Collaboration with DarkotheMapper
The day was going fine, the sun shone brightly across the town and everyone was minding their own business. It was a Sunday so everyone was like having a relaxing day or so.
The Spidey fam were spending time with each other too. Miles,Gwen and Peni were at Gwen's universe, exploring the city and also going for a swing. Peter,Noir and Ham were in Noir's dimension, playing cards along with two other people.
Earth 65
Miles, Peni and Gwen were sitting on the rooftop, talking to each other after stopping a burglary.
Gwen: "I guess there are no more criminals or thugs here now."
Miles: "Well, we webbed up the last of them."
Peni: "But it may not be the last crime occuring here..."
Miles: "I know right? Crime occurs in our universes almost everyday!"
Gwen: *sigh* "Harsh reality....."
They jumped off the roof to swing towards the area where Gwen's house was located. Suddenly, a figure went past them at a high speed. It seemed to be swinging too. Their spider sense began tingling.
The three of them were surprised and they changed their direction to follow and find what that was. They saw the figure opening up a portal and jumping into it. They were far from that area so they couldn't really see what was happening.
Miles: "I think that's another Spider person."
Peni: "Yeah, and that guy seemed to be in a white suit."
Gwen: "Yep, I noticed. Maybe he'll come back again, then we'll find out."
Miles and Peni nodded in agreement and then swung off towards the area of Gwen's residence.
Earth 90214
Noir: "Seems like I won the game!"
Peter: "Oh man! For once I had understood how to play this old card game and I screwed it up!"
Ham: "There, there Peter, everyone makes mistakes."
The two other guys who were playing with them said that they had some work in the Sheriff's office and then they got up and took their leave.
At that moment, Mary Jane Watson came towards them and spoke to Noir about the next mission the department had for him, it didn't seem like a big deal but Noir told her that he'll look into it.
Peter: "Is that the Mary Jane of your world Noir?"
Noir: "Ah yes! Mary Jane Watson. Quite a charmer, isn't she?"
Peter: "Well yeah, she exactly looks like my wife! Except everything's black and white here."
Ham: Well, in my universe, Mary Jane Watson is a ..."
Peter & Noir: "A crane....."
Ham: "How did you know that?"
Peter: "You have mentioned it many times Ham......"
Noir: "Many times for us to remember......"
Ham: *facepalm* Well, I guess my brain does not store what I say.
Peter and Noir have out a small chuckle at his statement. They got up to walk with Noir around the city before leaving the dimension (They were not in their Spider suits)
As they were walking across the street, they saw a figure in a white suit behind the building. They reached the area where the figure was standing but before they could say anything, the figure opened a portal and jumped into it.
Ham: "Was that another Spider Man?"
Noir: "I guess..... but what was he doing here?"
Peter: "Hey guys! Look at this."
Peter grabbed a piece of webbing which was stuck on one of the buildings. Noir took it from him and placed it in a plastic zipper.
Ham: "Miles' universe's Peter's spider lair has a really advanced lab and Peni helped to develop it more... So we could find out who he was using the devices there, maybe"
Peter: "Good point there Ham.... We should do that"
Noir: "The suit kind of seemed similar to Gwen's, right? Seemed to have the same height as Gwen and Miles too"
Peter: "Yeah, but I think he was a guy"
Suddenly Peter's device rang and he accepted the call and a hologram of Miles,Gwen and Peni came up.
Peter: "Hey kids! What's up?"
Miles: "We have some news... We saw a person, a Spider person...
Peni: "And he seemed to be wearing a white suit."
Gwen: "Yeah but he was too quick for us to see properly"
Peter, Noir and Ham were speechless when they heard this. Literally the same thing happened to them.
Ham: "Are you serious?!"
Miles: "Yeah, we are..... why?"
Noir: "We saw that person, he was in a white spider suit with black in some areas, he left the place really quickly."
Miles and Gwen: What?!.....
Ham: "Well, he had a little red on his suit too."
Peter: "And we got this."
Noir showed them the piece of webbing that they got.
Noir: "This can be his."
Peni: "Woah, yeah! That can help!"
Peter: "So, meet you all in Miles' universe?"
Miles: "Yeah, let's go now!"
Everyone agreed and set the location to Earth 1610 and jumped into the portal. They reached May's house and informed her that they were gonna use the Spider Lair. She agreed and then they went inside the lair.
The web began showing signs of glitching. Peni placed the web in the programming area of the lab. Numerous programs appeared on the large screen and everyone tried to figure out the code.
May: "Looks like some serious work... Well here's some cakes to eat if you're hungry."
May said with a smile and left the room. Everyone returned the smile back and carried on with their work.
A few hours and snacks later
Miles: "Oh yeah! We cracked the code guys!"
Gwen: "Great job guys! Especially you Peni."
Peter: "I'm curious to know what's gonna happen now"
Peni: "Well, let's see!"
