The Spidey fam had managed to establish a mean of communication due to the inter-dimensional hopping device that Peni had made. They would usually text each other but would barely meet up due to their tight schedule and Spider duty.
Then one day, in the group chat, they announced that they were all free from their works and it would be nice for all to meet up tomorrow or so. Everyone agreed to it and decided that they would travel to Peter B's universe - Earth 616. Peter had managed to mend his relationship with MJ and it was going smooth. Miles had fun swinging through the streets of Brooklyn and stopping the recurring crimes there. Gwen broke her vow to not do friends anymore as she already became friends with Miles and Co. And she began to connect with her bandmates. Peni would do all types of futuristic experiments and fight crime with her telepathic robot SP//dr. Ham just kept on going in his world, breaking the law of Physics, sometimes it seemed like magic, of course he's a cartoon and Noir stopped the Nazis and the old school criminals in his 30s type dimension. There was no big problem for them. Life was good and it was gonna get better.
The day came, everyone opened up a portal to Earth 616. They arrived at a place following the coordinates Peter had given them. It was a green house with shades of blue. Gwen went to the front door and rang the bell. Then suddenly, the door was opened by none other than Peter. Everyone ran towards him and pulled him into a tight embrace. MJ was standing beside them the whole time, smiling while witnessing the cute gesture. They broke the hug and Peter told them to come inside. They made their way to the living room, where they all sat on the couch. They were really happy to see each other. Miles and Gwen felt like a weird sensation when they both saw each other and when they talked, their cheeks seemed to show a light shade of pink.
Peter introduced the Spidey fam to MJ. "Guys, this is my fiancee MJ" said Peter with a smile on his face. "Hey congratulations! You guys got back together" Miles said sounding really enthusiastic and happy. "You must be Miles, Petey talks about you a lot, he told me that you helped him in changing his decisions... I'm really grateful for that" MJ said with a beautiful smile. "No problem ma'am, I'm glad to help Peter with anything, he's like my father figure" Miles said sounding a little cheesy. Peter hugged Miles and said "You really think me as a father figure Miles?" Miles nodded and hugged him back. Everyone was giggling due to Peter's funny face at the moment but this moment was cute and it was good to see both Spider Men bonding.
The fam began talking about their respective universes. Ham talked about his recent encounter with Dr Octopussy and that he was dating a crane called Mary Crane, that got MJ's attention to him. Noir talked about the recent war occurring in his universe but it had barely affected his family and his world had a Mary Jane too. Peni said that she was yet to meet a MJ of her universe. Gwen said that the MJ in her universe was the founder and lead vocalist in the band The Mary Janes. MJ turned towards them and said "Boy.... There is a thing called Multiverse and there are different mes.... Well I should prepare the food for you all", then she got up to go to the kitchen. "Wait I'll help with work" Peter said to MJ. "You kids enjoy yourselves" Peter said as he began to walk away with MJ. "Hey Peter, if you didn't know I'm 40 years old" Ham shouted. Peter gave him a look a walked away.
Noir found a rubix cube and said "I'm going to finish this different cube thing". Peni said that she wanted to upgrade SP//dr and got inside her robot. Ham had already dozed off as he was a little tired. "So, I guess that leaves only two of us" Gwen said. "Ye-Yeah!" Miles replied stuttering a little.
Gwen asked Miles about his Spidey skills and his patrolling. Miles said it was going fine. "Did you have any troubles doing the job?" Gwen asked. "Oh umm, a few weeks ago, Electro had made his way into the city and was messing with the power plants for more energy, the entire power supply of the city went down.
I approached him for a fight. It was a pretty even battle until he sucked up more energy and launched a powerful shock attack. I'm glad that my suit's rubber and I also have electric powers, otherwise I would have been seriously injured.
It left me a scar though... Miles lifted the left sleeve of his shirt. Gwen gasped when she saw the scar and then she suddenly pulled him into a hug, "I'm really glad you're ok Miles....." Gwen said hugging him. Miles returned the embrace and said "You know we have an improved healing factor right?, So it healed quickly and yeah Electro was beaten by my Venom Shock... And if anything happens to me I know you and everyone's got my back" Miles said with a smile.
Gwen smiled as she gave Miles an even tighter embrace. They released themselves from the hug after a few good seconds and it seemed that both the teens were blushing.
After a few minutes, Peter entered the living room and said that the food was ready. Everyone sat at the dining table and ate to their full and talked about the daily lives. Peter had managed to get back a nice position in the Daily Bugle. This was a good day. No crime just time with family, a spider family
It was 7pm, so everyone were getting ready to go back to their own worlds. Everyone gathered in a group hug for a few seconds and then opened up the portal and promised each other they'll see each other again, well they could still text everyday.
Noir was still getting the hang of the texting thing and they were helping him to figure it out. Everyone jumped into their portals and went home. Miles gave Gwen a hug before leaving, surprising her. They both had weird feelings when they jumped into the Portal. It was most probably a crush. Both of them had a smile on their face on that thought.......
I hope that it's not too rusty...(you see English is not my 1st language) One of my first fanfics. I hope you like it. I got ideas for more one shots, I guess. So... Adios for now!
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