C H A P T E R F I V E| Bosses
Audrey Maitre
"Get on your knees! You are no intelligent man! You're just a murder!" One man shouts.
I look over him to see confusion on his face.
"Me? Murder? Impossible!" he snaps.
He's committing fraud on him?
The man turn to me and chuckles. "What do we have here. A woman. Is she your whore? Eugene." My hands turn to a fist, "Excuse me a whore?! Those filthy females! I absolutely do not recall spreading my legs to anyone!" I scoff.
"Ahh.. Sorry. Virgin. You must be feeling sad not being laid by Eugene." I softly growl at him.
"Apologize, now." I snapped.
He scoff and look at me, "Princess, were not here for entertainment. I just humiliated you. That's all."
"Well it's seems you enlighten me. I won't be sorry what will happen next." I grabbed the man arm and thrown against the floor, taking his gun and pointed at him.
"Say sorry! You coward!" Typical bad guys, thinking money is power.
He was now frightened, "W-what the hell are you?! You crazy!"
I scoffed and look over at the police. "Mam, knees down!"
"You're not a police officer, jerk." I was now frustrated.
"Look Mam! Get- "I cut him off.
"If you were really were police forces, where's your cars? Because last time I arrive, I didn't see any police cars or hear any sirens. If you guys came then you all work together simple. And if you want to be a criminal think like a criminal's mind does." I snapped back at him, before knocking the guy out with the gun.
A silence pistol, I draw my gun at them.
"Shoot me." Their eyes widen. "W-what? He's right you are crazy!"
I simply smile at them. Triggering the gun and fired at the walls. They dropped their guns and kneed down on the ground traumatized.
"A criminal doesn't hesitate to kill." I sigh before I dropped my gun at the floor and turn to my boss.
"Was my distraction enough time for you to call the 'real' policemen's?" I asked.
He look at me astonished. "Yeah..I called." Then there was nothing for him left to say.
"I hope it was a good impression of my first day, Sir." He look at me, dumbfound.
Hearing the sirens, the policemen came.
We were all escorted outside of the building, it became a hectic situation. Of course, reporters came and questioned our boss but he simply push them out of the way.
Instead he came towards me.
"You were thrillingly awesome out there! You were very calm. And slightly odd but I'm glad you aren't hurt." He was fond at me.
"Thank you, Sir. I only did it because they call me an unfitting word!" I pouted. He chuckle and smile at me, "Honestly, your too lovable to be killed. How come your not taken yet? Or actually are you?" he was curious.
But those question stabbed me, I let out a fake smile. "I-I want to keep my relationship hidden. We only just met, Sir." I look away from him.
"Oh, come on! One fact about your life wouldn't hurt." He pouts.
Wouldn't you like to know, huh?
"It's best if you didn't know." I let out a chuckle.
"Should we- "he silence my words by putting his finger on my lips shushing me.
"You did good. You can go home for today." I only nodded. I thank my, Boss and walk off.
I hope, I can get my yummies now.
"You!" I was interrupted by a female voice. I look up seeing Ms. Everlock.
Oh my god.
"M-Ms. Everlock.." I was shocked. Is she checking up on her brother? That's none of my business Audrey, just move along. I was going to move right pass her, but she stopped me.
"Follow me. Audrey." I gulp before nodding and went to follow her. I was behind Ms. Everlock as my Boss stared at her, however his eyes shift and evert his vision towards me. "Aren't you supposed to be- "
"She's my appointment, I'm taking her back to interview her." She nudge my arm, only for looking at her.
'Y-yes Ms. Everlock?" She turn to me, but my Boss scoffed.
"I'm sorry but you were to late, I hired her to be my secretary.. Ms. Everlock." He snarl and went to grab my arm and tug me close to him. Surprised from his behavior, I didn't say anything else. I was completely speechless. I heard these siblings were like twins but here it seems the opposite with each other.
"Well. She'll have two jobs then. Come with me Audrey." She snatch my arm roughly making me yelp in pain. "Look what you did to her!" He yelled.
"Oh, come on! She's just a weak frail woman! What would you expect!" She yelled back.
The yelling turn to an argument then a disastrous useless speech! I couldn't take it anymore, "Stop! Both of you sound like a children fighting for a damn toy!" they look at me dumbfound, as I look at them.
"Both of you were unprofessional! Apologize to each other! NOW!" I yelled at the last word making them both squirm and they quickly apologize each other.
"I'm sorry, sister.." he mumble.
"And I'm sorry.. brother." she sighs then turn to me, "Happy?" I shake my head. "Nope, hug each other!" They both groan in frustration but somehow both were slightly hesitated to hug each other. But in the end, they did it!
I clapped happily, "See your anger are now gone." Ms. Everlock look at me, wanting to kill me.
Oh great. I forgot they were the two hugest jewel industries.
...I'm so dead.
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