Feelings Pt 2
"G-Gwen..." Miles let out a whisper. Gwen realized that Miles had a little bit of strength in him. "Miles! Stay with me, stay with me...." Gwen said with a lot of tears flowing down her eyes. Gwen suddenly opened her and Miles' device and set the location to Miles' Universe- Earth 1610. She figured maybe May would have an idea about what to do.
Gwen picked up Miles and jumped into the Portal. She held onto him tightly so that he wouldn't be released from her grip. Even though Miles' life was in danger, he could feel the comfort in Gwen's arms. They reached Miles' world, a few meters away from Aunt May's house. Gwen carefully lifted him and walked to the house. Gwen quickly rang the doorbell. It was opened by none other than Aunt May. Of course, she was shocked by the sight.
"Oh my God, Gwen! What happened?!" May exclaimed as she began to lead them to Late Peter's Spider Lair. It was a huge space. "Miles and I were caught in battle, he got injured due to the Green Goblin's attacks...." Gwen sadly replied with her eyes still red. "I'll try to do something... Gwen, stay strong. Miles is a strong willed boy, I'm sure he'll make it!" May said with a determined face. This universe's May had doctoral experience and she was a former scientist at Oscorp, so she took Miles to the laboratory and told Gwen to wait in the Living room.
Gwen sighed sadly as she went to the living room. She sat there in silence, praying that Miles would be ok. Her eyes shut when she remembered the bruises and blood which was visible on Miles' body. Gwen almost had a breakdown but she remembered that Miles would like her to stay calm and strong. She just sat there sadly.... but with hope.
Gwen suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder. It was Peter. "Peter?! What are you doing here?" Gwen asked, a little surprised. "What do you mean by why I'm here? May told me that Miles got seriously injured in battle. I came to see him. Where is he?" Peter asked with a nervous and a little angry tone. Gwen sighed and said that Aunt May had took him to the lab to operate on him. Peter noticed that Gwen seemed really exhausted due to this event. Peter pulled her into a hug. Gwen though surprised at first, eased into the hug. She needed that. Then she felt another 3 pairs of arms around her. Gwen turned around to see Noir, Ham and Peni. It was a great group hug which comforted Gwen.
"I'm scared about Miles too but I'm sure he'll make it" Peni said while looking at Gwen in her eyes. "Miles may have taken a beating but that's not going to take him down, he's a hardcore kid!" Noir said with a sad expression (yes, he took off his mask). "Next time I'm gonna offer him a Octopus killing weapon to fit in his pocket" Ham said to lighten up the mood a little. Despite earning a sad smile from Gwen, he knew she was breaking inside.
"I'll go fetch Miles' parents" Peter said as he got up to exit. "Wait what?!" Everyone exclaimed.
"Guys, I know his parents know him to be Spider-Man. Miles leaves his house every night for Patrolling and his parents are suspicious about that. They even saw me with him, my spider suit could be seen within my shirt. Even more suspicion.
Miles told me via text a few days before that his mom had maybe seen his suit in his bag but she didn't say anything. Keeping Miles' injury a secret from his parents would be a great mistake. Atleast one of your acquaintances know your secret right?" Peter asked. All of them nodded. "Good I'll see you in a few" Peter said as he went through the door.
Meanwhile Gwen was talking to the Spidey fam about the incident, about how she thought it would be a normal day- just two friends hanging out together with no major threats, the fight which occured between them and the villains and how Miles got injured.
Gwen's heart seemed to break when she began to talk about that part, she blamed herself for what happened to Miles. She let out a sob and then suddenly everyone hugged her telling her that she didn't do anything wrong and shouldn't blame herself. "Gosh, these hugs are amazing,we should do it everyday!" Peni said with a huge smile. Everyone smiled at Peni's remark. Then, May came out of the Laboratory.
Everyone ran and stood before her, nervous about what she was going to say. "Miles suffered a few fractures and loss of blood and damage to the head. But thanks to the special Spider healing factor, he's gonna be ok. I stitched him up and did the medication. He just needs rest now." May said with a comforting smile.
Everyone rejoiced at this. A huge weight was lifted off their chest. They all hugged May. "Thank you Aunt May, you're the best" Peni said while everyone nodded in agreement. "You can go see him but let him rest ok?" May said with an assuring smile
Everyone entered the room to see Miles asleep on the bed wearing a hospital gown like cloth. As much as they wanted to talk to him, they couldn't as they remembered Aunt May's words. Suddenly Peter, Miles' parents Jefferson and Rio came into the room.
"Hey! I heard from Aunt May that Miles is gonna be ok." Peter said rejoicing. Jeff and Rio stared worriedly at their son who was stitched up and in plasters. "Mr and Mrs Morales, due to his special healing factor, he'll be okay in a week or two". Rio and Jeff gave out a sigh of relief. They knew it would be best to leave him to rest, so they headed out. Gwen was mentally thanking Miles that he was able to fight through this.
"So you're the Spider person of another universe huh?" Jefferson asked Gwen. "Yes sir, well you might not believe in parallel universes....Miles is a great friend and he's an inspiration"
He helped me tackle almost all my problems....." Gwen said a little nervously. Jeff then pulled her into a hug, Rio joined in too. "Thank you for saving our son Gwen.." Rio said in a calm manner. "You should be thanking Aunt May, she helped to stabilize his condition" Gwen replied. "But if you weren't there, we can't think of what would happen to him..." Jeff said a little sadly. "You know Gwen, I like you... You are perfect for Miles" Jeff followed on saying the last bit a little quietly. "What?!" Gwen asked and began to blush. "Nothing" Jeff replied and went off.
