Chapter 48: Together
I do not own nor claim all the rights to 鬼滅の刃 | Kimetsu no Yaiba | Demon Slayer; all rights are reserved to its respective creator, Koyoharu Gotōge. This is purely a work of fiction; names, characters, businesses, events, localities, and occurrences are all extrapolated from the author's writings and imagination or utilized in a fictitious manner. As such, any direct or indirect references to actual entities, dead or alive, or events do not, in any shape or form, resemble the opinions of the author.
"..." = Dialogue
'...' = Internal monologues
Shinobu slowly opened her eyelids, rousing herself from a moderately long slumber.
It didn't take long for her pupils to adjust to the natural lighting, as the dearth of luminosity within this barren and murky cavern seldom requires much acclimatization in that department.
Almost immediately following that, she found herself craving water: the dry taste in her mouth and the lack of moisture in her throat was an indication of such.
She reached her arm out to her hip and along the belt, within which laid a small canteen of water.
Taking hold of the canteen, she then attempted to pull herself up.
"Here," a voice proffered.
Giyuu, who was sitting upright beside her, offered assistance in this arduous maneuver—since the debilitating nature of Shinobu's injuries made this otherwise simple movement all the more difficult.
Despite arguably being in a worse condition than his partner, Giyuu did the brunt work of pulling Shinobu up.
"You don't need to push yourself," Shinobu lightly chastised as she took a sip from the canteen.
"Look who's talking," Giyuu replied blankly.
"I'm serious," Shinobu answered, not willing to let Giyuu hurt himself for her sake again.
"I'm doing this by choice," Giyuu gave a simple response.
"What if I don't want your help?"
"Doesn't matter."
"It does," Shinobu firmly rejected. "With your injuries, it does."
"You're injured as well," said Giyuu.
"Not as bad as you," Shinobu countered.
"That's irrelev—"
"Giyuu. Don't say that." The Insect Hashira sternly interrupted.
Seeing her determined expression and obstinate refusal to yield this argument, Giyuu let out a heavy sigh.
How many times have they quarreled over these matters? It's obvious neither intends to let the other bear a burden of any sort, and they would rather carry that weight—whatever it may be—themselves.
In other words, they are immensely protective of one another. And they wouldn't forgive themselves if they allowed their beloved to suffer for their sake.
At this point in their newly found relationship, this visceral area of contention has been internally acknowledged by both Giyuu and Shinobu, but their stubborn personalities refuse to amend their ways.
Although, it would do them good to be more open about their feelings and apprehensions.
"I'm sorry, Shinobu," Giyuu said with modestly downcast eyes. "I just don't want to see you hurt..."
In response, Shinobu's face softened with sympathy. She then tenderly caressed the Water Hashria's cheek in a loving and doting manner.
"And I don't like seeing you hurt either," she smiled timidly.
Giyuu's despondent lineaments didn't change, but he felt a warmth within his heart—one that was beckoned by Shinobu's affectionate gesture.
"I... Uhm..." Giyuu started anxiously, struggling to find the exact words.
Shinobu, meanwhile, found slight enjoyment at the sight of her partner exhibiting a more bashful side to himself.
'He's cute when he's like this,' she mused with pleasure.
"I think my concern for your well-being has never come from a place of duty," The Water Hashira spoke.
He promptly lifted his face and turned his gaze to stare directly into her eyes, "Whether it be before or after you became a Hashira, I've always had this desire to protect you, as if by instinct... And only you..."
Slightly taken aback by his words, Shinobu's eyes widened as she stared at her partner with a dumbfounded expression.
"Which is why..." Giyuu's gaze averted as he reverted to his bashful self, "I find it incredibly difficult to change my habits... With regards to looking after you, I mean..."
True to his nature, Giyuu doesn't perfectly execute the necessary inflection or elocution in conveying his message: he has long pauses, doesn't maintain eye contact, nor does he sound confident at all.
But that is all irrelevant for Shinobu.
Hearing his words, her heart fluttered like a pure maiden in love again, and her smile exuded a mellowness and reflected her fondness for the man next to her.
