Girls Acting Weird
Daisy- Bring them in!
(suddenly the people who work here bring different flavours of Smile Dip)
His Mother- (her normal face of frustration)
Mayor Mellow- I know Mother! I failed!
Barney- It's the Smile Dip I used to sell. What's it doing here....?
Daisy- Well TomokoForenge wanted all the girls to get drunk with different effects and because all the girls here are too young to have alcohol I brought in Smile Dip cause it has the same effects.
Laney- So we have to eat that?
Daisy- Yep.
Carrie- Are you gonna have some?
Daisy- These interviews are for the Grojband Cast, I'm not part of that I'm just the host. So thankfully, I'm not doing it, ^.^
Girls- Ugh.....
Daisy- So there are different flavours, all of you must each have a different one, OK.
Girls- OK......
(the flavours they have)
Laney- Cherry
Trina- Strawberry
Mina- Orange
Kate- Chocolate
Allie- Lemon
Carrie- Blueberry
Kim- Raspberry
Konnie- Banana
(I think that's all the girls, right?)
Boys- ..... 😓
Daisy- Hehehe, let the fun begin....
Carrie- YAY!
Daisy- Huh?
Carrie- I am so happy that we're doing this dare thing with you Daisy!
Daisy- I thought every one of you hated it.
Carrie- Not me! I love this!
Daisy- I'm guessing blueberry was the happy side effect.
Daisy- Rage much.
Mina- I wish I didn't even do this stupid interview!
Daisy- I'm guessing orange was the angry side effect one.
Allie- (literally bouncing on the walls) Weeeee!!!!!!!
Allie- WhenarewegoonaseeGrojbandperform?! Whenwhenwhenwhenwhen.
Daisy- Hello hyper lemon.
Kate- .....
Daisy- You OK Kate?
Kate- I'll be here when you need me.... 😢
Daisy- I need you.
Kate- REALLY 😁
Daisy- Meh.
Kate- OK then.....
Daisy- Emotional chocolate.
Daisy- Is she going into sadness diary mode?
Corey- She's floating in the air..... but not doing diary mode......
Daisy- Maybe because she's not sad as her actual emotion right now she's not in diary mode but is still using her out of the world powers.
Corey- So no new lyrics....
Everyone- What?!
Daisy- (covers his mouth) He said nothing......
Trina- I'm like so sad.
Daisy- Who knew that strawberries are so sad.
Konnie- Cool a unicorn!
(Everyone in real life)
(Everyone in Konnie's eyes)
Konnie- (jumps on Kon) Run unicorn! Run!
Kon- Uhhh.....
Daisy- Just run Kon, run.
Kon- (runs)
Daisy- I knew bananas were evil! They just made her delusional!
Kim- Everyone be quiet!
Daisy- Hello Little Miss Bossy.
Kim- Don't call me that! Now everyone has to listen to me because I say so.
Boys- Yes ma'am!
Kim- good, now run a lab.
Nick- Nick doesn't feel like running right now. He'd rather ride his scooter.
Kon- And I already ran with Konnie on my back!
Konnie- Run Unicorn!
Boys- Ugh..... (run a lap then come back)
Daisy- Bossy Raspberry.
Kim- Be quiet!
Daisy- '.'
(now for the one everyone has been waiting for ^.^)
Laney- Hello, boys!
Daisy- Hehehe
Corey- L-lanes?
Daisy- ^.^
Laney- 😉 Wanna go out?
Daisy- :)
Corey- O///O What's happening?
Daisy- Flirty cherries.
Laney- Or should ask him (points to Larry) You're hot too, wanna go out? (I'm terrible at this flirty talk)
Larry- O/////O
Daisy- you know you two are already married.
Laney- Oh yeah, then how about you blue, me, you, date, let's go.
Corey- *.* (faints)
Laney- I must be so cute that he fainted.
Daisy- Hehe..... sure.....
(after a few hours)
Girls- What happened?
Daisy- I see the Smile Dip has weared off.
Laney- What did we do....?
Daisy- Let me sum it up. (all in one breath and talks quickly) Carrie was happy about everything that was happening, Mina was angry at all of us, Allie was so hyper she bounced off the walls, Kate was emotional about not being needed that much in the chapter, Trina was sad floating because she was at the center point of Earth and another world, Konnie was delusional and thought we were all unicorns while trying to make Kon give her a ride, Kim was bossy and made the boys run many laps and Laney..... (huffs and puffs)
Laney- What did I do?
Daisy- Laney was all flirty and asking all the boys out then made Corey faint and then for some reason he agreed to going on a date and he has been emotionless after you guys came back.
Girls- O.O
Corey- *.*
Corey- (shakes head) No they're not!
Carrie- Yeah we are!
Daisy- No arguing! OK Corey, how was the date with flirty Laney?
Corey- Well......
(after explaining)
Laney- WHAT!
Daisy- You guys wen to the fair, had cotton candy and suddenly kissed you out of no where?
Corey- Yep.
Daisy- Why don't you seem grossed out?
Corey- Because I knew it wasn't Lanes?
Laney- But why did you agree to going out anyway?
Corey- I don't know. The voice in my head said I should.
Daisy- ........ interesting........ OK bye guys!
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