"Just a little more, dear." Doctor Harris says, putting another glass of serum into the machine.
I sigh, my muscles feeling like twigs. I can barely move from being hurt so much. My head throbs and my body aches. The machine cranks on and the serum flows into me. I bite back my screams, hoping that it will make me seem less pathetic. A single hot tear streams down my cheek. I can't do this. If I tried, I could barely whisper let alone get out of here.
I want someone to help me, anyone. I don't want Steve to come. Harris wants him, not me. I don't want sweet Steve to end up like me. I feel so weak, so useless. And I hate it.
The last of the serum flows through me, releasing a short sigh of relief. I stare at the multiple items that I have been forced to touch, leaving them covered in ice, on a table. Harris comes to me with one more, setting down in front of my hand.
"Touch it," he commands, his thick German accent echoing through the room.
I attempt to lift my index finger, but it stays on the cool table.
"Now, Victoria," the scientist orders. "Now!"
I manage to take all of my energy and touch the glass with three fingers. Ice blasts from my hand and onto the cup, knocking Harris to the floor and he drops it. The cup smashes into shards, which Harris tries to pick up.
"Perfect," he whispers. "This has been a success."
I feel like I've been here for days, testing these serums. A wave of energy washes over me, hopefully giving me the power to speak.
"How long have I been here?" I ask him, my cracking voice quiet and high pitched.
"About three days," the scientist says. "One of my experiments has allowed me to have the ability to stay awake for days."
"You do many experiments," I say, my voice almost unbearable to listen to without it sounding like an extremely ill, shrieking child.
"I cannot believe how well you are doing," he mumbles. "Most are practically dead by now."
My eyes widen. "What?"
"You are physically strong," Harris says. "You are putting up through this, which is truly making you stronger as you do it."
"Why ice?" I ask. "It is a questionable want."
"It is powerful, for a true villain. And you, you seem like the perfect one to have this power bestowed upon."
I feel more liquid abruptly rush through the tubes and into my veins. I yelp, or at least a pitiful noise comes from my mouth. It is quick, but painful.
"Whoops, there was some left." Harris sneers, shutting off the machine.
I eye the scientist, who is creating more serum.
"You know," Harris begins. "You aren't going to last for long, so I can tell you this. Mister Rogers, he is a World War Two wartime hero. He lifted the hearts of many because of his story and just 'Captain America' made Americans feel so patriotic and proud. The serum that your father and Doctor Erskine put into him, it stays there. So, his blood has the serum in it. I have kept this secret for a while, but the thought of having real modern superheroes surveying the Earth is incredible."
"You already do," I hiss. "Steve, Tony, Natasha, Bruce, Clint, Thor, and even myself are considered superheroes by everyone. However, there are those that aren't recognized. Normal, regular day to day people that are heroes. You, my sir, aren't one. You turn those people into monsters."
"Let me finish, dear," he spits. "His blood could change the world. No one becoming sick, everyone being strong, hell, people can't even get drunk if they had the serum. Now, this could end so many things. No one could become ill. That is incredible!"
"Someone once told me that everything has its place in the world, and you shouldn't tamper with it." I say, referring to my brother.
"However, we can make the world better."
"Stay away from Steve," I thunder. "Or you'll destroy the world."
"So many threats," the scientist says calmly. "You seem so strong when you are in front of the citizens. But we all know that you die inside when you are in front of crowds. You are weak. There is nothing inside of you that could have the urge to kill me, because you clearly can. But you are weak."
"That's because you made me this way. I could kick your ass right here if I had the strength."
"I know that you can. Now, for more serum."
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