Chapter 32: The Fountain of Illusions
I do not own nor claim all the rights to 鬼滅の刃 | Kimetsu no Yaiba | Demon Slayer; all rights are reserved to its respective creator, Koyoharu Gotōge. This is purely a work of fiction; names, characters, businesses, events, localities, and occurrences are all extrapolated from the author's writings and imagination or utilized in a fictitious manner. As such, any direct or indirect references to actual entities, dead or alive, or events do not, in any shape or form, resemble the opinions of the author.
"..." = Dialogue
'...' = Internal monologues
Shinobu was still pinned down to the ground, incapable of moving a fiber of muscle.
However, almost paradoxically, Kanashimi was concurrently unable to lay a finger on the Insect Hashira—at least according to her.
Thus, the two were at a sort of impasse, making it quite clear that the battle wouldn't be decided within this empty, dark void.
This wasn't exactly a satisfactory situation for Shinobu given that she was trying to escape the demon's godforsaken mind spell.
An array of concerns also troubled her. For one, she still isn't aware of Giyuu's contemporary condition and situation.
With the understanding that she's been trapped here by Kanashimi's spell, Shinobu can only assume the worst and conclude that Giyuu has similarly been confined to a hallucinatory Blood Demon Art.
If so, he could be in mortal danger—something she cannot absolutely risk under any circumstances.
She was starting to panic, worried sick about Giyuu and his tribulations.
It wasn't like her to become easily perturbed, given how she's refined her battle senses and constructed an alternate personality over the years in order to prevent this very defect from precipitating.
But with everything that has occurred thus far, the very foundations of her beliefs, convictions, and goals have drastically altered since the beginning of this mission.
And almost all of it has to do with the man in question.
'Pull yourself together! Now's not the time,' she chastised herself.
Shinobu had to comport herself; regardless of how she may fare internally, she cannot get carried away in the midst of battle.
She simply cannot waste a moment in devising a plan to defeat the enemy.
In addition, she realized that she has to place faith in the man she loves dearly—she has to have faith in those feelings she considers indispensable.
'Giyuu is a seasoned warrior, I shouldn't underestimate his ability to endure adversity...' she reminded herself, placing tepid trust in her partner's capabilities—yet still being troubled by her fears.
Once again, Shinobu had to regain her composure under these tenuous circumstances.
Instead of fretting over something she cannot influence, she ought to fixate her mind on the things she can control: defeating Kanashimi.
First, she has to review what she already knows.
She's locked in a battle of attrition against the enemy, with Kanashimi having regenerative faculties allowing her to prolong the confrontation indefinitely—until Shinobu is pushed to exhaustion.
This is corroborated by Kanashimi herself, who was remarkably frank about the rules that govern both this dimension and her powers.
In essence, Kanashimi has the ability to switch between two-dimensional planes: the caliginous chasm of nothingness that Shinobu currently finds herself in and the illusory dreamscapes contrived by the Demon of Grief as a means to beguile the victim into an infinitely long reverie.
It's only in the latter setting that either Shinobu or Kanashimi are able to inflict damage upon each other. Within the former, however, they are—either by the innate laws of nature or merely by Kanashimi's own dictation—not permitted to do such a thing.
This leads to another major dilemma for the Insect Hashira: Kanashimi's restorative powers.
Of course, every demon has the power to regenerate lost limbs or perforated organs; the speed at which they can do so depends on their power level, partly the reason why the Upper Moon Kizuki are so dangerous in the first place.
To overcome this inherent disadvantage, the goal of a slayer is usually to exact damages upon the enemy faster than they can heal thereof. In other words, they have to prioritize killing the demon before being drawn into an attritional-style battle where the enemy's seemingly endless supply of stamina will have the absolute advantage.
Unfortunately, such a strategy is not feasible for Shinobu; Kanashimi possesses the capacity to automatically switch between the two-dimensional planes by will—and the transition occurs instantaneously.
Once in the Infinite Void, the Demon of Grief can nullify any injuries incurred by Shinobu. This implies that whatever Shinobu does—irrespective of how skilled she is with the sword, how fast she can swing her blade, or how much strength she can exert—it can all be rendered pointless by Kanashimi's unique healing ability.
As for Shinobu, she will retain her injuries by virtue of being human. Of course, this isn't something new: the balance of power has always favored demons when it comes to indefatigability.
What makes Shinobu's case more difficult, however, is the fact that there is no recourse—no potential remedy—in dealing with Kanashimi.
If the Demon of Grief can simply nullify all of Shinobu's attacks by extricating herself from the battle by will, then what chance does Shinobu have at making the impact of her attacks fatal enough to force an end to this confrontation?
There are also several implications associated with this predicament.
'It can play this safe, there's no incentive for it to overexert itself in the battle... Meaning, even if I get close to defeating it, the demon only has to feel an iota of threat for it to immediately withdraw from the fighting and automatically recuperate. And then I'll have to repeat the whole thing again...' Shinobu's face grimaced at this seemingly impossible task.
