The Injury
Gwen was casually swinging through the city. Suddenly she heard a loud explosion like sound. She quickly swung to the affected area. Gwen reached there and saw Electro terrorizing the city. He had escaped from the SHIELD prison.
Gwen jumped and landed a swift kick on Electro's face. "Well well, nice to see you again Spider Woman" Electro said with a smirk. "Yeah I'm here and I'm gonna stop you..." Gwen said with a serious expression as Electro had caused a building to be damaged and the Fire Force were dealing with it right now.
Gwen dodged most of Electro's attacks with only a few hitting her on her arm which had little effect as the suit was mostly immune to electricity. Gwen landed a hard punch to his guts and he was seemingly in pain. Gwen landed a combo attack and finally Electro seemed to lose consiousness.
Gwen stared at Electro's unconscious body. She sighed and walked away from their battle area and helped some people who were stuck in some debris because of the attack. Some people thanked Gwen for her help while some just ignored her and walked away from her.
Gwen thought that the work was done and she shot a web to leave the area. But as soon as Gwen left the ground, she felt a huge shock on her back, which sent her crashing to another building. Electro had woken up again and flied towards the direction where Gwen went crashing.
Gwen had hit her right hand really hard on the wall of a building. She was clutching it tightly. Her face had looks of both anger and worry. Electro suddenly attacked her. He punched her and grabbed her and threw her high up in the sky.
Gwen quickly regained balance and shot a web with her left hand but she couldn't balance the web properly as her right hand was clearly broken. Electro elbowed her right in the face which sent her crashing to the ground. Gwen tried to scream but her injuries kept her silent, she cursed her fracture and was unable to speak at the moment.
"Ah... How the tables have turned" Electro walked towards Gwen. He saw that a part of her mask was torn and suddenly shocked her face. Gwen gave out a shriek as it caused great pain to the exposed area which was her left cheek. Electro removed her mask. Gwen kicked him with her remaining strength. Electro was pushed away a little but he again reached close to Gwen.
"A blonde teenager trying to protect this city? Time for you to die...." Electro charged up a beam at Gwen's face point blank. Gwen was barely able to stand up and was clutching her right arm. She closed her eyes with her teeth gritted and was slowly losing consiousness.
"Time to say Goodbye!" Electro shot his beam and it caused a mini explosion but he realized that it had not hit Gwen. He looked to the side to see a Spider Man in a black with red suit holding Gwen in his arms.
Gwen was half conscious and weakly looked up at the dark figure that had saved her. "Stay here" the figure said as he helped Gwen lean against the building. Gwen nodded and went unconscious. The figure- Miles had electricity running through his body. The anger had caused him to have an aura around him. Electro looked really nervous now.
"How.... dare you!" Miles charged at Electro with superhuman speed and punched him right on the jaw and a crack could be heard. Electro shot a beam towards Miles but he simply flicked it away. Miles' hand was raging with electricity and he landed a hard blow to his chest causing him to crash onto a truck and completely losing consiousness. He was suddenly captured by SHIELD.
"Please sir.... Help her" Miles pleaded to Mike Fury SHIELD agent of Earth 65. Fury instantly agreed and took them both to the headquarters. On reaching the headquarters, the doctors took Gwen away to a room while Miles just waited, hoping for her to be okay.
"I didn't know there was a Spider Man here...." Fury said curiously. Miles couldn't just say he's from another dimension so he made up that he was Spider Man in Spain and had come to America to travel and also that Spider Woman was his friend. Fury seemed to believe what Miles was saying.
Suddenly a doctor came out of the room. "Mr Fury, the girl's got a fracture but she's going to be okay, she just needs some rest. We gave her some medication for her injuries. She will be okay in no time" the doctor said and both Fury and Miles had a smile on their face. "So.. kid, want to see her?" Fury asked with a smile. Miles instantly nodded and walked towards the direction of the room
When Miles got inside the room, he saw Gwen was reading a book and her right hand was plastered with a few bandages on her face. Miles stood there and knocked at the side of the open door. Gwen looked towards the door and her face lit up. It seemed like she had tears of joy forming in her eyes. Miles went towards Gwen and grabbed a chair and sat near her.
"So, how's my best buddy in the whole wide multiverse doing?" Miles asked with a smile. "Well, see for yourself" Gwen said while patting her plastered hand. "So... what made you come here?" Gwen asked. "Just came by for a social visit... Turns out it was not social at all" Miles said. Gwen gave out a chuckle at the statement.
"It hurt to see you battered and bruised there...." Miles said in a sad tone. Gwen gave out a sad smile and placed her palm on Miles' face "We got each other's back remember?" Gwen paused. "I had a feeling you would come..." Miles smiled and both of them leaned closer to each other until their lips crashed. They released themselves from the kiss after a few good seconds. Both of them were smiling and blushing at the moment.
The nurse entered the room and explained the conditions and medications to Miles. He understood and the nurse gave him the medicines for Gwen. "So you want to go home right now?" Mike Fury asked. "Yeah I can walk..." Gwen got out off the bed but was limping. "C'mon I'll give you two a ride" Fury said, earning a smile and Thank You from both the teens.
Fury dropped them both at Gwen's house. "Take care!" He said before going off. Miles helped Gwen walk to her room upstairs. Her father would be back home late in the night so Miles decided to stay for a bit. Both of them sat close to each other on the bed. "Here, take the pill. It's time" Miles said while giving a pill and a bottle of water to Gwen. "Thanks" Gwen said and took the pill.
"For you to know, I had him Miles.... He caught me off guard." Gwen said. "I know.... Spider Woman won't lose to Mr Sparklefingers just like that. I'm just glad you're okay." Miles said and hugged Gwen. She felt tears of joy forming in her eyes. She thought about how much Miles and the Spider Fam cared for her.
When they broke the hug, Gwen saw a tear on Miles cheek. She wiped it away with her thumb and both of them smiled at each other. Their gizmos were vibrating and they opened it to check the messages. It was from the group chat with all of them wishing Gwen to heal up soon.
Ham had sent a video into the group and it sure was funny, funny enough for laughter to be filled in the room. Suddenly the door downstairs creaked. "I guess it's my dad" Gwen said. "Yeah I should get going now. Get well soon Gwanda" Miles said with a grin. Gwen chuckled at that and gave Miles a peck on the cheek as he opened a portal. He waved goodbye and jumped into the portal. Gwen went downstairs to explain what had happened to her dad.
Hey guys! It's been a while since I updated. Online classwork has been loads. But here's an update. I hope you like it. And Thank you so so much for 800+ views. I owe it to all of you readers. Thank you for making this story alive. Stay tuned for more. Until next time.... Adios! *Brofist*
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