The Wedding
The day was finally here. Everyone were excited for the big occasion. It was Peter's and Mary Jane's wedding day. Although they were being remarried, they were sure that this would go rather smoothly than before. Everyone was happy today.
Peter chose Harry and all the male spiders to be his best men while MJ chose Gwen, Peni and her two friends Betty and Alice. The Spidey fam arrived at Peter's house where he was getting ready. The house was almost empty as he had brought a new house for them to live in and it had more space too. Gwen and Peni went off to MJ's house to help her with preparations. Miles helped Peter with his wedding suit while Noir put on some perfume on him. Peter dropped his watch but Ham caught it. "Oh! Thank you Ham. I love you Peters!" Peter said in a funny way. "And we love you Peter" Ham and Noir said together. Suddenly Harry entered into the house.
"Hey Pete! Ready for the big day?" Harry asked as he hugged Peter. "I'm more than ready" Peter said with determined eyes. "And you all must be the other Spider Men from different universes" Harry said to the other Spiders. "Yeah, I guess you know about us, there are 6 of us, two of them went to help MJ" Miles replied as he shook Harry's hand. "Well, I didn't believe it at first but yeah it's nice to meet you all and I hope you're ready to be this guy's best men" Harry said while pointing to Peter. The clock showed the time 4:45 pm. "Hurry up! We got to get there by 5" Noir said to Peter. "I'm all ready let's go" Peter said as he opened the door while Harry and the others followed him.
"All ready MJ!" Gwen said as they had finished helping MJ to get ready and also with the preparations. "You look so pretty Mary Jane!" Peni exclaimed. "Well, thank you Peni. You two look really beautiful in that blue dress" MJ said with a smile. "Ok let's go!" Betty said as she opened the door. Everyone reached the Benjamin Garden where the wedding was to be held. The guests were turning up. MJ and Peter had decided to keep this a little low key so they invited only 40 people who were close in relation.
Peter and the best men looked dashing in their tuxedos. Everyone was surprised to see a talking pig in a tux. Ham looked at those who were staring at him feeling a little offended. Suddenly people came upto Ham and kept asking him for a photo with them. Ham agreed,feeling like a celebrity. Everyone chuckled at this.
The stage was set. Everything and everyone ready. Peter was up on the stage awaiting his wife. Then the music began to play and MJ emerged out with her father walking her down the aisle. Her dad handed her over to Peter. He mouthed a silent Thank you and earned a thumbs up from MJ's dad. The best men in black were standing beside the groom and the bridesmaids in blue were besides the bride.
The pastor appeared on the stage and said prayers and a speech about love. Peter and MJ were holding hands smiling at each other. "Now for the vows" the Pastor said as he passed them the mic.
Peter looked at MJ in the eyes. "I can't believe I'm with you again, our past may have been rough with many obstacles but I'm ready to face anything for you. Thank you for believing in me throughout the years. You helped me cope with my losses and get through my troubles. I will do the exact same for you. I'm glad to have you back. You are one of the reasons who made me the man I am today! Thank you..... I love you and will keep on loving you" Peter finished.
MJ and the audience could feel the tears forming in their eyes. MJ held Peter's hand tightly. "I always had that feeling when I met you and always when I'm near you, you are more than you look like, Peter" MJ paused "You're one of the kindest gentlemen I have ever met. I'm never going to leave you again. I will care for you the best as I can, I'm grateful for having you again. I can't wait to see the surprises life has in store for us. You're back with me Pete! And that's all I want. I love you.. I really do! And we're gonna punch through all the obstacles life throws at us." MJ finished and Peter had tears flowing down his face. A few sobs could he heard in the area.
"Do you... Peter Parker, take Mary Jane Watson to be your wife in all love and honour?" The Pastor asked. "I do" Peter replied. "Do you.... Mary Jane Watson, take Peter to be your husband in all love and honour?" the Pastor asked. "I do" MJ said. "By the power invested in me, I announce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The Pastor said with a smile. Peter grabbed MJ and passionately kissed her and she did the same and then Peter spun her around and earned some excited laughs from her.
The Spidey fam and the others had tears of joy forming in their eyes. They went on and congratulated Peter and MJ. Peter grabbed all of them in a tight hug and everyone had traces of joy on their faces. Peter felt that it was the best day of his life. He kissed MJ once more. Peter welcomed everyone to the the party and did the toast.
"Hey Miles" Gwen said with a beautiful smile. "Oh... Hey Gwen!" Miles said happily. "Looking sharp in that tux!" Gwen said as Miles blushed. "You look absolutely stunning in that dress" Miles hit back at her. Gwen blushed even more than Miles. Suddenly the music began to play, a slow, calming song. "Want to dance milady?" Miles asked with a fake accent as he held out his hand. Gwen giggled at this. She held Miles' hand "Of course" she said as she began to dance with Miles.
Everyone was dancing now. Peni danced with Ham and Noir danced with Alice. Harry was with Betty. Peter and MJ were engaged in a adorable dance. They saw Miles and Gwen dancing together. "Great going kids!" Peter remarked as both teens began blushing while MJ was trying to hold back her laugh.
After some time, they began to eat their food. Ham was talking to them about whether he should propose to Mary Crane. Everyone encouraged him to do that. This was a well spent day. No Spider suits, no crime, no troubles, no nothing! Everyone wished Peter and MJ love and luck for the rest of their lives before they left. MJ's parents gave the couple their blessings before they left
"Thank you guys for making it here" Peter said to the Spidey fam. "We would have never missed it" Gwen said while everyone nodded in agreement. "Guys, c'mon let's take a picture" Peter said. MJ took the camera from him. "It will only be the Spider persons, I believe we've had a tons of pictures clicked today" she said to Peter.
"Ok guys smile!" Peter said while the Spider fam posed with him for the picture. "Ok I'll give you each a copy" Peter said as he showed everyone the photo. "It was really nice today Peter, all the best man..." Miles said as he and the others began to open up portals to their worlds. "See ya!" almost everyone said before jumping off. "Oh I love them!" Peter exclaimed "But I love-love you" Peter said to MJ. "I know that Petey" MJ said with a giggle. "So that's how they came here?" Harry asked, a little shook. Peter put his arms across Harry's shoulder and explained it to him. "Well it's getting late Pete, Best wishes for your married life. I'll see you around" Harry said as he began to leave.
Peter and MJ reached their new house. It was beautiful. Peter had arranged most of the things and also had a much bigger space than the previous one. They both changed into normal home clothes. They were feeling tired after the big day. Peter fell on the bed with MJ cuddling onto him. They slept with each other in their arms. It felt good. They were together again. They were ready to start their life again. This time, more steadily and according to plan.
Yeah! Peter and MJ are back together again. I hope you guys like this chapter. I'll most probably do a Gwiles story next. Maybe a dating one. And thank you for 85 views! I greatly appreciate the ones who read this. Ya'all are the best. Until next time... Bye!
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