Shinobu could try to prevent Kanashimi from invoking the incantations for the Blood Demon Art, thus preventing their return to the Void and her corresponding recovery—maybe by chopping her mouth off, slashing her esophagus, or other means.
However, Shinobu already was able to disprove this method based on their most recent fight. Even when she had destroyed its vocal cords, Kanashimi was still capable of summoning the spell and completely negating the Insect Hashira's efforts. This indicates that the spell doesn't have to be conjured vocally but merely mentally.
Shinobu was truly in a strategic bind, which certainly wasn't helping allay her fears.
"You fear for your partner's life?" Kanashimi queried maliciously.
"I reckon you wouldn't be one to understand, considering how you creatures have no sympathy or forethought for one another," Shinobu retorts, having the freedom to provoke the demon as much as she wants in this neutral zone.
Kanashimi let out a small but noticeable smirk, "Since you're so curious, and are bound to die anyway, I might as well inform you of his fate."
This piqued the Insect Hashira's interest.
"Currently, I have him trapped in a similar dreamscape, but it's slightly different," she begins.
"You see, this place isn't just an empty chasm..." Kanashimi lifts her head, staring upward. "It's a fountain."
As if by command, and with characteristics akin to that of a great tidal wave, a luminous stream of particles trickled from high above. Its alluring hue was that of a golden-whitish luster that immediately differentiated itself from the surrounding blackness.
The image presented was almost tantalizing; there now appeared to be a source of warmth and vitality within a chamber devoid of any life. It almost seemed out of place, as Kanashimi herself exuded a gloomy appearance in concurrence with the adjacent environment.
Yet, the veneer of this supposedly effervescent tenor belied a more unsettling application of its extraordinary properties.
In contradiction to the laws of physics, this deluge flowed ever so slow, its descent being almost graceful in nature. It also traveled along a curved, winding path without losing its shape or pristine nature—remaining intact throughout the entire sequence.
Nevertheless, these particles all converged at one point: a pool situated anterior to Kanashimi.
As the pool accumulated this steady stream of gold, the contents lit up in response, bringing about an aura of divine serenity and discord that wafted through the air.
Kanashimi then sat on her knees and submerged her hand into this little pond, keeping it drenched for a few seconds before withdrawing.
"With this, I'm able to see everything. The past, the present, and the future. I can see memories, and, using that, I replicate the innermost desires—to bring solace to the heart. Or maybe, I can replicate the most painful experiences..." Kanashimi said placidly, speaking as if she was reminiscing or recalling something important.
She continues, "Some consider this a blessing from Kami while others a curse from Akuma. But it matters not. What's important, though, is the fact that humans are so easily wooed by this illusion. The futility of their short, susceptible lives is a testament to that."
It was a very surreal moment: Shinobu was watching this demonic figure dressed in dingy attire interact with a pool of scintillating light—the exact opposite of the image Kanashimi conveys through her physical features—and articulating a uniquely philosophical argument.
Under any other circumstances, this would've been quite humorous to observe, since such a scene was simultaneously endorsing contradictory messages—the juxtaposition was simply too unusual.
"This reservoir is the culmination of every emotion, thought, action, and inaction undertaken in one's life. It accounts for both the grief and happiness one encounters throughout the pitiful journey of life. The ebb and flow of such are reflected in the color and configuration of the liquid; whether it is grief or happiness that trumps the other, the pool reflects the contemporary state of mind...." Kanashimi's voice rings eerily throughout the expanse.
"However, the pool is finite in supply, attesting to your limited time on this Earth. There is only so much you creatures can do before the hand of death comes to take it all away..."
Shinobu's patience was really being tested; she couldn't care less about the introspective meaning of the fountain, much less another diatribe about the inferiority of the human condition relative to demons.
"Oh my, you're still going on that tangent about the 'futility' of mortality? I thought we had already resolved that conversation," Shinobu comments half-heartedly, insinuating that Kanashimi's tangents were a demonstration of her inability to stay on-topic.
"... Your friend, Tomioka Giyuu, is trapped in a self-perpetuating cycle," Kanashimi chose to ignore the provocation and instead reciprocate the gesture.
"What do you mean..." In an instant, the Insect Hashira's deportment turned more dour and overtly hostile.
"The color and texture of your fountain is more smooth and bright... This implies that your grief comes from a place of joy—your memories are untainted by anything else. Although brighter colors or a more transparent surface doesn't necessarily carry positive connotations..." the Demon of Grief elucidates, being abnormally willing to divulge this information.
"With the Water Hashira, however, his pond is viscous and bland in color; his grief is derived from the grief of others, from the guilt of his role in perpetuating that grief," she continues the explanation.
'Guilt?' Shinobu internally questioned.
She begins to excogitate the hidden meaning behind this seemingly unforeseen statement, 'Why guilt? Is there something about his past that—...'
It was a realization, but not a particularly uplifting one.
'... I don't know much about Giyuu in the first place... I know that he, too, had an older sister, and that he's the student of a former Water Hashira named Urokodaki Sakonji, but that's about it... I know little to nothing about his past, his feelings, or his motivations,' Shinobu realizes, a gloomy outlook begins to overtake her thoughts.
