My heart hurts, I can't believe I'm gonna do this. I step closer to the cliff. The weather turned cold and windy, my hands shake from the cold and the anxiety of jumping. As I take one last step closer to the cliff, take a deep breath close my eyes for the last time. Pieces of dirt fall off of the cliff, I can't hear a thing. One step closer, I think. Before I step off of the cliff, a voice fills my head, preventing me from jumping. I turn around, my hands start to sweat. Zaiden stands there stunned. I don't move an inch, he stares at me with scared and horrified eyes. "Tory! What are you doing?!" He shouted, terrified. "I-I—" I stuttered, "Don't jump!" He stepped towards me. "I thought you were, Bert Hironaka." I walked towards him. He looked mildly confused but so had no time to explain. If anyone else knows they could be in big trouble.
About an hour later we arrive at the waterfall again. Mr. Ney looked at us with surprise, "You two keep ending up together, no matter what." He chuckled a bit, we both blushed. "You can go back to your cabins it's been nearly two hours." We nod and walk back. Our cabin was dark and lonely. Zaiden turns on the lights, and I walk over to our bunk. Taking my clothes and changing in the bathroom. "About what happened today." I walked out of the washroom, He kept scratching at his neck, "I-I, I don't know what to say." He blushed. His face was burning red, "Sorry," I said sympathetically. "No, I didn't mean that." His eyes widened as he realized what he just said. I was stunned, my lips were glued closed and my hands were itchy. Zaiden walked over and sat on his bunk, taking a book out, I turn around and blush. He grinned and read his book. I climb up into my bunk, resting my head on the pillow. As I drift off into a dreamless slumber, I can't help but have a feeling that something bad is gonna happen.
Next morning, I blink my eyes rapidly, the cabin was dark and the blinds were closed. Perking my head up and look side to side, a blanket slides off of me. I don't remember covering myself with one and I remember that I didn't bring one. I climb down the bunk and looked at Zaiden. He was cuddled up on the edge of his bed, shivering. It was still spring and it was raining outside. It would make sense why he was freezing. Taking the soft blanket off I place it gently over his shoulders and down to his ankles, stroking the blanket out for it to be flat. His shivering slowed and he grabbed on to the blanket like it was his saviour. With stealth I was able to climb up the ladder without making a sound, taking the pillow out of its case and hugging it, till I drift off into sleep.
A loud chime sound woke me up. Zaiden was already dressed and ready for the day, I quickly slip on some clothes and brush my teeth. Running out to the lunch cabin. Everyone was eating and talking. My heart slowed as I realized that I was on time. Zaiden actually left before I got ready, he was eating a sandwich and a glass of milk. Taking a tray I walk though and grab some of the foods I felt like eating, peas, milk, cheese and salad. Aria smiled at me and waved, I walked over hesitantly, Zaiden took a bite of his sandwich and watched me as he chewed, his eyes followed me. "Hey," I greeted, "Hi, so what happened to you?" She smirked, "I'm sure you could find out yourself." I laughed nervously. She looked at me weirdly, trying to figure me out. "That blanket looks cozy." She teased, "Did you cover the—" "No, but I'm sure whoever did, really cares about you." She continued. "Oh shut up." I complained, as Zaiden walked over and brushed his hand over mine, leaving a note in my lap. 'You really didn't need to do that.' I read in my head, 'Yes, I did, you were shivering.' I wrote. He took the note from my hand and read. Aria didn't notice what happened. She kind of just kept talking about stuff. "And then Tiffany kept talking about how Jai and Maryam are so lovey dove-y and how they will most likely break up. And then we kept talking about you and Zaiden." She can just keep going on and on can't she. "Wow," I pick at my food. "Yeah, but honestly I seriously believe that he likes you. Look at him, he's staring right now." She leaned in and pointed to him, he diverted his eyes as soon as he saw Aria point towards him. I bite my lip and turn my head back to Aria. "He turn away." She frowned, I grinned and turned my head to Mr. Ney. "Good morning, everyone! Today we are going to start off by doing some group activities. We are gonna rotate cabins to different activities every hour or so. Cabin 1, you are going to explore a cave, you will have to find a way to the end with materials you will find during your adventure. Cabin 2, you will be playing capture the flag in the woods, make even teams of three and you may begin. Cabin 3, you will be doing puzzles together off to the side over there." He pointed to the woods near the waterfall. After a few minutes of explaining activities of tight rope walking and baseball and all sorts of stuff, Mr. Ney finally gets to Cabin 11. "Cabin 11, you will be doing team work courses, you will need each other to get though the whole obstacle course. This will take place near the future river, just keep walking straight though there and you will arrive." He pointed to the trees behind us and we began to walk. Our whole cabin of seven walked for maybe a few minutes. Jai and Maryam walked