47 • I Love You !
Mishti :)
Wrapping the blanket around me, I fixed my gaze on the blue ocean, it's Juhu beach. Rajvansh cousins including me are here from yesterday. Bhai had kept a cocktail party yesterday night, for his international business partners. I didn't want him to feel bad, so when he approached me to come here and join them I could not deny.
The party had happened in a resort, yesterday night was a blast for everyone except me. I was just sitting in a corner and doing absolutely nothing. While coming here I thought it will be good for me, change of place will change my mind . But nothing helped me, as the person I wanted to talk isn't even come to me. Even in the party he stayed away .
We are staying in Sekhar uncle's friend's farm house which is located just near the beach. This building has two floors, as everyone take their respective room so only one room left for Abir and me. No one knows about the fight between us, nor I want them to know, so I agreed to share this room with him. But even staying in same room we both haven't speak to each other.
Yesterday night when I slept he hadn't returned from the party and when I woke up today's morning he was not in my room. Sitting on the balcony I was trying to calm myself. From outside I may look normal right now but from inside I am fighting with thousands of battles.
I used to curse destiny to separate me and bhai. But with whom I would have fought when he himself choosed to stay away from me. He lied to me, Mom lied to me, every freaking person in my life lied to me. And now Abir. It just shattered me. Nobody really care about this, they didn't inform me! I deserve to know every single truth of my life no matter it is sweet or bitter..
I snapped my head back hearing the door opening sound, my heart skipped a beat seeing Abir standing there. His eyes travelled through the room and stopped on me. The eyes which hold so many emotions, which always shines, which always get softened seeing me, had no emotions in it today. Having a blank expression on his face he stared at me for some seconds.
Diverting his gaze from me he went near to bed. I was expecting him to sleep but taking one pillow he walked out of the room. My heart clenched in pain. He was the one who is at mistake right now, but still he will be the one to show me attitude? I again shifted my gaze to the ocean. The sounds of waves were so relaxing.
How in the world I get into fight with Abir in these types of beautiful places? During our trip we didn't talk and now this! After sitting there for some minutes I got up and went outside. I looked down and found Abir sleeping on a sofa in the living room. Sighing in frustation I laid on a swing which was on the balcony.
Some mosquitoes started singing near my ears, I so wish to kill them. Placing one pillow above my ears I slept there.
Next day (Night)
He stopped the car in front of my house , I came out of it holding my bag, but deliberately left my purse so that he will atleast stop me but he being unbothered didn't stop me, making my blood boil in anger. I acted like I forgot to take my purse, I knocked on his window glass. He was sitting in the driver seat. He slided down the glass.
"I forgot my purse! " I murmured, rather than giving me the purse, he opened the door for me. Stomping my foot in anger I went to other side and took my purse. He stayed there till I went inside my house.
I looked at the watch, it's 10:30 PM. I changed my clothes and wore a comfortable dress. While coming back we had dinner in a restaurant. Turning off the ac, I opened my bedroom window. It's was raining heavily. I forwarded my hands to feel the droplets. The cold wind against my face was giving me some unknown peace.
I turned myself completely hearing the door closed sound. Abir! He locked it from inside. I blinked my eyes, it can't be true. How can he enter inside when I had locked the main door from inside. He doesn't even have the spare key. I rubbed my eyes and opened it. I got froze seeing him so near me. Am I hallucinating too much?
He stepped closer making my breath hitched. Keeping my both hands at the edge of the window sill I bent my head to back.
"Are you real? " I mumbled, his lips twitched into a smirk, he rolled his tongue from inside. My heart skipped a beat feeling his hands over my hands which was on the window sill. I clutched the solid sill as he glided his fingers up, soon it reached my neck giving me goosebumps all over my body. He pushed all the hairstands and held the back of my neck.
His lips was looking so kissable that I forgot everything in a second. It's been a week we haven't kissed each other.. He inserted his other hand in his hoodie pocket and took out a chocolate. The same chocolate which once his chacha had bought. So many emotions flashed over my eyes.
I moved my gaze at him and gulped harder. His dark brown eyes were fixed on me holding so many unspoken emotions. I got drowned in his eyes. I could see a glimpse of longing in his eyes, the crave to take me in his embrace, the crave to kiss me, the crave to talk with me and just clear out everytime.. How much I missed him looking at me like this! Eyes full of love, care, adoration.
"When I reached home, Chacha handed me this chocolate. If you would have not been in my life I would have taken it alone. Because it's my favorite, I don't share it with anyone. But I could not take it without you, " he whispered.
"You came here to give it to me? " I asked, he shook his head in disagreement.
"I came here to share it with you! " he muttered, my eyes widen. It's become our things to eat this specific chocolate in this specific way. He unwrapped the cover and kept it between my teeth in a way that half of it stayed in my mouth and half stayed outside..
My breath hitched when he leaned towards me. I closed my eyes, my hands automatically went to his chest.. Feeling his hot breath on my noes I curled my fingers , holding his thick hoodie tightly in my fist.. He took his portion of chocolate and went back to his previous position. I was highly disappointed, I thought at least this time he will kiss me, but the way he took a bite, his lips didn't even touched mine..