It truly is the little things that can foster genuine joy within the heart, like the individual bricks that slowly build up to a magnificent structure—much like how happiness is merely the collection of seemingly insignificant moments captured into one overarching emotion.
And Shinobu found Giyuu's sincere admission as something reassuring and delightful. After all, it is one of the reasons she fell in love with him in the first place: his genuine and kind spirit, even in the face of awkwardness and general reticence—though she finds the latter two quite charming regardless.
"Oh dear... You're hopeless, Giyuu."
"You can stop treating me like a fourteen-year-old."
"But I'm not..."
"I'm not as helpless as I once was," Shinobu reassured with a grin.
"It's not that you're weak, Shinobu. It's just that I—" Giyuu tried to explain.
"That you what?" Shinobu inched closer.
"I don't–..." Giyuu paused, trying to collect his thoughts coherently. "I don't know. I've felt things I haven't felt in a while because of you... Perhaps I have for a long time and I... just didn't realize it."
Shinobu felt giddy without rest after listening to his response, "Oh my, you liked me long before you knew it...?"
"... We've had this conversation before..." Giyuu answered with embarrassment.
"But you never specified when exactly you liked me~" Shinobu teased in a playful tone.
"Oh! Maybe during our medical check-ups all those years ago!" Shinobu suggested with gaiety, expecting a particular answer.
"Huh? I don't... think so?"
"What." The Insect Hashira's mood almost instantaneously turned south.
"You were an impressionable young slayer back then," Giyuu clarified, not realizing that he was provoking Shinobu's ire. "I suppose I saw you more like a younger sis—"
"Don't you dare finish that sentence."
"... Yes ma'am..."
The Insect Hashira couldn't help but now cringe at the embarrassing memories of her younger self acting flustered and awkward around Giyuu, especially with the information that it was somewhat of a one-sided crush.
"And to think my crush was unrequited back then... because you saw me as a little sister," Shinobu pouted in annoyance.
"Is that so bad?" Giyuu said in confusion.
"Well of course it is! It makes me look stupid," Shinobu lamented.
"I don't think so."
"Really? Why's that, hmm?" Shinobu pressed with exasperation.
"But you've grown. And I fell in love with the Shinobu of now. Isn't that what matters in the end?" Giyuu suggested nonchalantly.
"..." Shinobu concurrently looked vacantly at him, giving some thought to his words.
"Besides, we had some distance between us after you started your Hashira training... We practically didn't see each other until your promotion as a Hashira," Giyuu added with a solemn and almost wistful expression, recognizing that he bears responsibility for practically abandoning her after Kanae's passing.
Shinobu instinctively frowned upon hearing that, 'That's right... We drifted apart for some time...'
Recollections of a gray, lifeless past brought forth an aching sensation; she could've hardly imagined just how cynical and oppressive her life had been.
And yet, simultaneously, she could've hardly imagined just how much had changed since then. The pessimism has dissipated in the wake of a new-found optimism and appreciation for the life given to her.
It is a very complex and nuanced perspective one ought to bear when looking back on the pitfalls of one's past: despair at the thought of such tragedies transpiring in the first place, but hope at the passing of that pain.
"In any case, my feelings for you are a first for me; this is my first experience with romance... Especially since I was quick to denounce it as a kid," Giyuu added as a note of levity, reminiscing some old—and rather peculiar—memories.
'Huh, thinking back, I guess Nee-san and Satō-san's interactions aren't as bizarre as I remember them...' The Water Hashira recalled how he had once branded romance as a humiliating thing he would never want to associate himself with.
How the times have changed.
Shinobu, on the other hand, took some solace in Giyuu's words of wisdom: 'He really knows how to cheer me up, huh?'
Soon enough, however, his sensible comments were eventually construed more oddly by her.
'Then again, he is MY first... and I'm HIS first... I get to have him all for myself... Heh heh,' Shinobu pondered very deeply and lasciviously, letting the indecent thoughts take hold momentarily.
After entertaining herself for a bit, she quickly knocked herself out of this little trance.
