How I managed to score an interview with the WP famous FebruaryGrace I don't think I'll ever know. What I do know is you should go to her profile and check out her books, including but not limited to Each Little Soul, Godspeed, Upon a Time and Firework flowers! So without further ado, FebuaryGrace.
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"Most of the people I interview are only Wattpad writers, but you're a published writer! What was it like getting your first book published?"
"I actually published Godspeed independently first, with the help of a team of pros and dedicated friends. Then someone was kind enough to introduce my book to the people at Bookrope, my publisher.
It's a funny story, when they first told me they wanted to publish Godspeed, I thanked them but declined because I was unsure I would be able to give them another book they'd like. They said the door was open for me to change my mind, and so after I wrote Of Stardust I contacted them and asked if they were interested.
It turned out they were, but they still wanted Godspeed too! I was incredibly lucky.
It was an awesome feeling to hold my published book in my hands and to see both Godspeed and Of Stardust climb the charts on amazon (Godspeed reached #1 in steampunk three separate times, and Of Stardust Made it to #2 in romance>fantasy.)
The very best thing though, is hearing from readers here on Wattpad who have enjoyed my stories! That is the best feeling for a writer, at least that is the best for me.
I will always be grateful to the kind soul who introduced my work to Bookrope. Without that introduction I don't think I would have become published. The query process was too daunting for me, I am a total introvert, I would likely have just hidden away my books in a trunk somewhere!"
"Your most popular book (on Wattpad at least) is easily Upon a Time, with 988k views, that's nearly a million! It's also a personal favourite of mine, it has romance, fantasy and everything in between. Where did you get the inspiration for it?"
"I have always loved fairy tales, and I wanted to put a spin on one of the classics. After writing two stories about Fairy Godparents, Cinderella was still on my mind, and I wondered what happened to the girls who were not picked at the ball. That gave me the idea for Charlotte, and it all took off from there. I loved writing it, and I am so happy so many people on Wattpad have read it. Thank you for reading it, and for your kind words!"
"No problem! I understand you were blind for quite a while before you regained partial sight. First of all, you must be very brave, but did you write while blind? And if so was it very difficult?"
"I went through varying degrees of blindness over a couple of years, until my eyesight, which had worsened slowly through the years, disappeared from one eye literally overnight. It was scary because I had no time to adjust to it and learn coping skills before my other eye lost sight as well. I had to be led, have my food cut for me, all of that. By the time I had the first of my surgeries I had been through four hospital systems and no one was sure they could help me. It was a hard time for me and my family. But I was extremely lucky. This month in fact was the fifth anniversary of my (hopefully!) last eye surgery.
I did write while I had less vision. Sometimes that meant dictating notes into my iPod, which I controlled by counting the clicks it made, mostly. Also I got huge sharpies and scribbled on postits and stuck them in a notebook for later, when I recovered enough sight to read them.
I also typed blind at times, which was interesting. Lot's of typos! But I still was able to keep the dream of writing Godspeed alive, and that got me through many difficult times with not just my eyes but other health problems as well. I am forever grateful to the medical team who gave me back the ability to read and see well enough to type (though reading is still a challenge. I have to be careful not to push them too hard)."
"Wow, I will definitely look at Godspeed through a new lens now. I saw on your profile that you just finished Each Little Soul recently, do you have anything else in the works at the moment?"
"I have been having more health struggles for a while, and so have been unable to write. But I have started with small steps back, some poetry and such, trying to get the gears turning again. I'm hoping it's not a matter of will I write something new, but when. Hoping I will start feeling better soon."
"I hope so too, I'll send good vibes your way! Now just one more question and I won't take up any more of your time. You've made a novella, Firework Flowers, that is exclusive to Wattpad. Can I assume then that you have not been disappointed with Wattpad and it's community?"
"Thank you, that is so kind of you, I appreciate all good thoughts and vibes!
You are absolutely correct, I have had a great time on Wattpad these last three years. Thanks to everyone here I even got to see Of Stardust pass a million views while the whole book was here for a time ( I had to remove it later for contractual reasons). Readers here are also the reasons I wrote a sequel to it, because so many of them asked for one.
So let me say that I have nothing but gratitude for everyone on Wattpad: staff, readers, and other writers too. I wish I could read more stories here (the limits on my vision prevent me from saying yes to read requests, sadly...), but I try to show my gratitude in other ways.
My latest story Each Little Soul, for example, is only available to read on Wattpad. And I hope that, health willing, I will be able to bring more stories, whether flash, poems or longer forms here to share with you all.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to be interviewed, and for asking such fun, thoughtful questions. I really enjoyed answering them!"
"Thank you for answering them so thoroughly, I feel like I know you so much better now! Well, ta ta, and get better soon."
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There you have it folks! The infamous FebruaryGrace Make sure you go to her profile and check out all of her fantastic books!
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