"You know you can stay here right?" May told Miles' parents. "Thank you for your offer May but I got police duties to do and Rio's got her hospital duty, but yeah if he wakes up, be sure to call us...." Jeff said as he went out of the house with his wife.
"Guys.... You're gonna stay here?" Gwen asked the Spiders. "Yeah, we are a family! We care about Miles, we care about each other. That's what families are for" Peni said as she pulled Gwen into a hug. Gwen returned the embrace. "You guys are the best!" Gwen exclaimed. "I'm lucky to have met you all" Noir said with a smile. "I'm sure we all are..." Ham replied as he began to shed cartoon-ish tears.
It was dinner time and May had prepared food for them all. They had a silent prayer and then began to dig in onto the food. "I am really happy to see you all, even though it's not under the best circumstances.... but I guess it's taken care of" May said while eating her food. "This is literally the same food my Aunt May used to make me" Peter said with a huge smile on his face. "Oh, thank you Peter" said May in a gentle manner
It was 11 pm. The Spidey fam were all doing their thing. Peni was upgrading some features into her SP//dr. Noir was trying to figure out the colours while Ham helped him. Peter was watching some TV with Gwen. Gwen got up from the couch and went up to Aunt May. "Can I spend some time with Miles?" Gwen asked May hoping her to say yes. "No problem dear... you can see him. Just don't umm, you know what I mean" May said as Gwen nodded and entered the room where Miles was resting.
"Hey Miles, are you feeling okay?" Gwen placed her palm over Miles' and whispered but got no response. "You really scared me today..... I thought I would lose you too. You're my best friend and I don't know what I would do if you had...*sigh* I'm really sorry Miles...You always help me brighten up my mood, even with your bad jokes. You and the others really helped me a lot with my life. I just need you to come back... Please Miles, wake up....."Gwen said wiping off the tears from her face.
She got up and then kissed him on the forehead. "I love you and always will" Gwen said as she turned around to walk away. A hand gripped her hand tightly and she turned around to see Miles weakly smiling at her.
"Miles!" Gwen exclaimed as she hugged him. "Hey.. not too tight" Miles said as her grip was a little too tight. "Oh, sorry about that, I'm glad you're back Miles...." Gwen said with tears of joy forming in her eyes. "I'll inform the others of your condition" Gwen said. "Wait! The Spidey fam is here?" Miles asked enthusiastically. "Of course you dummy, we were worried sick" Gwen said with some sadness in her voice. As Gwen began to make her way to the exit, Miles said to her " I love you too" causing her to blush and smile really hard. "Ohhh! He's so adorable! I love him!"
Miles laid idle for a few minutes until he heard footsteps approaching him. "Kid! Welcome back!" Peter said with a pat on Miles' head. "Hey Miles! I modified your dimensional watch, here you go" Peni said as she handed over the watch to Miles. "Thanks Peni" Miles smiled at her. " You are one strong kid Miles" Noir said as he shook Miles' hand. "Next time I'll give you something better than a hammer to put in your pocket" Ham said to Miles and he laughed at his remark. "Well C'mon guys! Ain't I getting a group hug? Well not too tight please" Miles said spreading his right arm as his left one was fractured. They all engaged in a hug. It was very comforting. "Thank you guys... for sticking with me..." Miles said with a smile on his face.
Suddenly two other figures came into the room. "Miles!" Jeff and Rio said happily as they embraced him. "I'm glad you're okay". Miles was a little shook but he asked them " So you know I'm Spider Man?" Miles asked. "Oh we've known for 2 months. Miles even though you're doing deeds for the greater good, please don't put yourself in serious danger again and be injured like this, we all care about you. We love you Miles" Rio said as Miles replied that he loved them back too. "Oh Miles by the way, the blonde haired girl, Gwen, she seems to really care about you" Jeff said quietly. Miles began to blush at this. "He will have the required medication here, you can take him home in a week" May said to Jeff and Rio. "Thank you May, we owe you" Jeff replied. "Ah it's no problem" May said as Miles' parents went out of the house.
It was 1 am. Everyone were feeling sleepy. "Guess we are going back to our worlds Miles" Peter said as he began to open up a portal. Noir,Ham and Peni did the same. Gwen decided to stay for a little bit. "We'll try to visit you everyday" Peter said but Miles suggested they could video call as he didn't want them to come visit him if they had some kind of job to do. "Ok Miles Bye!" Peni said while jumping in the portal. Peter jumped into his. Ham and Noir wished him for the best and left. It was getting pretty late.
"I just woke up, I am not able to sleep now " Miles said. "C'mon Miles, you need to rest" Gwen said yawning. "Do you mind if I laid down with you?" Gwen said as a light shade of pink appeared on her cheeks. "T-That's fine, Miles moved over to give Gwen some space. "Gwen... What we said to each other a few hours ago, is it legit?" Miles asked. Gwen replied a little quietly "of course Miles.... I got feelings for you". "M-me too" Miles said as he placed his right hand across Gwen's shoulders and Gwen cuddled onto his chest. They both stared at each other, their eyes glistening and then their lips crashed onto each other for a few good seconds. They both smiled at each other and fell in a deep sleep.
So that's it guys. Miles will go on to recover and spend more time with Gwen. I'll do a one shot of a date or something the Spidey Fam do all together. And it's 50 views already! I greatly appreciate it. Thank you guys!
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