Chapter 5 - Stuck in a Cell...
A/N:'s been a while...sorry bout that... Blame it on middle school. It sucks. Bleh
I'm listening to "Kill Everybody" by Skrillex, and I keep picturing squids singing it. Anyone else? No? Just me? Well then...
Sky: DON'T DO DIS *super majestic butter sword slicing*
Oh yeah and I thought of a cool name for the ninjas. How does Ninjazoids sound? It's like freakazoids (bcuz I totally am one xD) and ninjas put together :3 yes I know, I know, I'm so clever. Lol not
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Chapter 5:
>Meanwhile, in a dark, cold, dark cell
Ty sat up against the hard stone wall of the cell. It smelled like squids. Disgusting, stupid, derpy squids.
But seriously. How? How could they kidnap him, AGAIN?! He couldn't even remember. . . All he knew was one moment, he's watching his Dead Army training, and the next, he's waking up in this cell.
As Ty sat there in the corner, the sounds of water dripping terrorized him. He was alone in the cell, and the other cells in the dungeon were empty except for the piles of ink sacs and butter ink sacs (that's what they're called, right? I'm too lazy to check the mod on the forums xD). It was too dark to see past the metal bars at the front of the tiny room, and he was freezing.
The sounds of footsteps began to fill the dungeon. The Squid King appeared in front of his cell accompanied by two flying squids. He was just horrifying to look at. He looked like a human, but with blue skin and half a squid face, like an extra demented version of a squid man. He had tentacles coming out of his back like Slender Man, and some coming from his sides.
"Well, well, well, nice to see you again, Deadlox," said the Squid King. "You just never learn, do you? Oh, and don't worry about your Dead Army. We've got plans for them too."
"Has your face always been that messed up?" Ty asked, still sitting in the corner. "Maybe it's just the darkness of this freaking dungeon. You should add some lights or something. A candle, at least. A nightlight? Something. We're in modern times, aren't we? I think dark dungeons are kinda old school." He kept a sarcastic tone in his voice just to get him mad. He sat back and waited for the king to explode in anger.
The Squid King took in a deep breath, and exhaled loudly. "You don't want to get on my nerves, Deadlox, trust me. You have no idea what we're capable of now."
"Yeah, yeah, I know you guys can fly and explode now, big deal." He could tell the Squid King was beginning to get mad. "What, is there more? You wanna brag about it? Spill out your plans to me? You didn't really plan this conversation carefully."
"ENOUGH!" the Squid King boomed. "Say one more word, and the Dead Army is done."
The king's face became red with rage. "THAT IS IT!" He stormed out of the dungeon, yelling. Ty sat there and smirked. He didn't think the Squid King could be of any threat to anyone anyway. Really, he's a squid. How much could he do?
Apparently, he could do a lot. Something along the lines of turning the whole Dead Army into squids with a huge, complex, painful machine. Yup. That's about right.
The Squid King had the whole Dead Army in the torture chamber, their hands tied and mouths gagged. "Who wants to be first?" he asked, staring at them with cold eyes. He pointed randomly with one of his slimy tentacles. "You," he said to one of the younger ones. A couple squid men grabbed the poor boy, took the gag out of his mouth, strapped him down in the machine, and closed its door. Dramatically, the Squid King pulled down the lever to activate it. The Dead Army recruit shouted in pain and begged for mercy. The others gasped and stared, terrified of what would soon happen to them. Some made muffled screams and cries through the gags. A full five minutes later, the machine stopped and the door opened. Instead of the young Dead Army recruit coming out, it was a derpy squid, completely brainwashed. More gasps and escaped the crowd of prisoners.
"Alright," said the Squid King, an evil, twisted smile crossing his messed up face. "Who's next?" He laughed when the muffled screams came again.
The Squid King stepped up to the cell and threw in bread. "Hungry?"
"I'm not eating food from you," Ty said, throwing the bread back. "Gross."
"Fine," he said, still with that evil smile on his face. "It doesn't matter. It's not like you have anything to live for anymore." He waited for a reaction.
Ty stood up and gripped the cold bars of the cell. "What are you talking about?" He narrowed his eyes as that smile widened.
"Don't you remember? I told you I had plans for the Dead Army. I wasn't kidding around," the Squid King said. "Well, they're not the Dead Army anymore." He stepped back as Ty attempted to punch him.
"You turned them into squids?! I'LL KILL YOU!" Ty reached his hand out of the cell, but couldn't reach the king.
"Now, now, you don't want to do that. How about I offer you a deal?"
The Squid King paid no attention, and continued with his offer. "Join our side against the Sky Army. If you do that, I'll turn your Dead Army back into humans. I don't understand why you would want that though. Humans are foolish. . . Anyway, do you accept?"
Silence filled the dungeon. Ty stared at the Squid King with eyes filled with hatred. ". . .Yes."
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A/N: No more writers' block :3 at least for now... So what do you peepz think of my story so far? Boring? Stupid? Short? Long? Totally supermegafoxyawesomehot?
Deadlox: So I'm gonna be a squid now?!
Me: Yup!
Deadlox: You evil little girl...
Me: It's just a story geez! And I'm not a squid!
Sky: That's what they all say... *narrows eyes*
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