The days of Ultron have been officially dead for a few months now. Autumn has returned, slowly turning into winter with a few flurries falling from the sky. But since construction of the new Avengers Facility in upstate New York was completed a while back, everyone's lives have pretty much gone back to normal. And by everyone, I mean Steve and me. Bruce is still gone, possibly in Fiji, and that has definitely left Natasha and Tony a bit ruptured. Tony lost his science bro, and Natasha, that's a different story.
I've heard a few rumors that have been floating around. Ahem, Steve. But it makes me kind of happy. The two are broken, as all of us are. I agree with Steve, Natasha is a flirt; however, she can be sweet. I truly despise her sometimes, for she has that particular personality.
When Tony first met her, he would tell me her pick up lines. It's sad because he has actually used them on Pepper, reason why I feel sorry for Miss Potts. Not only Tony, but Steve told me all about those flirts when I returned from Asgard. What really makes my blood boil is that she knew he was still mine, as clingy as that sounds.
So, I can either be smiling at Romanoff or giving her an intense glare. But it's sometimes different. Like right now.
Steve is finishing up last minute things with the New Avengers, leaving me alone with Natasha. She looks out the window of a large empty room, sulking. She has a phone in her hand, sometimes looking down at it. I quietly creep up the stairs, not wanting to disturb her. But she isn't one to be quiet.
"I didn't think that the glass had that many smudges on it," I state, trying to gain her attention. "How many have you counted so far?"
Natasha turns around, smiling at me. "Hey, Stark."
I smirk. "Wait, I thought Tony was the one called Stark, Romanoff."
"Now you're confusing me," she giggles. "Come here."
I obediently walk over to her side, my steps echoing throughout the room.
"Remember Barton's kids?" Natasha asks, turning on her phone.
"Yeah," I say.
"Well, there's a new one in the bunch. He's already almost five months old."
She pulls up a photo on her phone. It's of a baby. The blue onesie he wears has his name printed across it—Nathaniel Pietro Barton.
"I'll go cry in the corner now," I mumble, staring at the baby's middle name.
"Yeah, he's cute right?" Natasha chimes. "Even though this is from when the construction of this place was over months ago."
"Yes, but that's not the reason I want to sob."
"His middle name's Pietro, I know. Clint cared about the kid. So, in memory of him, he named Nathaniel after me and him."
"Well, anyway, isn't he fat?"
"Yeah," I laugh. "He'll lose it when he's older though."
"He better," Natasha chuckles. "I'm proud of Clint though. I just hope that you and Steve get to live that life eventually."
"Tony said the same thing before he left for a little while," I mumble. "He also said that he might build Pepper a farm and hope nobody blows it up."
Natasha snorts. "Of course he did. But he probably said much more."
"Yes, yes he did."
"Steve might do that for you. Who knows?"
"I doubt it. I'm even busier than him."
"I might do what?" a voice booms from the stairs.
Steve stands on the top step, staring at us. He has his hands tucked into his jean pockets.
"Nothing, Steve," I say loudly. "You done with everything?"
"Yeah," he sighs. "Ready to go home?"
"Yes," I smile. "See you later, Nat."
"Don't have too much fun, you guys," she smirks.
I gag, heading down the stairs with Steve.
"Home!" I exclaim, leaping onto the white sofa in the living room.
I hear Steve's low laugh and the door closing. I watch him set the car keys on the small table in the hallway, walking towards me. I take one of the light blue pillows, holding it in my arms. Steve takes a seat next to me, and pulls me into his lap.
"I'm surprised there isn't dust on that thing," he says, referring to the pillow. "No one's been in this place in a month, and that was ages ago."
"It sure feels like it," I mutter, looking up at him.
His bright blue eyes glint in the moonlight. The curtains haven't been closed in months, so the outdoor light pours inside. It really makes the apartment seem magical. Steve yawns, running his fingers through his hair.
"Tired already?" I giggle.
"Well, yeah, it's after midnight," he replies.
"But I'm wide awake," I whine.
"But I'm exhausted."
"Then get your star spangled butt to bed."
"Get my what?"
"Just kidding."
Steve intensely stares at me, our noses only inches away from each other. He grins, not saying anything for a mere minute.
The word doesn't even have to be in the air for a millisecond, and I'm already booking it to the bedroom.
"Yes, sir," I shout, giving Steve a quick salute.