The monitor, then showed a Spider Man in a black-white suit with a few shades of red. It also showed the location of his dimension- Earth 64. (For full on details, check out DarkotheMapper Spider Verse story.)
Miles: "Looks like a dimension close to Gwen's"
Gwen: "And we share similarities in our suits too!"
Ham: "So, wanna go check out Earth 64?
Noir: "I guess we can, right?"
Peni: "Yeah, sure. Let's go!
And so, the location for everyone was set at Earth 64. The portal appeared and everyone hopped into it.
After a few seconds, they reached a universe which was a little similar to Gwen's but had it's differences. Suddenly, a huge piece of debris came crashing towards them.
Peni: "Guys! Move out of the way!"
Everyone jumped out of the way at the correct time and took cover behind a truck.
Peter: "Everyone alright?"
Everyone else: "Yes..."
At the moment, no one was in their spider suit, they forgot to bring their suits to this universe.But they were still ready to fight.
Miles: "Guys.... You might wanna look at this."
Peter: "Hmm? What is it Miles?"
Everyone looked back to see the Spider Man which they saw in Gwen's and Noir's dimension earlier. He was fighting the Rhino and along with him was the Green Goblin (Harry Osborn), who was helping him. (Read DarkotheMapper story to know about it)
The Rhino dashed towards Spider Man to hit him but he teleported behind the Rhino and kicked him. The Green Goblin threw his grenade straight at the Rhino and it caused an effective amount of damage.
Miles: "Woah! Did you see that? He can teleport!"
Gwen: "That's a really great technique he has there!"
Noir: "He and his friend are really good!"
Peter: "Wait.... Green Goblin is a nice guy here?"
Ham: "Maybe"
Spider Man and Green Goblin performed a double combo attack to finally weaken the Rhino, and he fell on the the hard road.
But the Rhino seemed to be waking up again. But the Spider Man brang forward his hand and Venom Shocked the Rhino, which made him finally unconscious and the S.H.I.E.L.D would soon take him away to their high tech, high security prison.
Peni: *gasp* Miles! He's gotta same Venom Shock attack like you.
Miles: "I know right?! He's one special guy!"
Noir: "Maybe we should meet them."
Peter: "Wait, they're talking about something."
Gwen: "Hmm... What?"
The Spider Man and the Green Goblin walked away from the battle area, close to where the other Spideys were hiding but the Spidey sense was not triggered.
Green Goblin(Harry): "Well, we taught that piece of Russian junk a lesson, didn't we Darko?
Darko: *chuckles* Yeah, we did Harry!
Gwen: Darko? Must be his name.....
Peter: And the Goblin just looks like Harry Osborn but younger, right?
Gwen: "Yeah, looks like my universe's Harry....."
Ham: "Huh..... Strange."
Miles: "Look, Darko removed his mask!"
He had stunning cerulean eyes and his hair showed off a blonde-brownish mix. And he did not look much like an American.
Gwen: "Looks like an European"
Miles: "Huh.. really?"
Gwen: "I guess..."
Peni: "He seems awesome, we should go and talk to them"
Peter: "Wait, he's doing something."
Darko was typing something onto his watch like device which was really similar to the dimension hopping device that everyone was wearing.
Harry: "So, are you calling that Spider Man from another world?"
Darko: "Yeah, another dimension, he had given me some work"
Harry: "Well, I'm still confused as to how these multiverse theories work but all the best..... I guess? Well I gotta go for now. Seems like all the trouble has been cleared as of now. Call me when there is trouble"
Darko: Sure will Harry! Goodbye, for now.
Harry stepped on his glider and flew away, most probably to Oscorp. Darko was contacting someone, maybe another Spider Man or someone. Suddenly, a hologram of Spider Man 2099 appeared in front of him.
Peter: "Hey! Didn't we meet that Spider Man a few weeks back? He was from the future?
Miles: "Yeah! And his name was....."
Gwen: "Miguel O'Hara... Spider Man of the year 2099"
Peni: "And from Earth 928"
Noir: "You girls have some information stored up here, don't you?" he said while pointing towards the head.
Gwen & Peni: *lightly chuckle*
Miguel: "Hello there Darko! Did you look on to the work I had given you?"
Darko: "Yeah, I checked on all the Spiders who were involved in the multiverse incident a few years back. They are doing fine. They did some occasional visits and also fought villains of each other's universes. So far, there have been no mess ups."
Peter: "Seems like he has been spying on us for a few days now...."
Miles: "Yeah but it's for our well being and us not messing up this whole dimensional travel thing."
Gwen: "Seems like a guy with good intentions."
Miles: "Every Spider person has good intentions."
Ham: "Maybe not..."
Noir: "Yeah, he seems kind enough"
Peni: "We should just go and talk to him"
Miguel: "So.. you and your sister are doing alright, right?"