Indeed, Shinobu is oblivious to almost everything related to the reticent Water Hashira, even if she's his closest companion—which doesn't say much.
Why? For someone who's in love with this man, why doesn't she know a lot?
The obvious answer is that neither Giyuu nor Shinobu were willing to talk about such matters in the first place. For Giyuu, his reserved nature basically obstructed any meaningful dialogue with anyone, while Shinobu's situation was more of a conscious effort to conceal her unbridled malice.
Or it's because Shinobu deliberately tried not knowing in the first place. The topic of Giyuu's family, for example, is something she's never pried into, not only as an act of courtesy but also due to the fact that it would bring painful reminders of her family—especially matters pertinent to elder sisters.
And even long into this mission, even following the self-discovery regarding her purpose and feelings, Shinobu still hesitated to inquire into Giyuu's past. She was too indulged in her own emotions to concern herself with what her partner felt.
Nonetheless, she truly enjoyed that convalescence with her companion, irrespective of how brief it lasted; her heart swelled from all the elation she experienced while interacting with someone she acknowledged her love for. For the first time in years, she was able to touch the fruit of happiness and reap its rewards—looking straight into the future with her head held high.
But, alas, she had forgotten that neither she nor Giyuu were on the same page.
Perhaps that is why Giyuu had that outburst on that fateful night. Shinobu didn't try to understand the Water Hashira, to help him when he needed it the most.
But that would only be possible if she just knew.
The only sources of potential knowledge are from their conversations and Old Giyuu's diary during the Dreamscape.
And even then, their exchanges don't give much away—which is understandable, given how Shinobu herself wasn't willing to share certain things—whilst the diary only barely referenced past events.
For instance, she still doesn't know who Sabito or Makomo are; yet, the diary gave the impression that those two individuals were tremendously important to him. Moreover, aside from his sister, the Insect Hashira knows nothing else about his family.
She felt guilty for being ignorant of someone she cares about deeply. Perhaps if she knew more about him, she would be able to help him—to care for him more intimately.
Kanashimi then gives off this uncanny smirk, "He'll be trapped in this never-ending cycle of torment. He feels grief, which then drives his guilt, which further aggravates his grief. Soon, his soul will merely be a hollow shell, unable to conjure up the spirit, unable to call upon even the will to live."
"He'll be dead before you know it."
Shinobu clenched her teeth in rage, "How about I decapitate every single one of your limbs this time."
Although she was typically impervious to provocations, Shinobu could just as easily lose her cool if a threat was directed toward someone else—especially someone she holds dear.
Under absolutely no circumstances can she permit history to be repeated: she can't watch Giyuu die in her arms again because of her ineptitude. She HAS to finish this as soon as possible.
She HAS to save him.
"Ah yes, our little game. Let us begin at the place it all started," Kanashimi declared, with the undertone in her strangely-worded message evoking the traits of an inauspicious threat.
Shinobu readied herself, knowing full well that there will be a limited time window for her to exact a lethal strike on the enemy.
"Blood Demon Art: Fountain of the Illusory."
The environment transformed once again.
"I'm going to catch you!" a masculine voice chuckled, expressing feigned malice in his tone.
"Hahaha!" Little Shinobu and Kanae both laughed jocundly as they ran in circles around the living space.
The man chasing them was their father, Kocho Jiro. They were having a friendly little game of hide-and-seek tag inside their abode—evidently, the first part of the challenge had already concluded. Jiro was the seeker, whilst the Kocho sisters were the hiders and, now, the runners.
Of course, Jiro wasn't taking the game too seriously, as he didn't want to ruin the moment for his two little girls—both aged 5 and 8, respectively. As such, he was running at a near snail's pace in pursuit of his daughters.
Meanwhile, their mother, Kocho Keiko, spent time knitting a few clothing items as she watched the clamor from afar, enjoying both the serenity of the chore and the commotion of the family's little game.
Although, it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt.
Little Shinobu happened to be the one to get hurt. Unknowingly, her small, delicate feet tripped on the ligneous flooring, causing the rest of her body to follow suit with the earthward plummet.
She landed head-first onto the hard surface.
"Shinobu!" Keiko was the first to react.
Everyone—Kanae, Jiro, and Keiko—suddenly ceased their activities, anxiously staring at a downed Shinobu for a few seconds.
"Waaah!!" Shinobu cried out as she slowly lifted herself up, her pointer fingers hovering over her eyelids as tears poured out from the optical cavities.
There was this little, bloodied bump on her forehead, indicating the precise location of the bruised skin.
"Jiro!" Keiko called out, as she quickly approached Shinobu.
"I know," the husband answered, aware that medical supplies are needed at the moment.
As the father momentarily left the room, the mother took it upon herself to console her distressed daughter.
Placing Shinobu on her lap, Keiko gently pats her daughter's head, "There, there, it's ok. Otōsan is going to make you feel better."
