Miles had a great day at school. He aced the test that he didn't study for, which was of course Spanish. It was Friday and the teachers didn't give the students any work for the weekend. Well, that makes every student in this world happy, doesn't it?
Miles walked to his room with Ganke and began packing things to take home. When they finished, both of them bid each other goodbye and wished each other a good weekend. Miles decided to swing to his home. He put on his suit and took off. On his way, he stopped a man from robbing a shop and webbed him up.
Miles saw a young girl who was struggling to get her balloon off a tree. He took the balloon from the tree and gave it to the girl. "Thank you Mr Spider Man" the girl said happily. "Anytime kid" Miles replied. "It's getting pretty dark, do you want me to take you home?" Miles asked. "I would love that" the girl replied as she smiled. Miles smiled at her cute and innocent nature. "Ok, guide the way" Miles began to walk with the girl as she guided him, staying close.
They reached her home. "It was nice meeting you Mr Spider Man" the girl said innocently. "It was nice meeting you too Miss.....?" Miles said, wanting to know her name. "Lena" she said. "Ok Lena, I have to go... See you around" Miles said as he shook the little girl's hand before he took off.
Miles reached home. "Bienvenidos de nuevo Miles!" Rio said as she hugged him and landed lots of kisses all over Miles' face. "Hey Miles, why are you a little late?" Jeff asked with less concern. "Oh, give him a break Jefferson, he came back only now." Rio said. "Nothing dad, just traffic jam" Miles said while his dad just nodded Ok.
After changing out of his school uniform and putting on his T Shirt. Miles relaxed a little bit by drawing on his sketchpad. His sketchpad had loads of different sketches. It included his family and relatives, celebrities and of course his Spider Friends. He was currently drawing them all together in a fighting stance.
His pages flipped due to the fan. He saw the picture of Gwen that he had drawn earlier. The beautiful blue eyes, the smile she did with a tiny gap in the middle, Miles found the gap really cute. He drew the freckles which was hardly visible on her cheek. The drawing was magnificent. Both of them haven't met for quite a while due to their busy schedules. Miles wanted to show Gwen the sketch he did. As he was free on the weekend, he sent a text to Gwen on his device if she was free too.
Suddenly Rio called out "Miles! Come down, the food is ready". "Coming mama!" Miles replied as he began to go to the dining room. "So, Miles what's going on in school?" Jeff asked. "Nothing happened today dad.. just got a A+ in my Spanish test. " Hey that's excellent" Jeff said as he chewed on his meat. "Comes from my side of family" Rio said proudly. Jeff gave her a playful glare. Miles let out a small laugh. "Well, I have finished my food, guys. Good Night mom and dad... I love you" Miles said as he began to make his way towards his room. "Good night Miles,we love you too" Rio said as Miles went off.
Miles fell on his bed and grabbed his headphones. He played his favorite song Sunflower while relaxing on his bed. He was about to close his eyes and sleep but he heard a *swish* and a *thud* sound in his room. Miles stood up to see Gwen in her suit on the floor. He gasped when he saw her unconscious and she had blood on her right arm.
Miles' parents were outside the door as they heard the *thud* sound too. "Is everything ok Miles?" Jeff asked. "Everything's fine dad! I just fell off the bed.... That's all, I'm fine!" Miles said a little nervously. "Oh ok Miles, have a good night's sleep" Rio said as Miles could hear both of them walking away to their room.
Miles placed Gwen on his bed and removed her mask. She had minor cut marks on her face. "Poor thing has gone through a lot today...... or tonight" Miles said quietly. Miles was relieved that the injuries were not serious. He took his first aid kit and applied antiseptic on the cut and bandaged it. Gwen flinched a little but didn't wake up. He applied 2 band aids on Gwen's minor cuts on her face. Seeing Gwen's tired face, he decided not to disturb her.