Darko: "Yeah, we are good. Well I gotta go help Ema (his sister) with a project she's got to do."
Miguel: "Yeah, and if you need anything, you know who to call...."
Darko: "Hehe, Thanks Miguel. You've been really helpful."
Miguel: "Anytime kid..."
Then he disconnected the call. Darko sighed and put on his mask. He dashed towards a building and then jumped and webbed away.
Miles: "Can we follow him?"
Gwen: "Yeah but don't swing, we're not in our suits"
Peter: "So yeah.... Let's walk."
Ham: "I'll just let Peni carry me as a toy.... Don't want to scare anyone.."
Peni: "hahaha! You're adorable"
Noir: "So, shall we go?"
Everyone nodded and walked towards the direction where Darko swung off to.
They admired the surroundings of this world and also compared the similarities and differences of this Earth and Gwen's Earth. They walked a few more miles and then they saw him, the same face when he had took off his mask.
He was with a girl, looking a little younger than him. Must be his sister because they looked a little alike. They were just walking across the street. The Spidey fam walked towards them.
Darko felt his Spider senses tingling. He looked up to see six people approaching him, and one was a pig? Then he had a sudden realization. These were the guys he had spied upon! He kept on walking until they finally reached his distance.
Darko: "Uhhh........"
Gwen: "Seems like we got the spy"
Miles: "Darko, isn't it?"
Miles brought forward his hand for Darko to shake.
Darko: "Yep, that's my name.... And I guess you all have been spying too."
Peter: "Umm yeah, he's not wrong"
Peni: "Is she your sister?"
Darko: "Yeah, she is."
Ema: "Hey! My name's Ema!"
Noir and Ham: "Nice to meet you."
Miles: *whispering* "Does she know you're Spider Man?"
Darko: "Yeah, she does. Don't worry."
Gwen: "Oh... That's great!"
Peter: "Where were you two going?"
Ema: "Oh, we were going to the market to buy some things for my assignment."
Miles: "Nice.... By the way, are you like..... from Europe?"
Darko: "Well yes, but actually no"
Ema: "Actually, our parents migrated here from Croatia before we were born, so yeah..... We're Croatian-American."
Noir: "Do your parents know about your secret identity?"
Darko and Ema exchange a sad look with each other. Noir suddenly realized what he had done. He placed his palm on Darko's shoulder.
Noir: "I'm so sorry, I didn't know"
Darko: "No, it's alright. They will be always right here in our heart"
The Spider fam felt sad on hearing this and consoled him, which he did appreciate.
Peter: "So Green Goblin is a good guy here?"
Darko: "Yep, Harry's good, unlike his late father"
Peter: "So, there are similarities between our worlds huh...."
Darko: "I guess you can say that"
Miles: "It was nice meeting you two"
Darko: "Nice meeting you all too! I won't be secretly roaming around your worlds next time"
Gwen: *chuckles* Well, yeah. You could visit us when you're free.
Peter: So we met you, Miguel and the Peter of that universe with many 9s"
Ham: "It's getting late, I guess it's time for us to go."
Everyone agreed and opened up a portal to their respective dimensions.
Ema: "I'm witnessing this many portals for the first time. I didn't believe the multiversal travel he told me at first but now.... I think it's clear"
Darko: "We should be getting to the market too. Ema, grab my hand"
Ema took hold of his hand. Darko closed his eyes and the next moment, both of them disappeared.
Miles: "Woah! I guess they transported to the shop?!"
Peter: "He knows the Instant Transmission technique, that's amazing!"
Gwen: "I guess holding on to him makes him and the one holding him disappear together."
Peni: "Yep, he's full of surprises"
Ham: "So y'all ready to go?"
Noir: "Goodbye. See you all some other time."
Everyone waved at each other and then jumped into the portal. Miles and Gwen went in for a quick hug before jumping in.
At the Supermarket
Ema: "We got everything, for now"
Darko: "Yeah, let's go"
Ema: "Those guys were awfully nice, weren't they."
Darko: "Hmm? Oh yeah, yes they were."
Ema: "I hope we meet again sometime."
Darko: "Well, that day might not be far, you know."
The siblings smiled at each other and then continued to walk towards home.*
Darko: "Instant Transmission?"
Ema: "Nah.... I'm fine with walking."
So, the day ended with the Spidey fam meeting and also making friends with the Spider Man of Earth 64. And every Spider person of each dimension were now doing what they had to do and follow their schedule. It's nice to know that you're not the only one with Spider powers, ain't it?
Hey! I hope you all liked this chapter. This was a collab with my good friend DarkotheMapper Please Check out his Reader x Spider Verse story to know more about the OC.
And there will be most likely a part two about it. So, go check out DarkotheMapper , he's a great person. I hope you're all fine and safe in your homes. Thank you once again for the views you all have given me. I greatly appreciate it.
So, goodbye for now✌, ✨Until we meet again✨
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