Shinobu's weeps eventually abated at the soothing sound of her mother's angelic voice, eventually giving way to soft whimpers instead—as she was still reeling from the pain.
Kanae, curious at this interaction, also proceeds to pat her little sister on the head several times.
"There, there," the elder sister repeats her mother's words verbatim as she continues emulating the same gestures.
Keiko couldn't help but grin from ear to ear at the cuteness she was bearing witness to.
Subsequently, Jiro returned with a bag of medicine. He promptly positioned himself next to his wife, as Shinobu was situated atop her lap.
He pulls out a cotton ball from the bag and douses it in ethanol—a commonly used antiseptic.
"Are you ready?" Jiro, hoping to assuage the child's fears, smiles.
"Will it hurt...?" Shinobu murmurs as she snuggles deeper into her mother's embrace.
"It's going to sting, but that shouldn't be too much for my strong little girl!" the Father exclaimed. "Isn't that right, Kanae?"
"It stings a lot!" Kanae gives a thumbs up, clearly imparting her own knowledge of the subject matter.
"Kanae..." Jiro gloomily commented, his entire case being completely deconstructed in an instant by Kanae.
"Shinobu, just close your eyes and think of something pretty, okay?" the Mother chimes in, providing her own suggestion.
"Mhm..." Shinobu reluctantly agrees and shuts her eyes.
Jiro then administers the medicine by dabbing the cotton ball multiple times on the injury.
Little Shinobu winces in pain but manages to maintain her overall composure, a feat quite impressive for a child barely six years on this Earth.
Finally, a bandage was adhered to the surface of her forehead, thus covering the scratch.
"Done," Jiro informs. "Attagirl! You did well!"
"Good job, Shinobu!" Keiko praises.
"Okāsan, what about me?" Kanae innocently asks, wanting to get a piece of that parental approval.
"Yes, Kanae, you did well in helping your sister," Keiko pats her head as well.
The elder sister beams brightly with this commendation.
Jiro then unexpectedly taps his daughter on the shoulder, "Oh, and you're it, Shinobu!"
"Anata! She can't be playing right now! Also, why are all of you playing inside, you should be outside on the soft ground!" Keiko reprimands the entire family for failing to abide by safety standards.
"Ah, sorry," Jiro relents.
Shinobu, however, paid no heed; she pokes Kanae.
"You're it!" she giggles.
"Shinobu!" the Mother of the household chastises.
But, once again, Kanae ignores any of her mother's aforementioned warnings and proceeds to jump on her father.
"You're it, Otōsan!" she exclaims as she lands on him.
"Ow—!" Jiro is taken by complete surprise and collapses to the ground.
"You guys..." Keiko, looking askance at the developments, could only be left disappointed at her family's reckless behavior.
"I think I broke something..." Jiro, in a perfectly comedic manner, groans.
"Nee-san beat Otōsan!" Shinobu was wholly entertained by this, even going as far as to laugh.
The playful Kanae joined her in the laughter.
Even Keiko, initially unenthusiastic about Kanae's antics, couldn't help but giggle.
Not even Jiro, still dazed by the sneak attack, could resist the exuberant atmosphere, and he was quick to partake too.
It was a pleasant instance of light-hearted humor for the family.
For a family as tight-knit as this, every passing day was a joyful experience.
And the two daughters couldn't have been happier with such loving parents.
The crepuscular room evinced a lackluster tint and overtone, exhibiting a weak evocation of both components of the setting.
Within the darkness, there were tinges of faint red scattered intermittently throughout both the physical and abstract configurations—the latter possibly being evidence of a disturbed state of mind.
Outside, the sky was smeared with a sinister shade of blood, and a corresponding blood moon adorned a slender crescent shape while reflecting beams of that menacing light.
It was only when Shinobu's eyes adjusted to this new environment did she notice the copious amount of blood stains strewn along the walls.
A foul stench of gore and rotting flesh overwhelmed her nose, numbing it to the point where she couldn't discern any other scent.
The ambiance of the setting was utterly at the behest of the dreadful proliferation of death, denying any wholesome sentiments from peering into this corrupted realm.
Before long, she was able to pinpoint the source behind the ominous nature of this location,
Two lifeless bodies lay before her.
Both were facing down, prostrating themselves on the hard, ligneous ground. Both had their limbs detached and their internal organs unveiled.
It was a man and a woman.
The man appeared to be hunched over the woman, a protective gesticulation indicating that he was attempting to protect her from something.
Unfortunately, he had failed in that regard.
It didn't take long for Shinobu to recognize this scene of carnage, this recollection of blood and spittle. After all, it's all burned into her head: the tears, the cries, the crunching sounds, the wholesale fear, and the grief.
It was the corpses of her mother and father.
The Insect Hashira gawked at the sight, unable to formulate a proper reaction to this appalling imagery.
Kanashimi then made her presence known from behind: "This is where it all started, didn't it?"
"The suffering, the agony, and the endless pain. This is what ultimately motivated you and your sister to devote your lives to killing our kind, isn't it?"
"And, tragically, it's what ultimately led to your sister's demise as well. How unfortunate."
