Chapter Twenty-Two~Becoming
Since I've no clue where Steve is, I reach out with my mind for his. It's not hard to find despite the vastness of the palace. Determined yet soft even in sleep, my feet carry me towards his door before my eyes even open. If my mind hadn't already confirmed it was Steve, the soft snores would have. I stifle a small laugh as I slip in and shut the door softly behind me. "Steve." I hesitate a moment before hopping onto the edge of the bed beside him. "Hey, Captain Dad. Need to talk." As always, when I need something he comes through. Blue eyes crack open, then become wide awake. "Nothing is wrong. God, you all are worked up. One little coma and..." I trail off teasingly as he sighs.
"What's going on?" He asks and slides up, roughly rubbing big fingers at his sleep-crusted eyes. I swallow, suddenly unsure.
"Well, you know, our hug was cut off earlier and I just knew you'd want extra cuddle time." I joke immediately. He exhales a sharp laugh and slides over, then lifts the top blanket for me to slide under. Grinning, I slip under and lean against the back bedpost facing him. This is familiar. I'd come to talk to him sometimes after a nightmare or a bad memory would pop up. Other than Peter, he's always been my go-to to talk. Plus, he's always warm while I tend to run cold. He leans over and turns the lamp on before relaxing back into place, eyes gently roving over my face illuminated by the soft light. It's quiet for a couple of moments as I just feel how he's feeling. He's calm and peaceful for the first time in days, although, he is slightly concerned and curious about why I'm here now. Regret shoots through me and guilt. Why am I always the one who has to wreck his peace?
"Jo, you're projecting." He tells me softly. I sigh and relax further into the footboard.
"Sometimes I hate being able to feel everything," I tell him and glance up at his blue eyes. His gold hair is tinted orange at the edges from the lamp beside him, but his eyes seem brighter from the contrast. His brows furrow. "Have you ever had identity crisis?" I question to start to warm him up to the conversation.
"An identity crisis?" Steve repeats and I nod. His eyes scan my face and I can tell he knows this isn't the main thing. Still, he goes at my pace. "Think I've had a few actually. One when I was with the USO. It wasn't what I wanted or who I was, but I thought at the time it was the only thing I could do. Again, when I got out of the ice. When Shield was dismantled, when Bucky showed up, although that was a positive."
"So, you basically never stop." I tease, but there's a tinge of seriousness there. He shoots me a little side-eye. "All that sounds like stuff that happened outside of you. Ever found information about yourself that had you questioning things?" My eyes scan his face as he sighs.
"No." I deflate and run a hand through my hair.
"And it's obvious that's not the answer you were looking for."
"Wow, what gave it away?" I respond sarcastically and he raises a brow at me. My mouth shuts.
"Jo, it's not because my world was never shaken. You've shaken me up pretty well over the years." His foot nudges me playfully to try and get a smile onto my face. He succeeds. "Even if I learned something crazy about myself, it wouldn't change the person I turned out to be." Steve has my attention now as I lean forward a bit to listen. "While learning something about myself, whether it's something in the present or the past, doesn't change what I've been through. Or how it affected me. It just gives me an edge over the future."
"It doesn't even matter?" I surmise and Steve's big shoulders shrug.
"We aren't just born who we are. We learn and choose who we are throughout our lives. So, just because you learn something new, it doesn't change you. It's a product of how you've handled your life, like metal in fire. You melt, or you harden." Blue eyes are soft and considerate on mine as he pokes my calf again. "Care to tell me what's going on now, Jo?" He questions gently. I lick my lips and my fingers start to fiddle with my rings. His words on a loop in my head, I nod reluctantly.
"Shuri did a couple of tests on my DNA." I start. My fingers begin to spin my rings before I turn a little more, curling my legs up next to myself so I'm not touching him. I still make sure to lock eyes before telling him. "Turns out my mother was from Wakanda." Steve blinks and leans forward a bit to make sure he heard me right. I nod and he blinks long and hard like I've become a figment of his imagination.
He clears his throat, "Well, that's not a bad thing-"
"Yeah, I'm not done." I interrupt him and his mouth shuts. "My father...turns out he's not actually my father. T'Chaka is." My voice is as gentle as I can make it, but Steve's brain still seems to stall. Blue eyes are fixed on me, interrupted by rapid blinking.
"Uh, T'Chaka." He repeats as his mind slowly comes to terms with what I said. "That makes you...that makes you..." He goes on, realizing the actual weight of the discovery. I monitor his emotions, but along with the shock comes a surprising amount of relief.
"You're happy about this?" I ask him incredulously. His head shakes slightly as he continues absorbing this.