with their tongues tied, clearly they knew what we said about them, but of course, they didn't hold back holding each other's hand. Hayden and Zaiden were talking, and I was left with Tiffany and Aria. Tiffany and Maryam are my best friends since a very long time ago. Aria just came into my life because I ended up in her class. Surprisingly, I ended up being friends with Aria and Tiffany because we ended up being pared as math partners. "So anything happen to you?" She smiled mischievously, "I won't say anything." I take my fingers and zip up my mouth, "Oh com'on, you have got to be kidding me." Tiff looked at me with a plea. "Nope, I'm not saying, nothing." Aria rolled her eyes and we continued to walk. Once we arrived there, there was a big structure with notes on the inside and a lot of different obstacles. There were 8 starting points. We all climb up to a podium and we place our hand on a touch screen. "3, 2, 1, GO!" A voice called from a speaker. I run down the long metal course, under the obstacle course is the lake, if we fall then we fall into cold water. My boots *clink* against the metal. A note was on the floor it reads, "It might be too high for you to reach but your friends can help you with a treat." Stupid riddles, treat? What kind of treat? I try and grab onto the platform, but it's too high up for you to reach. "Crap!" I mutter, I look to the side and Hayden is climbing a rope ladder. To my right, Zaiden is climbing a rope. "Guys! My ladder has a big gap in the rope!" Hayden yelled, dangling and holding on for dear life. Then I notice a rope, my eyes followed the rope to where it ends, the knot was right under Zaiden's feet. Untying the rope, I tug on it, the rope barely rises an inch. "Tory? Are you doing that?" He said, panicking. "You're gonna have to trust me on this! Just hold on you'll be fine!" I lean back and pulled. "URHH!" I growled, I kept tugging and pulling, until I realized that I have to use all my weight. I leaned back until my back was about to touch the ground, Zaiden lifted himself up and got onto the higher platform. I released the rope and fell back, my head was spinning but I continued, I took Zaiden's hands and he helped me up. "Are you okay?" He asked me, "yeah, just hit my head a bit." I run over to help Aria up, she acted like her prince saved her from her castle. I pushed her and she sprang into action, helping Tiffany up. I ran back over to help Hayden. I grab at his arm, his foot slipped, Zaiden pulled at my waist for extra strength but we couldn't lift up him. He fell into the lake, getting himself soaking wet. "Crap!" "It's okay, Tory. We tried our best." He patted me on the back and we ran over to help jai and Maryam. Maryam's loud scream scared everyone, she was hanging from a rope, with one hand tied to it. Jai was at a box with a lock on top. In order to open it we needed a passcode. "Jai, did you see anything on your way to here?" I asked, "There was a book, but the inside pages were blank." "Bloody hell! Okay! Does the book have a name?" "No, but— wait the side!" He ran back to the book and picked it up. "Book number 172!" He enters the code and the box opens, getting Maryam up. "Unfortunately, you cannot move on, jump down and your team can continue." He said, "excuse me?" Maryam pushed, "I can't get up, there's a note here that said that." He looked at us and jumped down. "I guess everyone needs to get dirty." Tiffany joked, "That's for sure," I look at the next obstacle, mud and mud and water guns shooting you from the side. I look at my friends and jump into the mud. As I crawled my way though water got into my eye and mouth, I spit the mud out of my mouth. And finish. My face was surprisingly clean and I waited for my friends to join me at the final obstacle. I was too busy to notice that Maryam jumped down, obviously she couldn't handle the dirt. Aria did the same because she's a clean freak. Which left two people left, Tiffany and Zaiden. Zaiden made it first, I high five him and we wait. I face towards Tiffany and she slowly made her way here. I felt a finger brush against my cheek. I turn my head towards Zaiden, he blushed and looked down at his feet. I high five Tiff, we continue. A note was stuck onto the metal pole. "Two must fall to have one prevail. To win for their team." I read, "I'll go." Tiffany volunteered, she jump down and water splashed everywhere, everyone was focused on their own thing. Zaiden put his finger under my chin, "Zaiden?" I question, I jerk my head away, from embarrassment. "I'll jump, too." I smiled at him and he gave me a smile back. The water swallowed me into its whole. Keeping in mind what Zaiden said to me about floating. I swim back and dry myself off. Zaiden jumped side to side and pressed the end button. Smoke flew up and he jumped down. He smiled at all of us, like he just won a award. Hayden gave him a high five, Tiffany, Maryam and Aria fist pump him and Jai gave him a hand shake. Zaiden quickly turned to me and smiled at me and laughed, hugging me tightly. "We did it!" Everyone cheered. As everyone cooled off I kept wiping sweat and water off of me, "That was a lot of fun." Aria said, happily. "Time to switch!" Mr. Ney's voice ran though a megaphone. "Time for another activity." I said with a groan, everyone laughed and we happily walk to our next 'event'.
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