Veins protruded from all across Shinobu's temples.
She gradually turned around to greet her enemy with a scowl of unimaginable and pure hatred presented on her countenance, with the contours corrugating accordingly and her teeth gritting together.
How dare this creature sully the legacy of her parents. How dare it besmirch her sister's life like it was nothing—like it was fundamentally a lost cause. How dare it incriminate her entire family for something they could not control.
How dare it use this memory to its advantage, invading the intrinsic value and sanctity this visceral image holds to Shinobu's entire essence.
How dare it use the significance of death to its own ends.
Enough was enough. She can't let this charade draw any further; she has to end this now.
She was enraged beyond proportions: "I'm going to make you regret this."
"Do your worst."
Immediately thereafter, four puddles of shadows emerged from Kanashimi's kimono, all racing toward the Insect Hashira—signaling the start of another battle.
Shinobu, in response, sprinted toward the enemy, unsheathing her Nichirin Blade from the scabbard in the process.
'Butterfly Dance: Caprice,' Shinobu leaps into the air, her haori flaps in conjunction with the wind's current as if it were the alluring wings of a butterfly.
She aims directly for the original Kanashimi, bypassing all the other copies.
The apparitional forms of a kaleidoscope of butterflies manifest alongside this intricate dance, temporarily lulling the enemy at the majestic presentation of the amethyst glare of wisteria plants.
Nevertheless, it is all merely a ploy for the Insect Hashira to deliver a blow against Kanashimi.
Within seconds, Shinobu stings the enemy with multiple injections of wisteria poison into their systems and lands aggressively back onto the ground—subsequently initiating a somersault to soften her landing somewhat.
"ARGH!" Kanashimi yelps in pain, and the poison begins to circulate and irreparably damages her internal organs.
Multiple lacerations damage her body, from the forehead to her stomach.
'Quick! I have to kill her before she gives the incantation again!' Shinobu swiftly hoists herself back up and begins another assault against the enemy.
Unluckily, Kanashimi's shadows were quick to come to their creator's aid, delaying Shinobu's second round of attacks.
The first and second shadows rapidly approach Shinobu and promptly take a humanoid form.
They both make a lunge at her, donning their knife-like claws.
Shinobu parries their blows and bolts away—not wanting to be stalled.
The third and fourth shadows thereupon are the next to confront Shinobu, drawing out their talons for a similar assault.
The Insect Hashira, in a rush to vanquish the original Kanashimi, deftly dodges their strikes and circumvents them completely—ignoring them in the process.
As she steadily closes in on Kanashimi, Shinobu raises her blade for another Breathing Technique.
However, the enemy was one step ahead.
While the original body was still preoccupied with the sustained injuries, Kanashimi's defense mechanism subconsciously activated another shadow to protect the main unit from any external harm.
This was a relatively unexpected development, but Shinobu was aware that Kanashimi's full potential wasn't fully uncovered, given that the previous engagement had seen a total of six shadows deployed—the current one only had around four so far, with an additional one being automatically triggered.
In light of this, Shinobu decided to go ahead with the incantation: 'Dance of the Dragonfly: Compound Eye Hexago—'
Shinobu felt a pull on her right ankle; it was a cadaverous hand, emaciated and insipid.
One of the shadows from behind had caught up to her.
'Shit!' Shinobu cursed this poor turn of events.
The shadow's hand forcefully hauled the Insect Hashira downward, completely thwarting Shinobu's plans.
Due to the sheer speed Shinobu was running, this sudden deceleration effectuated a violent jerk that induced a harsh crash-landing for Shinobu.
However, before she could fall any further, Shinobu quickly addressed the conundrum.
In response, Shinobu briskly swung her sword at the wrist, releasing her from the demon's grip.
Nevertheless, her entire musculature rammed onto the floor, leaving her exposed to enemy attacks.
She landed on her stomach.
Seeing this window of opportunity, the other four shadows sprang into action—hoping to exploit this moment to their advantage.
Two of them instantly appeared in the vicinity and rushed to pounce on the Insect Hashira with their claws.
Shinobu was quick to improvise, however, as she rolled on her side to avoid the immediate strike.
Then, from a supine position, Shinobu conducted a kip up: drawing her legs anterior to the chest, and rotating about her shoulders so that the hands would be situated adjacent to the ears, she moves from hip and knee flexion to hip and knee extension whilst pushing her entire body off the ground.
With a combination of the angular and linear momentums of the movement, she was back on her feet.
There was barely any time to waste, though, as two shadows were about to engage her.
Shinobu hurriedly adjusted to a battle stance to face her foes.
Sparks from the impact singed the air with their dazzling yet spirited incandescence, as steel met its match in this duel of metallurgical insight.
Shinobu blocked blow after blow from the pair of shadows, deftly and effortlessly swaying her Nichirin Blade in every direction to parry each assault.
Despite this awesome display of swordsmanship, Shinobu recognized that her stance was hastily made; her footing wasn't along an ideal trajectory and her center of gravity made her stance untenable if it were not corrected.