She proceeds to giggle, "I guess I'll let you have this one. Especially since you've reminded me of how cute you were as a child. Weren't you going to climb Mount Fuji with your girlfriend~"
Giyuu recoiled at the reference, "I don't want to remember that..."
"As long as I'm here, you'll always be," she began poking him, harkening back to the old banters between the two.
She intensified the poking, "And I'll always be here. Ne ne, isn't that right, Giyuu?"
Giyuu, finding her mannerisms and this entire interaction amusing, chuckled, "That's right."
As he gawked at her jovial visage, a thought subsequently came into his mind.
It was, for all intents and purposes, an embarrassing thought, but the mood seemed suitable for it.
And, of course, he desperately wanted to do it again.
"Shinobu..." He grabbed a hold of her prodding hand—whose fingers were hitherto poking him incessantly.
His face grew more and more flushed by the second, "I... uhm..."
Losing his composure, Giyuu found it incredibly difficult to communicate his thoughts, even in front of her, of all people.
Or maybe it is precisely because it is her that he's struggling to articulate his ideas.
Luckily for a socially inept turtle like Giyuu, Shinobu knew him far too well.
The Insect Hashira smirked, "My, my, you want to kiss me, Giyuu?"
The Water Hashira flinched slightly, stunned by the bluntness of his partner.
But, ultimately, he nodded sheepishly—acknowledging the validity of her guess.
"Oh dear, you really are hopeless without me, my dear Giyuu~" she beamed with excitement.
"Don't be," she whispered.
And so, both their bond and their love continue to blossom.
Even in the most unusual of times and peculiar of places, they are most comfortable and candid around each other.
With the other, they can be their true, authentic selves without having to hide behind anything—behind a mask, a title, a tragic past, or a fearful future.
For now, they can just be themselves in the present.
Such is the tacit agreement between their deep love.
While the two Hashiras may relish their little, honeymoon-like conversations every now and then, they also recognize that they have a mission at hand.
And the mission is not yet over.
Far from it, in fact.
Because the stakes just got higher.
"... What?" Shinobu blurted in her shock.
"Utsuro is our enemy; he's behind the whole demonic presence underneath Yokohama," Giyuu reiterated.
A lengthy conversation had to transpire regarding the status of the mission, which included the transferral of a vast sum of knowledge and intelligence about the enemy from Giyuu to Shinobu—since Zaiaku-kan was courteous enough to inform the Water Hashira almost everything there was to know about his family of demons.
Needless to say, Giyuu had the insurmountable task of expounding upon the divine origins of the enemy and their ability to manipulate space-time at will to an otherwise clueless Shinobu.
Shinobu was, understandably, utterly confused.
"And you're telling me... that he's behind everything...?" Shinobu replied.
"Well, not quite. As I've explained, it was Zaiaku-kan who brought us here, and his usage of the Eyes of Prognostication created multiple timelines that—"
"I'm sorry Giyuu, this is just... unbelievable..." Shinobu interrupted.
Giyuu merely nodded, understanding the difficulty in processing these seemingly absurd notions about deities birthing demons in the afterworld, a father demon named Utsuro having eyes that can look into the future, and the eldest son using those eyes to trying repeatedly—and failing—at changing the past.
After a brief respite, Shinobu recollected her thoughts and resumed the inquiry: "... And this Utsuro wants to revive his dead wife?"
"Do you know for sure that the wife is human?"
"Yes. In fact, all the children were born as humans, from what I've been told," Giyuu confirmed.
"This doesn't make any sense..." Shinobu muttered.
"How so?"
"From what we understand about the anatomical structures of demons, they do indeed retain the basic genital organs that permit the act of intercourse, but they themselves CANNOT reproduce and give live birth to an offspring. Hence, why demons are ONLY created via consumption of the blood of Kibutsuji Muzan," Shinobu elucidates with great detail.
She continued, "So there's no conceivable way that this Utsuro guy could've possibly fertilized an egg from a human's uterus, thereby permitting his human wife to give birth to four children—HUMAN children at that."