Miles grabbed a blanket and a pillow to sleep on the floor. He remembered the day when they had declared their feelings towards each other. Sure, Miles was in an injured condition but the Spider fan helped him feel better. Gwen laid down with him in bed and they both shared a kiss and drifted off to sleep, hugging each other. Miles smiled at the thought as he began to drift off to sleep.
6 Hours Later
Gwen woke up feeling strange and a little weak. She realized she was bandaged on the right arm and some band aids were on her face. Gwen now remembered what had happened. She was in a fight with Rhino in her dimension. After a tough fight, she managed to beat him and get the man out of the suit. She handed him over to the police. Due to some punches to the face, she was beginning to feel dizzy and almost blacked out. She opened a portal not knowing which one before losing consciousness and falling into it.
She got up and saw Miles sleeping on the floor. "Thank you Miles....." Gwen whispered as she placed him back onto his bed. Miles didn't wake up by this. She found a sticky note on Miles' table and wrote a thank you note, sticking it on Miles' forehead. She knew it would be trouble if Miles' parents saw her in his room as it would give off suspicious vibes. She opened up a portal. Before jumping into that, Gwen placed a quick peck on Miles' cheek. "You're the best friend anyone could ask for" and then she jumped back into her own dimension and fell onto her bed to sleep for another 2 hours.
Miles woke up and found Gwen to be missing. He noticed a note stuck on his forehead. He took it and began to read. "Thanks for your help Miles! My injuries are healed all thanks to you. And yeah we can hang out, it's a date. Just tell me the time. Love you....."
Miles smiled after reading the note. He grabbed his device and texted Gwen "Is 4 pm okay?". After a few minutes, Gwen replied "Yeah! I'll be there at 4." Miles went to the kitchen for breakfast. "Buenos dias Miles" Rio said as Miles entered. "What are your plans for today?" Jeff asked.
"Oh I'm going out with a friend." Miles said while Jeff stared at him, "Is it Gwen" he asked. Miles blushed, "Yes, it is her". "Oooh, is it a date?" Miles mom asked in a goofy manner. "Uhhhhh.... Sort of" Miles blushed even more. "Oh come on Miles, enjoy your day today, I have seen how you look at her and how she looks at you, you two look perfect together!" Jeff exclaimed earning a smile from Miles. "Oh, our little boy is all grown up now." Rio said as she messed with Miles hair. "Ok mom, stop that" Miles said in a playful manner. He finished his breakfast and went to his bedroom.
Miles began to play some music and danced around his room. His parents had work to do so they went off to do their duties. After some time, Miles was lying on his bed listening to relaxing music which caused him to slowly fall asleep. A portal suddenly opened in his room but that didn't wake him up.
Gwen reached Miles' place at the exact time. She was wearing normal civilian clothes and didn't bring her Spider suit as Miles had told her the crime rates had decreased a lot in his world. She saw Miles sleeping in a strange position. She chuckled at the sight. "Wake up sleepy head! It's our date." Gwen said while lightly shaking Miles. He was half awake
"Hey Gwen, I'm Miles" Miles said absent mindedly. Gwen chuckled again. "Yeah it's me" Gwen said happily. This time Miles got his senses back. "Oh hey Gwen! I guess I slept again" Miles said while smiling. "I can see that" Gwen returned the smile back. "Gosh you're beautiful" Miles whispered. Gwen heard him and there were light shades of pink forming on her face.
"Well, I should get ready." Miles said as he got up to go to the bathroom. "Yeah, I'll wait" Gwen said as Miles disappeared from her sight. She was exploring his room and found a sketchpad. She opened it and gasped when she saw the sketches, all of them seemed to be like pictures. Then she saw a sketch of the Spider fam together, a smile appeared on her face
Gwen turned the page to find a magnificent sketch of her. It was drawn really detailed. "This is..... beautiful" Gwen said as she held the sketchpad close to her chest. Miles suddenly appeared in her room sitting beside her. Gwen shrieked. He was in the room for the past minute, invisible. "You know it's bad to sneak up on people right?" Gwen said, pouting. "You know it's bad to look at people's belongings without their permission right?" Miles hit back.
