man stares her down, eyes so, so sad. (That's she's gotten to this point.) "We are going to figure it out." he says. "We always do. We always find a way. We've done it before." She can't even protest at that.
Because they have.
Silently, she nods.
Satisfied, the Tin Man sits down.
"...don't tell 'Crow?"
He stares at her. "Alright."
The trio returns soon after that. Lion boasts about how he fought off a huge vulture, Tin Man argues that claim and Scarecrow is rolling his eyes as he and Dorothy arrange themselves. "It was a butterfly and he hid behind me." he whispers in her ear. She giggles.
She ignores the gleam of the ax.
(My Tumblr is starrosecolors. Come visit!)
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