"About this? Not sure yet. Happy you finally come to me with something that isn't horrible, yes I'll admit I'm relieved." I hit his foot for that but chuckle lightly. A few moments of silence fall over us as Steve absorbs all of this. The weight of it all settling over his shoulders, although this time, it seems like it's not as heavy as other things I've told him. Blue eyes look to my brown as I take in a deep breath. "So, you're actually a Wakandan Princess?" I wince slightly at the p-word but nod.
"Mmhmm. And I've already been christened by the Queen Mother, T'Challa, and Shuri. Still need to announce it to the people, but I wanted to tell you now."
"So, you've decided to accept." He asks and this time his voice is careful. I sigh and look into his eyes.
"I'm not running from this if that's what you're asking," I answer immediately. My lips press together and he waits, knowing I'm thinking about what to say next. "This...this isn't something I ever looked to have. You know that." He nods. "But I think I can do good with it." As I speak, the picture comes together in my mind. As well as hope. This means better international relations, an in for Wakanda and America to have a flourishing relationship, an in for the Avengers to once again travel throughout the continents for aid. "This is obviously something new for the world to have a princess as an Avenger, but I think I can make this work for our good. For the world's good." My eyes meet his with steel and hope. "That is, if you don't mind the diplomatic mess this is going to cause." I can't help teasing, but he just takes it in stride. He leans forward and I tentatively move forward. Steve pulls me close and hugs me, cradling my head to his chest.
"I'm so proud of you, Josephine." He breathes and I can feel the pride leaking off his skin. Surprise tints my tongue as I return his embrace and rest my head on his shoulder. This wasn't really the reaction I was expecting. Steve pulls back and runs a hand over my hair with shining eyes. "You go from fighting in back alleys," my eyes roll, "to talking about ways to save the world." His voice is low to hide the slight shake in it from too much emotion in his big heart. "I have no doubt that you'll do whatever you set your mind to." And this time, I can feel his belief in me. Emotion fills my throat and I lean forward again to hug him. Setting my chin on his shoulder, I squeeze him tightly.
"Thank you," I tell him before pecking his cheek. "And you know this won't change my standing with the team." He chuckles as I slip off the bed and face him. Fond eyes consider me as I swallow and wipe my eyes.
"As much as it pains me to say it, Josephine, I might have to start letting you go a bit more." My eyebrows raise and he chuckles again. "Didn't say it was easy, but I trust you to make the right choices." His eyes steady on me. "I believe in you, Jo." My lips part at the words and I do my best to quickly swallow my tears.
"Thank you." I breathe and he nods.
"Good luck telling the rest of the team." He teases lightly and I shake my head to clear it as much to answer him.
"I'll wait until tomorrow. I need some semblance of rest before facing everyone else. Goodnight, Steve." My fingers land on the handle as I spare one last glance at him.
"Night, Jo."
The night passes without another incident and it's a relief to just sleep with Peter beside me. Still, I'm quick to get up in the morning and slip to the room Shuri told me about. She's set out another few outfits for me on the bed and I grin at the gesture. While excited to see them, I head to the bathroom first for a shower. Once clean, I'm quick to examine the three.
The first one has a lot more moving parts than the last one I had on. The main piece is a dress, black with white symbols sewn into the fabric like chalk. It wraps low around my neck and leaves my shoulders bare as it falls. Bunches of fabric part at my upper thighs falling backward to my calves, while a long rectangle lays over my front down just above my knees. A heavy belt of beads lays on my hips colored red, white, and black. One of the last pieces is soft leather. It settles over my shoulders, leaving just an inch bare. More beads wrap around me, two vines falling under my arms to skim those at my waist and another two like capped sleeves tickling my elbows. There's a body-length mirror in the bathroom and I stare at myself in it as if I'm not real. I certainly don't look real. I look like one of the women in history books, a forgotten warrior who has just rediscovered her own history. I smile at the reflection before turning back to the bed and realizing there's a note under this outfit.
"This is for the ceremony naming you princess. When you are ready and T'Challa has announced it to the people. I just wanted you to see it...sister. -Shuri." I read aloud and hesitate at the sister bit. Not sure how I feel about it yet. It feels...underserved. All of my family had to earn their place, now Shuri and T'Challa welcome me with open arms. Hopefully, I'll grow used to it. I undress once again to leave the outfit on the bed for the eventual ceremony. And I keep the note. Shuri left two other outfits and I choose one that is bright blue, white, and black. It's similar to the underdress from before. Gathered fabric parts at my upper thighs ending at my calves, a long strip of fabric covers my front to just above my knees. It wraps around my neck to leave my shoulders exposed to the eventual sunlight and has a long slit in the back to let in whatever breeze there is. There are also shorts under this outfit, white and bright and comfortable.
I tie my hair up again, this time in a bun, before stepping out of the room. Peter's waiting there and looking a little unsteady on his feet. He perks up when he sees me though. "Hey. You look incredible." He murmurs and I love that despite his drowsiness his go-to is to compliment me. Smiling, I walk over and wrap his arm around my waist to keep him steady.
