"I heard about everything," Bruce says, sitting at a small table on the quinjet. "You did something really amazing, Tori."
"Yeah, yeah, I've heard enough about the incident. Now, what does everyone need?" I ask.
"First, Fury needs us."
Bruce opens a video chat on his computer and it projects onto a wall. All of the Avengers are shown on it, me in the front. Fury's face comes into focus on the projector.
"Avengers," he says. "I have some very important news to tell you all, technically two things. One, the other base was found. Two, I should take some time to say to all of you."
Everyone nods and continues to listen to Director Fury.
"I have heard and seen everything that has happened today. I am very proud of all of you, especially Miss Stark. I wanted her to go on this mission to prove herself of one more thing, which she accomplished, to go on my list. That thing is saving Rogers from the bullet. It almost skimmed your head, Stark, but you still did it. So, Victoria Stark, you have proven yourself an Avenger. Congratulations, welcome to the team."
I turn around in disbelief. Tony engulfs me in an embrace and says how proud of me he is and everyone cheers. Steve congratulates me briefly, but too afraid to be caught talking to me in front of the other Avengers.
"I have given you all a full free day to celebrate, but I expect you all to be back and ready in two days."
An agent enters the room. She smiles and holds out her hand, revealing an Avengers pin. I grin and take it thankfully. She hurries out and closes the door behind her. I stare at the red pin, my fingers gliding across its A.
Fury continues to speak, not required to be heard. I fiddle with the pin until it is attached to the fabric on the top of my left arm. I listen to Fury again, trying to comprehend what he is saying.
"-a nice restaurant there and parks to go to. You could all branch off and do something or do it together." Fury says.
"So," Tony says. "We have the rest of today and the entire day tomorrow to have fun?"
"Yes, you all deserve it. Now, have fun."
Fury ends the call and we all burst into commotion. Everyone keeps congratulating me and then dispersing into their own conversations. Steve stays quiet, leaning against the wall of a corner, smiling to himself. I stare at him, standing alone, myself. I walk over to him, slightly concerned.
"Hey," I say to him.
"Hey," he says.
"Aren't you lonely over here by yourself?" I ask.
"No," he says. "In fact, I prefer to be alone."
"I-I can leave if you want."
"However, I enjoy some company." he smiles.
"So similar to me,"
He sighs. "So, you're an Avenger now. How does it feel?"
I bite my lip. "No different than being a high level agent."
"Ah, I can imagine."
He clears his throat pushes himself off of the wall. "We got what we wanted, we're going to explore London."
"Yep, I'm really excited."
Steve opens his mouth to speak, but it is overthrown by screams, not from the quinjet. My head snaps in that direction, my heart starting to speed up. I sprint out of the quinjet, leaving everyone by themselves.
The afternoon sun glows on my skin. My feet slap against the concrete and I push through the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that wander the landing area. I leave the vicinity of the quinjet, rushing into the city. As soon as I turn down the first city street, I see a horde of people on a large area of sidewalk in front of a large building.
On the top of the steps leading to the building, there is a H.Y.D.R.A. agent putting a young woman in a headlock and pressing the barrel of his gun against her temple. The woman wears an expensive dress, so do all of the other women in the crowd. The men wear tuxedos, keeping the women behind them.
"Ahem," I cough to get everyone's attention.
All heads turn in my direction, staring at me with absolute horror.
"Didn't you ever learn your manners, sir?" I ask. "Now let the woman go."
I walk closer to them the more I speak. My heart thumps with anticipation. He just adjusts his gun and holds the woman tighter.
"Why should I?" the agent asks in a husky voice.
"Because she obviously didn't do anything to you." I hiss, taking out my gun.
When I am in front of the crowd, the man starts to laugh. "Since when did Mystérieux become an Avenger?" he asks, examining my pin.
"About fifteen minutes ago," I shrug. "And you're about to find out why."
I feel something cold press against my temple, stopping me in my tracks. I glance behind me - another agent. I stay in my place.
"It seems you have a friend," I say matter-of-factly. "You don't seem like the type to enjoy the company of others."
"Please," the woman whimpers. "Help."
The agent pushes the barrel closer to the woman's head. My eyes linger on him. He stares at me with pleasure. He begins to speak, but I attack the agent behind me. I kick him in the groin and he bellows. I knock him from under his feet and he falls to the cement. I pin him to the ground and punch him in the face.
"Very good," the agent says, looking down at his unconscious colleague. "My boss will be proud."
Standing up, I point my gun at him. "Let. Her. Go."
He emits into laughter. "You seem so tough. You aren't. I remember when you got in the spotlight. Pathetic. You're weak. You can't even pull that trigger."
I pull the trigger, the bullet going into his arm. He releases the girl and she runs into the crowd. The agent holds his arm, cursing to himself.
I sigh of relief when I see a flash of red, white, and blue hit the agent's head.
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