Chapter 9 - Squidlox
A/N: Wow. I didn't know people loved my stories as much as they do :D welp. Here's the next chapter. It's good to be back to weird :3 normal was...boring. And difficult. Meow.
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Chapter 9:
>In the Squid Dimension<
The Squid King was proud of what he had done. He had just turned the Dead Army fandom AND their leader, who were all allies of Sky and the Sky Army, into squids! (Ohmigawsh I'm a squid now...ewwww. It's just...ugh. Whatevs, back to the story :3) And now the king stood before his new derpy squids, flying squids, and squid humans. This was amazing.
"My new minions," he said to the cluster of squids, "you are now squids, the most intelligent and elite creature in Minecraft. Or at least, we will be. Your first order as squids is to go to SkyDoesMinecraft's fandom. Create chaos and destruction. Maybe end a couple lives, but not anyone important. That's my job, and that job is not to be done yet. If you can, bring Dawn or Jason and the Stars to me as prisoners. Go!"
Deadlox, (no, he's not Deadlox anymore...), Squidlox (I'm so sorry...) led the squids out of the Squid Dimension to begin their mission, now as squids.
Adam jolted awake. What was it this time? He looked out the window and saw squids. A bunch of squids destroying the fandom and being derpy and everything that squids do. Wait a minute. . . Those squids looked familiar. No. This couldn't be. Were they. . . the Dead Army?! And. . .Ty?
After quickly making sure he put on pants, Adam rushed outside followed by Jason and Dawn, who had the same terrified looks on their faces as he did.
Half the fandom was reduced to debris. Recruits were screaming and crying for help, and none of them fought back at the squids. They knew who they really were, and they couldn't hurt their friends. It just wouldn't feel right, even if these squids weren't the Dead Army they knew and loved anymore.
Sky drew his butter sword, but only to try to scare them off. He took swings at some of the squids, missing purposely, but they still fought back. Then, there was a single moment, a horrifying, terrible moment, where he and a specific one of the squid men. . .Ty. . .came face-to-face. Ty's eyes were filled with rage and hate. Adam tried to find any bit of his friend left in this monster, but there was none. If this squid man didn't have those green headphones and long hair, Adam probably wouldn't have recognized him. But he did, and he wished he didn't. Maybe it would've made it easier for him to fight, but right now, he just couldn't. And that's when something totally epic happened.
Like the completely crazy person he was, Dakota (Kermit, for those who don't know) charged in with the Frog Squad literally out of nowhere, yelling and flailing their arms. Squidlox and the squids were out of there in a split second, but not before grabbing someone.
It wasn't until after they were long gone that Adam realized that Dawn had been taken. "NO! THEY TOOK DAWN!" He fell to his knees and clenched his fists.
"Um. . . Is this a bad time to say hello?" Dakota asked. Adam didn't answer, and Jason gave him a look. "Ok, we'll just. . .come back later." He and the Frog Squad reluctantly went back to their fandom.
"The Squid King is gonna die. I will personally cut his tentacles off and mount them on my wall. I swear, he's gonna pay for what he's done."
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A/N: Oh no...another short chapter. Bwah >.< And omg I can't believe I just wrote what I wrote. This whole chapter...GAH IT WAS TOO MUCH. I'll update again tomorrow :3 probably. Maybe. Waaaaah
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