"Ok fine.... Sorry about that. But this is exquisite work Miles! I love all of your paintings. You're a born artist" Gwen exclaimed as Miles smiled at her. "Thanks Gwen...... It means a lot." Miles paused. " I didn't mean to scare you like that, it was like my mi......" Miles was cut off by Gwen who pulled him into a kiss.
Both the teens stared at each other, blushing. "That was for yesterday" Gwen said while holding Miles' hand. Miles saw a new bandage on her hand while her cuts in the face had been cured. "Anyone would have done it for you Gwen. Peter,Peni,Noir, Ham,Us. We are practically a family. Gwen smiled at the Spider fam's mention.
"Ok, let's go" Miles said as he began to walk out of his house, Gwen followed.
They went for a walk. Brooklyn was a city that did not sleep, there were many billboards and industries there. Many vehicles could be seen on the street. And the pollution was more there. "Busy place huh?" Gwen said while Miles just nodded.
After exploring the area a little bit more, Miles lead her to a pizzeria. They got a table and placed their order. After sometime, they got their food and began to dig in. "The pizza here is excellent, I'll give you that" Gwen said as she stuffed more pizza into her mouth. Miles giggled at this. They finished their pizza and Miles paid the bill+tip.
Miles and Gwen were strolling around the park now. They walked, with their hands intertwined with each other. They found a bench and sat there. "You know Gwen....... I'm thankful to you for coming here." Miles said. "Always happy to spend time with you Miles" Gwen said, smiling at him.
"Ever since I met you guys, my life has changed completely you know.... In a good way, of course" Miles said. "Me too Miles..... Me too" Gwen paused. "My place was a living hell after Peter's death, the police were after me, the people started hating me and I was so crushed that I decided to not make friends anymore" Gwen said with sadness visible in her voice.
Miles placed his arm across her shoulder. Gwen smiled at the gesture and leaned on to his shoulder. "You are one amazing person Miles, you know that?" Gwen said as she placed her palm over Miles'. "Same goes for you Gwen... I never thought I would have friends from another dimension" Miles said with a small laugh. "Ah, no one expected that to happen" Gwen said
After spending some more time in the park together, they got up and went to an alley where no one was to be seen. "It was great spending time with you today" Gwen said, smiling. "It was great meeting you today, I hope we can spend our days like this more often" Miles said. Gwen opened her portal
"Well bye!" Miles said as he brought his fist close for a brofist. Gwen did the brofist and quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him forward to give him a tight hug. Miles hugged her back. "I'm missing you already" Gwen said jokingly. "You know we got a holographic video call option right?" Miles said. "And I wanted to give you this...." Miles gave Gwen the drawing of her which he had drawn in his sketchpad. "T-Thanks Miles, I really appreciate it." Gwen said.
Miles placed his hand on Gwen's shoulder. "Hey" he said with a grin. Gwen laughed "Congratulations, you didn't stick your hands to my hair this time!". Miles giggled at her statement. Gwen cupped Miles' face and gave him a kiss on the cheek. " See ya later!" she said blushing a little, before jumping into the portal.
Miles waved back at her. It was a day well spent. No dangers, no Spider job, nothing. Just a relaxing day. Miles had to go on Patrol for the night though. He had a great family and great friends. He managed to balance between his normal life and Spider life(which was easier now as his parents knew).
There was a report on the news of a car chase between the police and a criminal who had robbed a bank. Miles put on his suit. "Be careful Miles" Rio said to him. "Of course mom." Miles said before swinging off to continue his job as Spider Man
I hope the story is not bad. How about a Christmas chapter next for the Spider fam? And guys.... Thank you for 150 views!!! Thank you for helping this book grow. And thank you for your votes too. I appreciate all of you reading this. A big Thank you to the Spider Verse writers inspiring me to write this. Thanks to all of you reading this! Until then... Adios!
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