"There aren't any possible explanations?" Giyuu asks.
"The only plausible one is that those four are not his children."
"I highly doubt that."
"Then this just breaks all the biological logic and understanding we have about demons!" Shinobu spoke emphatically, attesting to how frustrating this analysis can be for an expert on the subject.
"You raise a valid point. However, I argue that Utsuro isn't like any of the demons the Corps has either confronted or studied," Giyuu contends.
"Unlike Kibutsuji Muzan, Utsuro was born as a demon—born in Yomi, at that. So it's possible that he may harbor certain qualities pertaining to his physiology that are fundamentally different from how Muzan and his underlings operate. Perhaps that is why Zaiaku-kan believed that his father was born as a human: he may have the traits of a human despite being a pure demon," he adds a postulation of his own.
"I still can't believe that. You know what this means, right? This defies everything we know about demons—that they are apparently organic creatures that are actually spawns of another realm, and that they can actually reproduce like humans," Shinobu argues in response.
"That's not even mentioning the VERY fact that all the Shinto scriptures about the creation of our world are apparently true all of a sudden," she states further, bringing to light the overarching assertion about the existence of gods and deities.
"Are you not religious?" Giyuu queries.
"Are you? Do you believe any of what the enemy told you?" Shinobu returns.
"I'm not particularly religious, but I think there's merit in what Zaiaku-kan told me," Giyuu answers.
"Are you even certain that he wasn't deceiving you?" The Insect Hashira questions.
"He had no incentive for deception; in his mind, he was talking to a dead man, so I presume he had nothing to hide," the Water Hashira explains.
"I still have a hard time believing any of this..."
"Sorry... I dumped all this on you suddenly," Giyuu frowned.
"Don't apologize, Giyuu," Shinobu reassures gently. "I trust you. I just don't trust the demon that gave you this information..."
"I see..."
Then, the Water Hashira realized something crucial he had omitted thus far: "There is one more... concerning piece of information."
"What's that?"
"It's regarding Utsuro wanting to save his wife."
"What about it?"
"He's employing a type of ritual that relies on human sacrifices in order to achieve his end goal..." Giyuu stated.
Shinobu was visibly shaken but maintained her overall comportment, "I see. So that explains all the nasty business between Arata Fumiko and Haji."
"Arata Fumiko. You know, the landlady?"
"Oh... right..."
"Honestly Giyuu," Shinobu huffed, "you and your selective memory loss."
"It's worse than that."
"Wait, is your memory that bad?" Shinobu asked with concern and a hint of worry.
"No, not about my memory," Giyuu clarified.
"Huh? Then what?"
"Utsuro's ritual. It's not completed yet, despite spending hundreds of years and using tens of thousands of sacrifices," Giyuu said grimly.
"What do you mean...?" Shinobu inquired ominously.
"Utsuro has updated his plan. He now wants to wipe all of Yokohama and its one million residents for the ritual."
Shinobu's eyes dilated with complete shock and horror.
"The scope of this mission has gone far beyond what we had initially expected. This is worse than our wildest imaginations," Giyuu grimaced at the notion.
The Insect Hashira felt sick to her stomach, "T-This... This is..."
"Insane. Mad. Crazy. Horrifying. Appalling." Giyuu finished for her.
Shinobu gritted her teeth as her face corrugated with frustration, "This... This is unacceptable."
"..." Giyuu was silent.
"Why didn't you tell me this earlier? If this is true, then we HAVE to stop Utsuro at all costs! We have to defeat him as soon as possible!" Shinobu exclaimed.
"Shinobu, calm down."
"Don't you understand the urgency of the situation?! W-We have to get moving! W-We can just let him kill ONE MILLION people just like that!" Shinobu was beginning to panic, unsurprising given the circumstances.
"Shinobu." Giyuu placed a hand on each shoulder. "Calm down."
The Insect Hashira, after observing Giyuu's comport demeanor, eventually obliged—taking in a few inhales and out a couple of exhales in order to address her irregular breathing pattern.
"Sorry..." She murmured.
