Continuation of title- (Bad hair 1)
Daisy- I'm extending it to next chapter
Konnie- WHAT WHY?!
Daisy- There's this dare next chapter which has something to do with the cheese dare so I need to extend it
Konnie- (cries) WHYYYYY
Laney- My dress dare better not be extended.
Daisy- Fortunately no..... well not yet
Laney- It better not be
Destiny- Well we have some dares from alex_Corney96. First Laney and Corey to make each other jealous
Laney- Umm...ok. well I'm already married to Larry. So I'm off limits. Yeah... Larry['s cool....
Daisy- that was was weird
Destiny- very weird...
Larry- (nods violently)
Daisy- Just do the dare
Corey- ok...... (gets out guitar)
Laney- Music's not the answer to every-
Corey- (kisses guitar out of nowhere like whatttt)
Everyone in the room- What the heck?!
Laney- Why do I feel a tinge of jealousy. This isn't normal. I'm jealous of a guitar
Daisy- OOH OOH (clicks fingers and they all travel back in time and it's snowing outside)
Destiny- Awesome it's snowing
Kin- Why is it Christmas?!
Daisy- This is from a one shot I made requested from IamKittenheart. Here is a mistltoe hat
Daisy- (pushes Corey and Laney together) NOW KISS
Corey- (stops kissing guitar) Uh... ok...
(they lean in, closing their eyes but then something happens)
Corey- (opens eyes to see Laney's kissing a mistletoe) I feel this feeling.
Daisy- JEALOUSYYYY (clicks fingers and go to the present) CONGRATS! You made each other jealous by kissing inanimate objects
Destiny- that is even weirder
Corey and Laney- 0_o
Daisy- NEXT, Larry to read my book meant to be and every time Carrie blushes you has to kiss her
Carrie- Why would I blush?
Laney- 0///0
Daisy- Oh. You'll see :)
Destiny- (gives Larry book)
Larry- Ok... (reads the book out loud)
"Carrie, I love you, and not in a friend way either."
Carrie- 0//0
Larry- 0///0 (kisses her)
Carrie- >-<
Larry- "It's because your beautiful."
Carrie- (blushes)
Larry- ugh.... (kisses her)
(Many blushing and kisses later)
Larry and Carrie- 0////0
Daisy- good.
Destiny- Kin has to read alex_Corney96 's book, dare and ask Grojband
Kin- ok! (Reads then smirks at Corney)
Corney- what?
Kin- (smirks more)
Daisy- read anything interesting? It's really good.
Kin- agreed. And yes... very interesting info 😆
Destiny-Corey investigate on who Laney
Daisy- (whispers rest of it)
Laney- what what?!
Corey- Lanes likes someone?
Everyone- (facepalms)
Destiny- wow
Carrie- you're dunber than i thought
Daisy- ugh just... do it
Corey- ok. (Goes to his garage to think) hmmm how do I figure out who Laney likes.... (sees a book sticking out of Laney's bass case) what's that? (Gets it and reads it).Laney's diary..... I shouldn't I.... well she won't know... (starts reading the whole book, smiles and comes back)
Daisy- figure it out?
Corey- yup! Blue hair, orange beanie, cute guitarist I got it 😉
Laney- oh no
Corey- I didn't know you liked girls
Everyone- HUH?!
Corey- you like Carrie right? She perfectly describes your description.
Laney and Carrie- (gag) NO JUST NO.
Corey- oh... oh. Now I remeber..
Daisy- wow. Now tell Laney what you did to think she liked Carrie
Laney- yeah... where'd you even get that from?
Corey- uh... (dairy falls out of pocket) oh man
Laney- YOU READ MY DIARY?! (is about to kill him)
Daisy- DOG PILE!!!
(they all dog pile on Laney while Trina files her nails)
Trina- like how lame that she was stupid enough to get her diary read
Kin- the irony
Daisy- no killing Corey
Destiny- that'd be bad for ratings
Daisy- definitely
Laney- fine.
Corey- phew.
Daisy- Kon to go a week without cheese
Kon and Konnie- 😭😭😭
Destiny- Carrie sing a love song to Larry
Carrie- um.... ok 😳 which song?
