As we pulled apart for air, I looked around the room, my cheeks were warm and I was blushing. I didn't really know what to say, it felt like a blur to me. I could tell he didn't know what to say, either. "I like you," he finally said, after another moment of silence I think I would be a deranged crazy person, noticing that I was still close to Zaiden, he was breathing quickly, I was way too nervous to breath slowly. "Goodnight," I slip though his arms and fell back asleep. Strangely enough, I fell asleep as soon as I laid down, thinking of what would happen tomorrow. Little did I know tomorrow would change my life.
I wake up once again, the Sun was more scintillating than ever and I was more full of energy for more freaking activities. As I climb down I realized that everyone else was asleep, except for Zaiden, he wasn't asleep nor was he awake. He was gone. I pulled over all of the blankets and pillows and looked in his suit case but there was no trace of him. "Wake up!" I yell, everyone moaned and groaned at me, "Zaiden's gone!" "Wait what?!" Hayden hollered, "I checked everywhere!" He went to all of the bunks and pulled the blankets off of everyone, "Hey!" Aria shrieked, "Don't get me wrong, but I like Zaiden, he's nice and stuff but how do we know if you guys are playing a trick on us?" She questioned, "Does that look like a trick?" He pointed to me as I was breaking down and crying. You know, before I cried I thought he was kidnapped but right now he was actually kidnapped! "We need to save him!" My eyes were bloodshot, Jai and Maryam finally agreed to help, Tiffany didn't say anything, her skin was just white and pale. "Okay, everyone search the whole room for any sign of him!" Hayden ordered, we all looked under the rug and in the fridge, or in the sheets. "I found something!" Maryam held up a note, she found it almost effortlessly and elegantly, almost like she knew where it was. "One down more to go, we will have the injections tomorrow morning at 6am, be sure to Dress for it. - B.C" she looked up from the note and looked at all of us. "Guys, I think we gotta go." I supposed, "Are you kidding?!" Aria said, offended, "We could die!" Jai curled up in a ball, "Well, what are we supposed to do?! Hide here and hope he comes back?!" I defended, "He's not gonna come back!" All our eyes turned to Maryam, "Our best hope is to save him. If we fail then we all die together." She looked sadly at Jai and held his hand, "Oh— N-No!" I sob, covering my face with my hands. They were shaking, everyone was shaking. "Guys, I think we need to tell a teacher." Tiff said from her bed, "You think Mr. Ney would believe us?!" Hayden yelled at her, "No! He's my friend! I would wanna do what's best for him!" His face starts to turn red and tears, real tear stream down his face. I have never seen Hayden cry before. "I miss him," my voice creaked, "He did it, if that's what makes you feel better, right now." I pat him on the back slowly, "He did?" He turned to face me, "Yeah, he did." He tried to grin but his grin turned into a frown. "He is all of our friends," Hayden stood up, "He deserves a chance to live just like us!" "Yeah!" Some of us cheered, "He deserves to live his life to his fullest potential!" "YES!" We all cheer together, "Who's with me on going?!" I raise my hand high up. And so did everyone else. "Let's do this!" With the plan set for tomorrow, we picked out our outfits, "cabin 11 you will be—" Mr. Ney came into our cabin without a knock on the door, "Mr. Ney, we all got a cold from each other can we stay here for today?" "Uhhh, okay." He left without another word. "So what do we do now?" Jai asked as soon as Mr. Ney left. "We just wait, and rest." Hayden said, "that's boring," Maryam rolled her eyes, "Hey! You got a better idea, idiot!" His emotions raised and his temper shortened, "You know! No one likes you guys! You know why?! Because you guys are just two stupid tweens trying to be cool because you two are dating!" He shouted at them both in rage, "Hayden! Calm down!" I step in-front of him, "Step out of the way, Woods!" He tried to push past me, "Guys?" Tiff interrupted, "what?" Hayden grumpily, turning around to face her, "I think I just saw a figure move at that window." She blinked multiple times and pointed to the bathroom window. We all slowly shuffle out of our cabin, turning to the waterfall. We all turn to look at each other. I mean how stupid can we be, but of course we all walked to the waterfall and behind the water into the cave. "What the heck is this place?" Hayden said in awe, "It's a secret cave, stick together and we will last the trip." I Lead the way though the dark cave, the only light we had was the voices of each other to comfort us, to keep us company. We all held hands to make sure we were together though out this whole entire ordeal. Except for Maryam, she didn't hold anyone's hand except for Jai's. Which seemed to be a bit sketchy since we were in this situation, well, together. "Anyone want to entertain each other with a song?" Tiff asked, yawning as she said it, "Me! I—" "I feel the breeze with me, on this day." Everyone stopped for me to continue, "I'm sorry, I don't remember the rest. I wrote this song a long time ago with Zaiden but I don't... remember it." I continued to walk. After a long break of silence we finally reached a stream of light. "How long have we been walking for?" Jai said sounding frustrated, "We haven't been walking for that long." Aria answered, "Maybe ten minutes." "Are you kidding? We aren't even half way there." I complained, "Are you sure? I think I see a light."
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