Interview With @artemis912
TV Davy
artemis912:What is it like being the shortest of The Monkees? Would you change your height if you could?
Davy:It's sometimes hard because I can't see who's outside our pad door unless I open it, whereas the other fellas can just look through the peep-hole. I also get teased a lot. However, I don't think I'd change my height. The girls just dig it too much. *cheeky smile*
TV Mike
artemis912:What is it like being the tallest of The Monkees? Would you change your height if you could?
Mike:It's okay really. I'm not really that tall [6 foot 1 roughly] and Micky and Peter aren't that much smaller. I hardly ever notice my height or get picked on for it, so I wouldn't change it.
TV Micky
artemis912:Has there ever been a moment in your life when you were calm and not bursting with energy? Ever?
Micky:*thinking hard* Um, of course... Let's see....
5 Hours Later
artemis912:*fast asleep*
Micky:Wait, I've thought of one!!
artemis912:*wakes up and falls off chair* What?
Micky:*looks crestfallen* Oh, never mind. I was going to say I was calm when I sleep, but I actually sleep walk and talk.
artemis912:*face palm* Never mind...
TV Peter
artemis912:[Referencing 'Gonna Buy Me A Dog'] Would you like it if The Monkees actually got a dog or pet?
Peter:*nods* I would love that! Unfortunately, our landlord [Mr Babbit] won't allow it. If we did have a pet, I'd rather have a dog.
All TV Monkees
artemis912:What, in your opinion, is the craziest adventure you've been on?
Micky:Wow, we've had so many, I kinda lost track. I suppose when I was captured by aliens and they made a copy of me.
artemis912:*looks alarmed* What? How did that happen?
Micky:It's a long story... I'll explain after the interview.
Davy:When I met a Prince identical to me, I was really surprised. You don't get that everyday! And when I had to marry a chick for him....
Peter:I once gave my soul to the devil. Luckily Mike saved me.
Davy and Micky:What about us? We helped!
artemis912:*sighs* Anyway, what about you Mike?
Mike:Well, there was this time we were staying in a haunted house and Davy turned into a vampire, Micky turned into a werewolf and Peter's brain was being taken into a monster. It was crazy - I even had to dress as a Mummy Man.
artemis912:*looks at @rebeccaadelson and winks* Also, [just a random question here] what would you want your usernames to be if you were in, say, a chat room.
All Monkees:*confused*A what?!?
artemis912:*explains about modern technology*
Micky:That sounds groovy. I can dig it. I'd probably want Randy_Scouse_Monkee, Poncho_Ruler or Frodis_Fan.
Mike:Wool_Hat or Texas_Prairie_Chicken_Saver.
Peter:Long-Haired_Hippie? Sorry, I can't think of anything hip.
artemis912:Thanks guys! Now Micky, tell me about that alien mix-up.
Micky:*reluctantly* O-kay. Bye fellas. *waves*
Me:Thanks artemis912! Viewers, please send in more requests!
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