"It's okay. I was shocked as well. Which is why we need to be level-headed when deciding what to do next," said Giyuu.
"What to do next?"
"Given our physical state, we are hardly in a position to fight demons—least of all Utsuro. Therefore, we need to determine if the urgency of the situation demands that we temporarily abort the mission and await reinforcements, or we proceed and—by some miracle—stall Utsuro long enough for assistance to arrive... Either way, we aren't guaranteed success," Giyuu explained dourly.
Shinobu's sour expression similarly did not abate: "If we abort, then we risk wasting precious time... If we proceed, then... we're guaranteed to be killed..."
"There's an alternative that could be explored," Giyuu raised.
Shinobu, piqued by this proposal, looks straight at her partner, "And what's that?"
"One of us goes to gather reinforcements and privy to the Corps on the gravity of the situation, while the other... goes to face Utsuro and stall," he suggests in his usual deadpanned manner—although, in this case, it seems the lack of emotions is more deliberate than instinctual.
He continues, "That way, we can optimize our—"
"No." Shinobu abruptly rejects.
"... But I haven't finishe—"
"No. Just no. I know what you're thinking, Giyuu," Shinobu's deep frown became more accentuated and conspicuous.
"..." Giyuu was speechless as if he were a criminal caught in the act.
"You were going to suggest that I be the one to fetch assistance, while you go alone to face this monster of a demon..." Shinobu saw right through him.
She knew him all too well.
"Shinobu, this will best optimize our—"
"No! I'm not letting you do it!" She refused.
"But I can't let you go to face him!" Giyuu countered.
"Says the one who's sustained more injuries!"
"You're hurt too!"
"Not as much as you!"
"That's irrele—!"
The sound of the impact echoed throughout the empty chamber.
Though this wasn't the first time he had felt the wrath of Shinobu's palm, Giyuu couldn't help but undergo a plethora of emotions ranging from the shock of the slap to the grief of deeply upsetting his most beloved.
A transient interlude of tense silence gripped the atmosphere, leaving the two Hashiras to ponder and contemplate.
Until, finally, Shinobu broke the suffocating silence.
"... I hate it when you say that... I always did... And yet, you always do it..." She whispered, her voice trembling.
Giyuu shut his eyes in shame.
She was right. He always did it.
"How many times are you going to say that your safety is irrelevant... That YOU are irrelevant..." Shinobu shuddered with distress.
Regret boiled in Giyuu as he realized just how often this had occurred—how often he had disappointed and tormented Shinobu with his selfishness.
Opening his eyes, a pained look furrowed his brow, "I'm sorry..."
"I don't like it when you put yourself down like that..." Shinobu added tensely.
"I love you too much to let you look down on yourself like that..." She emphasized softly.
"I know..." Giyuu whispered back.
"Because you're more than that, Giyuu. You're not disposable, you're a wonderful person. You're kind, honest, and just so loveable!" She choked through her words.
"I can't let you value your life so poorly. Isn't that what Tsutako-san taught you? Isn't that what Makomo-san and Sabito-san would've wanted? To not needlessly throw away your life so easily?" She added.
Shinobu was barely able to maintain composure, "You've asked of me to let go of my hatred... To let go of my fanatic desire for revenge. You helped me see the good in life, the things that truly matter... You showed me how to breathe again, how to live life again... And for that, I will always be thankful."
She tightly grasped his hand by natural inclination, "Now, let me ask of you: please, Giyuu, love yourself... You're more than whatever you claim to be; you have meaning in people's lives—in my life... So please, love yourself... so that you're able to love me with all your heart..."
Listening to her sincere message, Giyuu slowly reflected on certain dialogues and events that induced a tremor in his heart—that widened his worldview.
Because, ultimately, Giyuu has already acknowledged what Shinobu was asking of him. In fact, he WANTS to accept it—he would do anything for her.
But there are still vestiges of doubt within him—remnants of his old self that saw no value in his pitiful life.
He had vowed to become a better man for her, to become the Giyuu she can love without heartbreak.