By the time I'm one foot into the room, a pair of arms wrap around me from behind. I squeal, feeling my feet lift off the ground. Steve carries me bridal style to the bed, gently setting me on the neat sheets. He lunges at me, pinning me to the bed. His hands move to my sides, attacking me with tickles. Tears prick the corner of my eyes from the hysterical laughter.
"Okay, okay, I-I'm sorry," I giggle. "Please, S-S-Steve. I-I apologize."
"Good," he sneers.
Steve's hands pull me up, making us face to face. He swiftly boops my nose and kisses my forehead. "Love you."
"I love you too, you clever little monster," I say.
He snorts, laying down on the mattress. I look down at him, shaking my head. I kiss his cheek and get out of bed. I skip to the other side of the room, into the closet. I snatch one of Steve's blue t-shirts along with a pair of my soft white shorts. After peeling off my current outfit, I throw on the shirt and shorts. His shirt goes nearly past my knees, hiding the shorts. I quickly toss my jeans and sweater into the hamper. I step out of the closet, heading to the bathroom.
"What do you wanna do tomorrow?" Steve asks from the bedroom.
"No idea," I say, carefully taking out the brown hair tie that held my clean ponytail. "You got any ideas?"
"Nope," he replies, his voice muffled.
I ruffle my hair, the individual strands parting themselves. I glance into the bedroom. Steve stands in the center, his shirt halfway over his head. He pulls it entirely off, staring at me.
"Yes?" he asks, a smile crawling across his lips.
"Oh, it's just I haven't seen you with your shirt off in a while," I lie, still gazing at his perfectly carved abs.
"Really?" he questions. "I beg to differ based on your blush."
My cheeks gain even more heat, causing them to become redder. "Well, how am I supposed to tell the truth to a body like that?" I complain, setting a hand on my hip.
"Just say it," he says. "That's what I do with you because I trust you."
"I trust you too, but I'm already drooling, Cap," I say, stepping back into the bathroom.
He scoffs. He follows me, hugging me from behind. His hands hold onto each other over my stomach.
"Come on, don't be like that," he coos. "Follow me, I wanna show you something."
Steve takes my hand, leading me into the bedroom. We stop in front of the large window that reaches from the floor to the ceiling. We stare into the night, almost being blinded by the city lights and small flurries of snow.
"When I woke up, I was completely lost in this world," Steve whispers. "But now, it's like I've never been anywhere else. Do you know why?"
I shake my head, glancing up at him. We make eye contact, not daring to look away. His blue eyes still sparkle, making me smile.
"Because of you," he says. "You've made me feel so welcome here, like I do really belong. I know I've said it a thousand times, but it's true. And even though we've only been dating for a year, a week from now, it feels like you've been with me for a century."
"Well, you've almost been around for a century," I smirk.
"Gee, that makes me feel great," he groans. "But you know, I wasn't on land for seventy of those years."
"Yeah, I know," I chime. "It's just funny to say. My boyfriend being older than me by seven decades, but he looks my age. It's an odd thing, Steve."
"And is that a good or a bad thing?"
"Well, most guys are jerks nowadays, but you aren't too bad—"
"Excuse me?"
"Let me finish," I laugh. "Referring to earlier, you look good for a ninety five year old."
"And here I was, trying to be super romantic, and you ruin it," Steve says, rolling his eyes.
"You don't even have to try, and you're romantic. You've made not only me, but Phil and Tony swoon. I give you props for that."
"Really? I got both Stark's without even doing anything?"
"You're just that crazy of a man," I murmur, wrapping my arms around him.
Steve holds me close, and buries his face in my hair. He sighs with delight, rubbing my back. I run my hands along his bare chest. The entire scene is like paradise. I peel my eyes open to see the snow falling peacefully through the crisp air outside. Steve's warmth spreads onto me, making these cold nights comfortable. He pecks my forehead, then rests his chin on the top of my hair.
"You wanna go to bed now?" he whispers softly.
"Yeah," I mumble, my eyes beginning to feel heavy.
Steve seizes my hand, and takes me to our bed. I stumble into the sheets as he turns out the lights. I close my eyes, pulling the blankets to my chin. I feel Steve crawl into bed as well. I rest my head on his shoulder, and he runs his fingers through my hair.
"I love you, Tori," he says.
"Love you too, Steve," I slur, arriving into dreamworld.
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