This left her susceptible to any flanking maneuvers that the enemy might undertake, which was almost a guarantee considering their numerical advantage.
And, sure enough, two more shadows materialized behind the Insect Hashira, thrusting their talons at her.
Shinobu managed to evade the first attack, shifting her feet and bending her body at a certain angle.
The second attack, however, hit her.
By all technicalities, the claw only grazed her, barely touching the target.
But the claw's design was such that its edge was serrated, with saw-like features along the margins. Thus, it wasn't the contact itself, but the friction from the claw being released that created a deep gash on the Insect Hashira's back—this also meant her uniform and haori were ripped somewhat.
Blood began pouring from the wound, forcing Shinobu to instantly initiate an Enhanced Recovery breathing technique to impel the coagulation of the blood as a means to stop the bleeding.
What's worse, though, is that the manner in which the flesh was peeled off the tissue caused the nerves to become overly excited, thereby forcing Shinobu to endure excruciating pain amid the battle.
Overall, this situation was not going in her favor.
But she had no time to dwell upon that, as more assaults were being conducted by the enemy.
Shinobu continued parrying attack after attack, her lineaments expressing very little in relation to the pain she was undergoing—she is fighting almost stoically.
'Why hasn't it changed dimensions yet? That was a lethal dosage,' she pondered, unsure of what Kanashimi was conniving.
The shadows continued their assailment, with each charge preventing Shinobu from readjusting into an appropriate posture for battle. Therefore, the Insect Hashira was slowly feeling the pressure from this incessant string of assaults.
She knew she wasn't in the most suitable of circumstances, especially given how she was already wounded.
Nonetheless, her indomitable will compel her to press on: 'Faster. Run faster. Swing your sword faster. Don't let the enemy flank you.'
Shinobu was now clashing with all five shadows, blocking, parrying, and narrowly avoiding their thrashing.
Moreover, she had to be constantly moving: the shadows had a tendency to submerge into 'puddles' and remerge into a more favorable disposition. Thus, the Insect Hashira repeatedly altered her position and modified her stances at a rate—every few seconds—that seemed beyond the prowess of a human being.
But to acknowledge that is to acknowledge the almost inhuman prowess of the Hashira.
This tempo to her 'dance' refused to slow down; she persisted with the hopes of outpacing the rhythmic assailment of her enemies.
Soon enough, the shadows failed to keep apace—their movements were unable to effectively repulse counterattacks undertaken by Shinobu—and she found an opening to make use of.
'Dance of the Dragonfly: Compound Eye Hexagon.'
In a single move, she eliminates all five copies with a six-stroke technique that immobilizes them with fatal injections of wisteria poison.
She quickly scanned the purlieu for any signs of the main body.
However, before she could do anything else, Kanashimi had already concluded the fight.
"Blood Demon Art: Oblivion."
Shinobu had missed her chance.
Kanashimi grunted in pain, as she was still reeling from the poison.
"You are a stubborn one—"
*Hack* *Hack*
She coughed, "But you won't be able to win either way."
Shinobu exhaled deeply, the fighting was beginning to put a strain on her. She knew she couldn't keep this up forever; after all, she's already incurred a large cut on her back.
And although she was able to use hemostasis to halt the blood flow, she knows more serious maims will be on their way in the course of this confrontation.
In direct contrast, all the burnt marks and bruises on Kanashimi's body slowly receded, and she was fully healed.
"Now then, let us continue."
Shinobu lifted her blade once more in anticipation of the next round.
"Let's see how long you can last, Insect Hashira," Kanashimi says scathingly, conspicuously not happy with this prolonged battle herself.
"Itadakimasu," Shinobu recited as she clapped her hands.
"Itadakimasu!" Kanae follows.
"Itadakimasu..." Kanao whispers, complying with directives pertaining to proper table manners as enumerated by her superiors—that being Shinobu and Kanae.
As a long day of work and training drew to a close, the residents of the Butterfly Mansion began their strict observance of an ancient tradition unbeknownst to anyone within these lands: eating dinner together, a family-style meal.
Making use of her chopsticks, Shinobu and Kanae picked the food items off the communal plate and gradually placed them onto her own plate.
Kanao, however, just sat there.
"Kanao, you can eat now," Kanae smiled.
It was only then that she proceeded.
Shinobu sighed, "Is there really anything more we can do for her? I mean, without the coin, we have to directly order her to eat."
Kanae merely reiterated what she had proffered before: "Now, now, we just have to be patient. After all, as long it's given a chance, a person's—"
"Soul will open up, yeah, yeah, I know," Shinobu huffed, not really satisfied with an abstract answer such as that. "But that doesn't mean we're allowed to ignore her condition as it is."
"I think Kanao is perfectly capable of eventually figuring that out by herself, aren't you?" Kanae glances over at the quiet girl.
"..." Kanao merely stared at her, not exactly knowing how to answer that.
Kanae grinned with pleasure, "And when you fall in love with some boy someday, you'll change too. Isn't that right, Shinobu?"
"Huh?" Shinobu replied, "Don't ask me."