Is that even possible, though? Will he ever overcome the self-deprecation? The distaste towards the self? The admonishment of his soul?
Yes, he can.
Because he doesn't have to feel shame or guilt.
Because he knows he must cherish this life—a life made possible by the sacrifices of his loved ones.
All too often, he forgets that he has constantly been told this—that Shinobu isn't the only one who is reminding him.
"Regardless of what anyone says, you must make use of the gift she gave you! Your sister sacrificed her life to save yours and to give you a future! So you must carry on living, Giyuu."
"You two are very important to me, so I sometimes find comfort in the interactions we have every day—it's proof that we are still here, that we are all together and alive."
"Then there's no reason to be ashamed. You're only human, someone who had to brave what life has thrown at you. You were just lost, like the rest of us. All you needed was some clarity, and you were able to find it."
"And, because of that, I could not be more proud of you, Giyuu."
"Giyuu, you must stay alive... The life you live is not tarnished by those who sacrificed for it, but, rather, it is made more valuable—more imperative that you live on in their memory..."
"I know it's been hard for you. And I've only made things worse for my children. But just know, your soul is never hollow. It will never be. Not with the memories you have, and the memories you will make."
'My soul is never hollow, huh? I wonder why you chose to say that, Papa...' Giyuu felt comfort at the memory of his late father—a radical change from what it previously induced within him.
He subsequently comported himself and relieved his mind of ill-begotten notions.
The Insect Hashira gazed up at her partner, her eyes misty and forlorn.
Giyuu sighed before proceeding, "I know I've done nothing but disappoint you."
"Oh Giyuu..." Shinobu objected lightly.
"But I just want you to know that I will always love you. Regardless of how I may perceive my self-worth, I can always be certain of my feelings for you—my desire to be with you and protect you no matter the cost. That alone will always remain a constant," he started.
"Which is why it pains me to see you hurt, especially at my hands..." He added dolefully.
"And I will always love you too," Shinobu reciprocated. "I will always accept every part of you, including every flaw... Even if I may not approve..."
Giyuu nodded, "And I will accept your flaws as well."
"Even the incessant poking?" Shinobu quipped, giggling as some teardrops slowly stained her cheeks.
Giyuu tenderly wiped her tears as they flowed down.
"Yes," he chuckled, "even that."
Shinobu beamed brightly, albeit with some wetness still damping her eyesight.
"Which is why I'm going to make a final selfish request," Giyuu began. "If you cannot accept my original proposal to call for help while I stall Utsuro, then I want you to come with me..."
"Giyuu..." Shinobu was astounded.
"In concurrence with Corps protocols, Oyakata-sama has likely dispatched at least one Hashira for a search and recovery mission—as our Kasugai Crows probably informed him of our dilemma. So some help is already on the way," Giyuu explains in a soft and quiet voice.
Using the hand Shinobu was already holding onto, he elevated the emollient, unblemished hand until it was touching his lips.
Kissing it, he then lowered it, "I want you to come with me... to stall Utsuro. To buy time for whoever is coming to our aid."
"I would rather not have you in harm's way... But I realized I can only accomplish this with you by my side... And only you," he smiled.
Shinobu immediately pulled him into her embrace, hugging him tightly.
"..." She didn't utter a word, opting to focus on the Water Hashira's bodily warmth.
"It will mean certain death," he whispered.
"I don't care. As long as I'm with you..." She answered.
"I'm sorry for making you do this."
"No, I'm glad..." Shinobu replies. "I'm glad you didn't leave me this time."
"I will never leave you again..."
Releasing Giyuu from her embrace, Shinobu offered her hand.
"Shall we go then?" Shinobu asks.
Giyuu tightly grips her hand, "Together."
She grinned, "Always."
And so arrives the beginning of the end as the two head off.
To their final enemy.
To defeat Utsuro.
To their last battle.
To end this, once and for all.
So, the build-up to the final battle with Utsuro was MUCH longer than expected (it was originally supposed to be just one chapter).
But I think the next chapter should formally begin the Utsuro Arc (barring any more extensions my dumb ass may potentially add).
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