Tori and I sit at the breakfast table in the kitchen. The other Avengers boom in the living room, the topic of their conversation unknown. I stir my ice that fills my cup, it slowly melting. Tori just stares into her water, possibly at her reflection.
"I find it ironic that they are so excited to hear you speak and they aren't including either of us in their conversation." I say.
"It is pretty ironic," she mutters, running her finger along the edge of her cup.
"How are you doing?" I ask. "You're throat feeling better?"
"Yeah," she laughs. "I can't believe that I put up with being mute for two weeks."
"I can't believe that anyone did."
Her eyes are intense, but a different kind of the emotion - boredom.
"Okay, come here," I say, gripping her wrist.
"Where are we going?" Tori asks, catching up with my long strides.
"You'll see," I say, a smile plastered on my face.
"Why are we outside?" Tori asks, crossing her arms.
"I was thinking that you can make a little snowy area, knowing about your ice power." I grin, looking at the patch of grass.
"You're lucky no one is here, Rogers." Tori mutters.
I laugh and wait for her to produce ice. Tori just bites her lip and stands on the grass awkwardly. I raise an eyebrow and step closer to her.
"I-I've never done it before," she quakes.
"It's okay," I coo. "You need to learn how to use it."
"O-Okay," she says.
Tori takes a deep breath and extends her hand. Ice shoots from it, producing a thin layer of snow on the grass.
"Snow?" Tori asks, kicking her foot in the white powder. "It's snow!"
She moves her hands in many different directions until a thick layer of ice covers the grass. Her hands raise above her, snow falling from them.
"This is so easy!" Tori exclaims as she is slowly creating a winter wonderland.
"I'm not doing it, but it does look simple." I say, watching her.
"Steve, I'm doing it!"
Tori's eyes light up and she starts to cover nearby trees and bushes. Her smile seems impossible to get rid of; she is so happy.
"Don't go too crazy," I say, examining the trees.
"Alright, I'm done." Tori sighs.
I smirk and lean down to get a handful of snow.
"You're doing great," I say, packing the snow into a ball. "I could only imagine doing all of this."
Tori laughs and puts a lock of hair behind her ear. I throw the snowball at her, it hitting her shoulder. She gasps and makes a snowball with her hands, ice crystals visibly compacting into one. She flings it toward me, the snowball hitting my face.
"Two can play at that game," I mutter, wiping away the remaining snow that lingers on my face.
As Tori laughs hysterically, I compact more snow than the last time and throw it at her face. She blinks away the snow and sneers. She raises her hands in the crisp air, a ball of snow bigger than her forming.
I stare at it with anticipation and fear, running away screaming.
"No, no, please, not the giant snowball!" I shriek, trying to urge her to throw it.
Her eyes glint from the white snow, debating whether or not to release it. She shrugs and allows it to come rushing after me.
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