"Thank you. I actually feel pretty incredible." I admit and his brown eyes shine happily. He takes a deep breath.
"So, you're ready to tell the team?" Now it's my turn to take a deep breath. I look down the hallway at all the doors containing the people that hold parts of my heart. I nod.
"As I'll ever be."
* * * * *
It goes better than I thought it would.
Bucky and Natasha were the first two and took it well like I thought they would. Out of the entire team, they've been the one who've allowed me to be as autonomous as possible from the start. I even believe Natasha hides a tear. Since Peter is with me, Tony was a cinch. Shock probably hit him the hardest but like with Steve, I think he's just relieved this isn't like some of the things I've told him in the past. Peter stays with him since I think this entire trip has shaken him up more than he lets on. He feels everything keenly, like Peter. Besides, Sam is last and I knew he'd be the easiest. All he does is scoop me up in a bone-crushing hug and has me promise that I'll invite him back to Wakanda when I'm here. I swear and he's content. Afterward, I'm standing at the opposite of the hallway from where I started and everyone knows. Well, everyone on the team. I lift my hand with the beads Shuri gave me settled onto my wrist and press the little button. "Shuri?" Please god let this work and not show me T'Challa or anyone else embarrassing. Luckily, my days of working with Siri paid off. Shuri's hologram appears and she has a smile on her face.
"You're up early." She notes, voice awake and chipper. I shrug.
"I don't like things hanging over my head," I respond and glance up with a smile as Peter emerges from Tony's room. "I wanted to tell you that the team knows. And...I think I'm ready for T'Challa to make the announcement." I exhale to calm my heart, but nothing calms me like Peter's presence beside me. Shuri's eyes and smile widen.
"Good! Bring Peter to the lab and I'll call T'Challa." Her hologram disappears and I look to Peter to see if he's with me. He takes my hand in his.
"Let's do this." My hand tightens on his and we hurry on our way. The minute we get to the lab, Shuri throws fabric at Peter.
"Put this on. If you're going to be there, you need to dress like the betrothed of a royal." She lightens her words with a smile and a teasing tone. She takes my hand as Peter figures out how the fabric goes and guides me around the spiraling ramp to where T'Challa waits. He has a soft smile on his face and light in his eyes. Shuri leaves my side and I stand straighter in his presence. My fist goes over my heart in respect, but now I don't bow my head. I'm a royal too. His smile grows at this.
"I am glad to see that you learn fast and move quickly. To tell your whole team in a morning after a night of such action, then feel ready for this." His head shakes slightly. "I am impressed." My lips tilt at the compliment.
"Ready probably isn't the best word, but I want the truth out there. Maybe then I'll grow used to it." It's basically throwing myself into the fire, but I'm not sure how else to do it. Shuri returns and secures armbands around my upper arms.
"This is just the announcement," Shuri tells me and steps back, dark eyes steady on mine so I know to pay attention. "The people must accept you as well if you are to become their princess." I stiffen slightly. "Then there will be an official ceremony with the other outfit I laid for you. This is a good pick by the way. Perfect for the occasion." She tells me nonchalantly, but with a sympathetic smile.
"They have to accept me as well?" I repeat and glance to T'Challa. He nods.
"And this will be no easy task. With myself and Shuri, we were born here and lived here our whole lives with the people. Learning their names, our responsibility, our place. It will be harder for you since this is new to you." He explains and doesn't do a great job of reassuring me.
"But we're sure you can do it." Shuri elbows T'Challa. "And we'll be there all the way supporting you. That has weight." I nod to her gratefully and roll my shoulders. In a way, this is better. I've always hated being given things; I'd always rather earn them. Seems this will be no different. A challenge arises in me and confidence surges. I've risen above every single trial I've gone through and being faced with another brings me a certain amount of steel. A fight is what I'm used to and a fight I can win. I meet T'Challa's searching eyes.
"I'm ready to try." His face splits in a smile.
"Good. Then I will help Peter and Shuri-"
"I will get her ready." She finishes and they share a quick smirk. A glance behind me reveals a struggling Peter with cloth over his head and I giggle as T'Challa sighs and walks over.
"What else do I need?" I question and Shuri meets my eyes with trepidation.
"You must learn how to conduct yourself as a royal. And fast. T'Challa will schedule the announcement today." She tells me and I swallow. Nodding, I take her hand.
"Then we should get started." Shuri grins and nods.
It's coming to an end now folks. Not sure what I'm going to do with my life after this. :'D Thank you so much for all of your support, comments, and votes. You all are absolutely amazing and I hope you know that this has impacted my life so hugely. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Keep reading, loves! <3
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