The last of the vanilla frosting is spread onto the cooled white cake. Steve and I lick our fingers clean of the frosting and start to clean up. Steve cleans the bowls and pan and I dry them and put them away.
"That's the last one," I say, closing the cupboard door.
"Yep," Steve sighs. "Thank you."
"Aw, it was nothing." I shrug.
"No, really." he says blushing.
My cheeks flush and I turn my head to the ground. He gently lifts my chin with hand and smiles.
"Look at our second masterpiece of the day," he says. "This has been one of the most enjoyable days for me in a long time."
I force myself to look up at his frosting and flour covered face. Oh what am I kidding, I wanted to.
"Me too," I say softly. "It's been a really weird day, though."
"I agree," he says. "But I loved it."
The corners of my mouth twist up, my heart starting to thump when I realize what he means. The entire day, was with him. He was with me, I was with him.
"Now let's show those boys our piece of art." I say.
Steve takes the plate and follows me to where I saw Tony and Bruce last. As soon as we step out of the kitchen, they have to do a double take at us.
"Where are your powdered wigs?" Tony asks us.
"Lost them in our baking war." Steve says.
"Ah," Tony says. "So, that's the 'meal'?"
"Oh shut up," I say. "That's what we wanted to make and it's easier. So enjoy it."
Bruce smiles to himself in his chair, trying not to stare.
"And that's my apron," Tony pouts. "You stole it from me."
"No he didn't, I let him borrow it." I say.
"Now enjoy your cake, after Steve and I get our slices." I grin, leading Steve back into the kitchen.
I get plates and forks out of cabinets and drawers. Steve cuts four pieces out, one for each of us. He puts them on the plates and I take a fork with each and deliver them.
"Enjoy," I say to Tony and Bruce before leaving them.
Steve hands me a plate with cake and a fork and we eat. The cake doesn't taste any different than it usually does, using the same recipe in the past.
"This is really good," Steve tells me.
"I know," I say. "I bake it all the time."
He nods and takes another bite. I continue to eat, but glance at Steve every once and a while. I rinse my plate and put it into the dishwasher, Steve shortly following. We undo our aprons and put them away.
"We should probably clean our faces," I laugh.
"Aww," Steve pouts. "I wanted to keep frosting and flour on my face."
I grin and put my hands under the faucet and putting the water to my face. Steve does the same after I finish, all of the flour and frosting going down the drain. Steve and I go into the sitting area and talk to Tony and Bruce for a while.
"I should probably start to unpack," I tell them, trying to conceal my yawn.
"Go ahead," Tony says.
"I'll be back in a little bit," I say, walking to my bedroom which is on this floor.
I walk into my bedroom and unzip my duffle bag and take out the clean clothes and put them in the white painted dresser. I begin to yawn and my eyes feel heavy.
"Just for a minute," I tell myself.
I go to the opposite side of my white room and hop onto my bed. I close my eyes and drift into a short sleep.
I wake up with a start. My lights are off, most likely because of Tony. My eyes shift to a different part of my room, to the door. I see a dark figure.
"Tony?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.
The figure comes closer to me, and I start to make out the details. A black suit, slicked back black hair, and pale skin. That's not Tony. My heart starts to thump against my chest. I can't do anything, my entire body feeling paralyzed except for my trembling hands.
Once the intruder gets close enough, he seizes my chin and speaks in a quiet voice.
"Rogers isn't going to last, or you. Watch your back, child, because we're coming. Hail H.Y.D.R.A.." the man says in a rather husky voice, his breath smelling of alcohol.
"No!" I scream.
I regain my strength and grab my lamp from my beside table. I swing it into the attacker's head, knocking him to the ground. I stand with the lamp in my hands, ready to attack.
"Victoria!" I hear Tony's voice echo through the hallway.
Three pairs of footsteps sprint through the hallway, and into my room. The first face I see is Steve's.
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