Daisy- OOH OOH TSUNDERE SONG (hands her sheet music)
Carrie- Ok... I'll sing this
They're all so happy and smiling, sunny skies above
Like they're wanting to get in my way
I'm glaring holes through the sea, parting waves in this heat
Was a long night so good thing I saved
Shooting daggers from my eyes as they step to the side
If you hate it, you don't have to stare
"Good morning!" he shouts to me, stretches side to side
And he's just standing there like his bedhead is a style
If you'd just take the time to look me in the eyes
We'd fall in love- no wait. I'm really not all into that
But I'm still wondering why
I can't look in your eyes
"That's not it, I swear...just shut up and go away!"
I know that pa-pa-para-part of me is glaring down the sunrays
Other pa-pa-para-part of me fears you might see my heart race
Hating every time I say and think but never think and say it
What is up with this voice inside my head?
Wow wow wow
Ta-ta-tara-talking to you, scowl that I'm making
I don't know why but I'm breaking, voice is stuttering and shaking
"For the love of-NEVER MIND! Just tell me if I'm going crazy"
Yeah I know, in the end I'm really dumb
I can't stop yawning, this classroom's the same everyday
Just two desks not too far from the sun
It's really freaking me out! Sooner die than show you
Radio beating loud in my brain
Rising from my desk, a careless and simple mistake
And I knew right away I'd been caught
Beating too loud not a sound
My headphone acting
Was really poorly done since they weren't plugged in at all
"Yeah I know, so I've lied, but years and minutes fly
And not a single person out there would remember, right?"
But I'm still wondering why
Why my tongue always fights
I can't even tell him how much I hate his face!
Showing a pa-pa-para-part of me so you might get the message
But the words I wanna shout to you get swallowed back up again
Going on and on, a part of me has really come to like this
Who'd 'a known? I'm timid kind of girl
Wow wow wow
"La-la-lara-looks like you've been having quite a good day!"
"Do you just not comprehend my hate or should I count all the ways?
Pinching out your cheek, I hate this kind of cheeky type of person
Not again! 'Nother day's about to end
One more time!
Pa-pa-para-part of me is squinting through the sunrays
"Wait a sec, before you set!" breathing a gulp of air I intake
And the pa-pa-para-part of me that's beating takes a beating
Yet the thrill is amazing even still
"I wanna ta-ta-tara-tell you!" I keep thinking as I'm sprinting
And I just don't understand! My heart's a bombshell and it's ticking
'Fore the ba-ba-bara-breath inside is gone and sun is setting
If I could, I would tell you what I thought
Can you help? I'll do anything oh God!
Larry- Thanks Carr 😶
Carrie- hehe no problem 😃
Destiny- You sang great
Daisy- Now Konnie has to go a week with a wig that has really bad hair
Destiny- Because it's funny :)
Daisy- definitely
Destiny- here is your wig
Konnie- (puts it on slowly)
Daisy- there you are
Destiny- you look......great
Konnie- no cheese.... bad wig.... hate my life....
Daisy- here's something to make things happier
Destiny- (whispers to Nick)
Nick- (nods, goes on one knee in front of Mina and takes out a random ring) will Mina Beff, please marry Nick
Mina- wait what?! (Nose bleeds and faints)
Corey- haha yesss
Daisy - while Trina's out....
Destiny- you know what to do
Kate and Allie- Definitely 😈
(Makeover transitionnn)
Trina- (wakes up) what happened
Everyone- (trying to hold in laughter)
Daisy- you have to let Kate and Allie give you a make over and you have to be nice to them or else
Trina- NO
Destiny- we already have the makeover part done
Trina- (looks down at herself) AHHHHHHHH I'M COREY'S CLOTHES (takes out mirror) I HAVE BLUE HAIR ARGHHHHH (goes into diaey mode)
Corey- awesome
Daisy - remeber the dare...
Trina- like fine.... awesome like makeover...
Kate and Allie- Thanks! You look way better now
Trina- (growls)
Destiny- last dare. Mina stand up to Trina
Mina- no i can't.....
Nick- nick believes in you
Corey- come on Mina.
Carrie- you need to do this sis.
Mina- (looks at trina)
Mina- ok fine. Trina. Please shut... up
Everyone- GASP
Trina- like what did you say to me?
Mina- I'm sick and tired of you treating me like a slave instead of a friend. what happened to the girl I was friends with Kindergarten. I miss her. If you don't change your attitude then i guess we can't be friends anymore
(There's a huge silence)
Mina- I'm... sor-
(Suddenly everyone claps and cheers)
Trina- 😲
Daisy- that was amazing...
Destiny- What's Trina gonna say?
Trina- I uh-
Daisy-yeah. Find out next chapter
Trina- DON'T CUT M-
Daisy- cya! ^^
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