I was doing my patrol like I do every day when I heard a crash and a scream,"THEIF!" I turned to my side and my guards looked too,"I see him!" And I jumped down from the wall I looked like a bird flying dow ward to catch its pray I landed on top of my griffon and jumped off and sprinted after him,"I know if I yell stop THEIF you won't so in that case, You know I'll catch you and if I lose sight I'll just disappear and reappear in front of you!" I said running. As the chase continued I saw a crest and teleported infront of him,"I'm tired of running."and I yanked his hood of and saw he was a prince,"Please don't hurt me!" I looked at the boy,"Really?" And I pulled his weapons away and threw them done and Ickes them away,"Your name?"
"Why should I tell you?"
"Wow looks like we got a brat over here!" And bent down and had my hands on my hopes and looked at him,"I'm not stupid, go home lighting." He mumbled and walked home, and that's when the guards appeared,"God these kids here are ANYOING."
"Well mam there's a school of the apprentices and well since your the general you have to go and teach the kids and work here so double shift." I turned around,"Well then Kaden, you'll be helping me.And when is this?"
"In five minutes."
"It's at the town hall." And with that I sprinted down there,"COME ON!IT TAKES TEN MINUTES TO GET THERE BUT IF WE GO THIS WAY WE CAN GET RHERE!" And with that in five ministers we made it,"Hello everyone!" I said almost out of breath Kaden behind me. A few speeches latter and greetings.(Everyones lined up)"First before we assign you to your mentors we need to see your skills. And if you pass the test at the end off the week you'll have a chance to fight me."I heard a few wispsers and saw a few straighten their backs. The end of the week,"I'm truly amazed at the strength you've shown, but only a few of you have past the test." I bags walking to the training field I put my hand out as the sword was thrown to me I spun it in the air and pointed it at them,"Let's begging oldest to youngest." I stood there waiting as they put them in order a tall young boy was first,"What's your weapon choice."
"Fists and a knife." I threw my sword at the wall and cracked my neck and flicked my rists making knifes appear and I did it again hiding them,"Ok then let's beggin but first." I cast a spell.,"Ready set go!" Kaden said, he ran towards me and get ready to punch me I moved to the side he stumbled,"Really did you learn anything?" I said turning around I crossed my arms and turned around again and punched him in the chest,"You can clone yourself?" I said as he feel,"Next." He stood up sad and walked away, next a girl came,"Your-"
"Bows." I looked at her as they handed them to me,"There's unlimited arrows."
And again Kaden said ready set fight! I ran and hide as she did the same I loaded my bow and turned and ran behind another object,"Who's gonna shot first, a princess isn't supposed to do this stuff hahaha loser!" I heard a group of young men laughing, so I jumped out and did a back flip thing and shot next to his head and landed dodging the arrows,"Smart mouth. It's your turn."
"Please no one got shot yet." I turned around showing an arrow,"Listen hear mister with a smart mouth like that your gonna die out there so you better watch what you say or something will happen to you." And I pulled the arrow out and threw it done,"Choose your weapon."
"Swords." He said dust bumping his friends,"Ok then." I shook my hand and summoned my sword its silvery blade shimmered,"We're stour?" He was handed a dull sword,"Ok then." And he charged without waiting for kadens words he charged strait at me I wasn't ready so I kicked his face making him fall,"The hell was that? Kaden didn't say to start! With an attitude like that your never going to be in the guards!" I removed my foot from his face,"That's all for today." I spun my showed into the ground and it disappeared everyone was disappointed, James handed me my coat and we walked away,"Damn only one of them was good an off tell them will continue this tomorrow he nodded as the rest of my five came and walked with me,"I'm going to have to talk with the guards again." I signed
"You work so hard Mam."
"Thank you bolt." And I walked ahead of them I shivered as I looked up in our world it's snowing,"Hello father."
"Your eighteen know raven, it's time you meet the rulers of the other day."
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