"But you're an expert on this," said Kanae.
"I'm... a what?" A perplexed Shinobu looks vacantly at her sister.
"I mean, your 'meetings' with Tomioka-san must be fruitful in more ways than one," Kanae teases.
"Wha— they're just medical checkups!" Shinobu exclaimed.
"I'm serious here!"
"I heard Tomioka-san likes shorter girls," Kanae fabricated.
"Nee-san!" Shinobu's face began to flush with a reddish-pink tint.
"I'm just kidding, hehe!" Kanae giggles.
"Geez, you don't need to make stuff up..." Shinobu mutters as she takes a bite of plain rice.
"Anyways, how were your days?" Kanae asks her fellow interlocutors.
"Mostly training and research today. Same as always," Shinobu succinctly answers.
"Today Kanao and I did some training with sword techniques, isn't that right?" Kanae looks to Kanao again.
"... yes..." Kanao replies tepidly.
"She's making a lot of progress, right Kanao?"
"... yes..."
"I bet two more years of training will do much for her, right?"
"... yes..."
Shinobu, not wanting to witness this abomination of a conversation anymore, interjects, "Kanao, you should try expanding on your words. You know, rather than saying 'yes', you should add some depth with something like 'yes, it was very difficult' or something."
"Kanao, I think Shinobu is jealous that you only talk to me," Kanae places her right hand over her cheek, pretending to whisper even though she was clearly audible enough for Shinobu to hear it.
"I can hear you, Nee-san," Shinobu said, annoyed at this blatant ridicule.
"Oh, my bad, (ノ≧ڡ≦) Teehee~!" Kanae, with her hand in a fist, lightly taps her head.
"... You know, I sometimes worry about you, Nee-san."
"Huuuh?? Whyyyy??"
"Anyways, are you enjoying the food, Kanao?" Shinobu shifts to another topic.
"Like, how does it taste?"
"Do you like the taste?"
"I'm still here, by the way," Kanae intercedes.
"How's the rice?" Shinobu ignores.
"Shinobuuu don't ignore meee."
"What about the vegetables?"
"Oiii?? Moshi Moshi??? Shinobuuu???"
Shinobu frowned, "I was hoping to get some feedback on my cooking, especially since no one was around to help me."
She glared at her sister.
Kanae whistled—or, rather, tried to—while gazing at the ceiling, an obvious attempt to avoid eye contact, "Couldn't help it. Hashira Meeting today."
"Still a terrible excuse," Shinobu said with exasperation.
Shinobu looked at Kanao again, "I guess I won't be getting your review, huh?"
'Soft-spoken and doesn't talk much... reminds me of someone,' Shinobu mused at the comparison.
'Speaking about him, he hasn't come for this week's appointment... The gall of that guy! He can't just leave me like that, he needs his checkup!' she internally pouts.
"Why the long face, Shinobu?" Kanae inquires.
"Oh, it's just work-related," Shinobu answers nonchalantly, lost in her thoughts.
"... You're thinking about Tomioka-san, aren't you?" Kanae suddenly mentions.
Shinobu is immediately knocked out of her trance, "... Nonononono, not at all."
"You're blushing, Shinobu~"
"Wha—!" Shinobu immediately turned her face away. "N-No I'm not!"
"Well, it can't be helped. He's the only other boy you really talk to," Kanae shrugs.
"Don't say stuff like that!" Shinobu was brimming with embarrassment.
"Aww, you're so cute when you're embarrassed. Isn't that right, Kanao?"
Kanao could only be bemused at what was happening.
"Haha!" Kanae laughed, amused by Shinobu's reaction.
"W-Well, if you're going to play this game..." Shinobu connives. "What about you? Any boys at work, huh?"
It was now Kanae's turn to be timid: "O-Oh my... w-well what can I say? I mean, I-I don't really have a special someone... B-But Shinazugawa-san is quite the softie if you really know him... H-He might seem very harsh on the outside, but he has this c-cute side to him... Ah! I-I'm not admitting to l-liking him or anything. It's just that he—"
As Kanae rambled on and on, Shinobu could only listen with second-hand embarrassment: 'Ah... She's like an open book... She even revealed the name... How long is this going to go on for...'
Yet, the sight of an embarrassed Kanae was oddly entertaining, given how many times Shinobu fell victim to her antics.
She couldn't help but smile, 'Well, that's good. She's comfortable here. We're all comfortable here.'
She hadn't ever thought that she'd get used to life in the Demon Slayer Corps, especially after everything that happened.
She and Kanae came in with the burning passion to fight demons and protect others.
And yet, here they are gossiping about crushes and exposing each other in the process—with Kanao as the witness, of course.
It's a little peculiar to be so laid-back, yes. Especially with how man-eating demons continue to run amok out there, they really should be training like there's no tomorrow.
But Shinobu was hopeful.
Maybe, just maybe, they can live a fulfilling life here.
There's plenty of strange people here, but each of them have their own charms. And it's fascinating to watch them in both formal and informal situations.
She especially is curious about that Water Hashira guy: the man barely talks but is willing to give her much-needed advice for becoming a proper slayer.
He's an enigma, and she wants to crack his code.
She wants to know him more.
"You're thinking about Tomioka-san again~"
Shinobu reddened at the utterance of her sister's words, "Nee-san!!!"
I was heavily panting, gasping for air.
Weariness has bitten deep into my bones, exhaustion is all I feel at the moment. It's hard to keep my Nichirin Blade up in a proper stance.
Beads of sweat have inundated my face, leaving me nearly dehydrated as well.
I don't know how long I've been fighting, how many loops I've been stuck in.
2 Hours? 4 Hours? 6 Hours?
I lost track of time.
But the enemy is still left unscathed.
As for me... I've got multiple injuries spanning my entire body: lacerations and gashes are almost ubiquitous across my physique.
I've managed to rely on the Enhanced Recovery breathing technique to prevent too much blood loss, but I can't contain all of it.
It's inevitable that life is to be slowly drained out of me.
I exhale once more, readying myself for another round of assault.
Two shadows rush in my direction.
I assume a Sha No Kamae stance, my Nichirin Blade is parallel to my waist and held horizontally to my right side.
The shadows take the form of their creator and then make a mad dash for me.
I initiate a Left-Upward Diagonal (Kiriage) strike, briskly swinging my sword in that particular direction.
This allowed me to parry one of the shadows, leaving it open for another cut.
I strike the copy straight in the neck, infusing its bodily functions with my concoctions.
Unfortunately, with my body overcome with intense lassitude, I couldn't effectively address the second assailant.
I managed to block the initial attack, but the poor placement of my feet along with the equally ineffective transition to another battle stance had left me vulnerable.
It only took a few changes of movements before the claw—hitherto stuck in a stalemate with my blade—started progressing along the blade and up to my head.
Before it could potentially kill me, I leap nimbly backward, thereby extricating myself from danger.
However, the claw still hit me nonetheless.
This time, it was my eye.
The entire sinistral portion of my face was subjected to immense torture as the notched weapon peeled some skin off my face and permanently blinded me in my left eye.
"ARGHH!" I yelped in plain, grasping my bloodied face.
"I must admit, you lasted longer than I expected," the enemy spoke. "You've exceeded my expectations, which is quite impressive."
I continued wheezing as I tried to get as much oxygen circulating within my respiratory system as possible.
"Your poison was especially a bother. I had to play the safe game this time, meaning more rounds and—especially—more time wasted," it further remarked.
"But... given your condition, I imagine it won't be long before it's all over. Over for you, I mean."
I didn't bother responding; I was too tired to do so anyway.
"Still, I am terribly impressed. Impressed enough for me to open up that offer again: become a demon and all those painful injuries and wounds will immediately disappear."
It's still trying to convince me after everything that's happened... For a demon that laments the irrationality of human beings, this is pretty irrational of it.
"You stand no chance anyway. So either you die or you live on as a demon."
"Go... to... hell..." I say weakly.
"This is your very last chance. Think about it, I'll even give you time to do so. After all, if you're strong enough, maybe you'll be able to usurp me and assume control over the Fountain of Illusions. That way, you can speak to your loved ones again..."
A heavy wind gushes over the propinquity. The air feels heavy and, yet, so free at the same time.
As I stood there, at that moment, at that very spot, I knew I was standing at a crossroads.
As things stand now, I am going to lose. That is a fact.
I've tried almost everything; every hypothesis, every strategy, and every concoction. Nothing has worked thus far.
I'm at my wits' end.
If I continue fighting, I will surely die.
I won't be able to make it back home...
Back to that abode of happiness, the life of carefree excitement, or even the life of intrigue awashed with hope and fascination.
I can see it, but I can't reach it.
"That's because you're not supposed to be here yet!" a voice exclaims.
"That's right, my strong little girl," another voice.
"My child... Don't give up..." another one.
"You can't let it get to ya, pipsqueak. You have to return back to him, after all."
My eyes widened, "Giyuu..."
Everyone's watching me. They're all supporting me.
Waiting for me to overcome this challenge.
To overcome despair and come out into the light.
To make peace with my grief and accept them as they are.
Because only I get to decide the outcome.
Only I get to decide how I live my life.
Because I'm not alone, I will never be.
"They will always be with me..." I whisper.
"So?" Kanashimi queries.
I continue suspiring laboriously, taking in the passage of time and the moment itself.
I stare into the distance.
The Fountain of Illusions is just that: an illusion. Whatever powers offered here belies the tragedy of it all: you are forever reminded of the passing of loved ones, people you can speak to but never live with again.
You can create illusions to delude yourself into thinking that there exists a realm beyond the heavens where you are able to interact again.
But nothing changes the fact that these illusions are borne out of your inability to come to terms with your grief, sense of longing, and loss.
Perhaps that is why this demon is miserable.
Perhaps underneath that demonic presence lies a broken spirit.
"Have you made your decision yet, Hashira?"
"Yes..." I answer.
I smirk, "I've already won this game."
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