Hiting him on his chest I pushed him. The way he is behaving it's just so irritating. "Ouch" he hissed in pain drawing my attention. I burrowed my eyes in confusion, I didn't apply much force which will give him so much pain.
"What happened? " I asked going near him, he shook his head.
"Nothing! " he mumbled , I glared at him and touched his right chest. My heart beat got fastened.
"Something happened to you? " I asked while brushing my palm over his right chest, it felt like there was some bandage over it. But soon he removed my hand and held it.
"Nothing, leave it, " he murmured, making me more angry ..
"Remove your hoodie! " I ordered. Seeing no movement in him I tore his hoodie from the neck portion being too much irritated. My palm covered my mouth seeing a bandage over there. Due to my push there was some blood over it..
"How did it happen? " I asked, he let out a deep breath.
"That day in cocktail party. I was about to go towards washroom my leg slipped, there was a rack over there, which fell on me. Something sharp was there, which got pierced here and this happened! " he said biting his lips. I clutched his hoodie tightly, trying to control the anger in me.
"Why you didn't inform me? "
"It's nothing serious! And you would have got worried, " he gave the most lame answer.
"Just because I would have got worried that doesn't mean you will not tell me! " I shouted at the top of my voice.
"You were angry! What would have I told you? Mishti, see I am injured? "
"Yes! Of course. "
He stayed silent. My eyes became moist and sweats started forming in my both plams. I felt like destroy every single thing around me. He showed me his puppy eyes.
"You know what, even I will die na then also I won't call you, " I yelped, tears started dropping from my eyes. He held me from my waist.
"I am sorry, don't tell like this, " he whispered. Looking down I started crying, the tears I was holding from past days started falling from my eyes.. In his one hand he cupped my cheek. I jerked his hand away in anger.
"Don't you dare to touch me! " I shouted, he tightened his grip around my waist..
"I hate you! " I mumbled still looking down, crying like a mess.
"You don't! " he uttered.
"I do and I will always do. You are so bad. How could you just hide something like this? What am I doing in your life? I feel like you hide every single thing from me, " I complained looking straight into his eyes. His eyes got softened and he made me sit on the bed.
"I can't see you crying. First stop crying! " he whispered wiping my tears.
"Then why you do those acts which hurt me? See this! It started bleeding, " I said pointing at his cut.
"Relax! " he said brushing my hairs. I stood up and brought the first-aid kit, placing it on my bed I sat in front of him. First I removed the bandage , he held my other hand tightly. His eyes were tightly shut . My heart burnt in pain seeing the cut. First I washed it then applied the ointment..
He started blowing my hairs through his mouth, I glared at him.. Placing another bandage over it, I kissed on his chest just above the cut. His fingers curled around my palm tightly.
"I don't care how bitter the truth is but promise me you will share it with me, " I said forwarding my palm. He stared at my palm and then at me. Holding my wrist he kept my palm on my lap..
"I can't promise which I won't able to keep! " he said, my heart broke into pieces. I stared at him until my vision got blurry. I closed my eyelids and those tears dropped from my eyes. Keeping everything inside the kit box I kept it at its place, washing my hands I went to him..
He pulled me and we both fell on my bed . Before I could get up he came over me, making my heart jumped in nervousness. He had removed his hoodie and not even wearing his vest. "What! " I mumbled. He blinked his eyes and shook his head. He stared at me, his lips shaped into a genuine smile.
"Don't look at me like this! " I mumbled..
"Why! "
"Something just happens to me, " I murmured, he chuckled.
"Do you know how much I missed talking to you? " he started caressing my cheeks.
Narrowing my eyes I stared at him angrily. "That's why you were avoiding me! " I complained.
"You are the one who started, so I was just helping you, " he said, my eyes became small and nose became red in anger.
"I was avoiding you because I was angry at you! And I don't like to talk with anyone in anger, " I said, he sighed.
"And in case you don't know I don't belong to the category of anyone. Got that? " he said holding my both cheek between his two fingers. I gulped hard, I saw a glimpse of possessiveness and dominance in his eyes. It turned darker.
"I was at fault, I know. But I could not just say this to you. How could even I ? Keep yourself at my place, what would have you done? " he asked. I sighed in defeat.
"Then keep yourself at my place, you would have reacted the same way I did, " I said. He didn't say anything but nodded his head slightly.
"Why didn't you stop me while coming here! " I complained like a kid. I will get angry then I will be the one to start conversation? He was curling my hairs in his fingers having an amusing smile on his lips.
"You wanted me to stop you? " he asked, his lips curved into a smirk.
"You didn't want to stop me? "
"Think what please you ! "
"Are we just going to play with words tonight? " I said being irritated. He brought his face close to mine.
"Then stop talking! " he said, I gulped down a huge amount of saliva due to our closeness. The rain sounds was blowing my mind. I held his hands when light went off. The inventor ran out of power. Still the light which was coming through the window was enough for us to see each other. May be it was coming from the street light.
I closed my eyes feeling his lips on my cheek. He started brushing his lips on my right cheek. I roamed my palm on his bare chest and held his shoulder. In no second he pressed his lips on my lips, I curled my toes. The kiss was fierce.. I kissed him back with the same energy, pouring all my anger and frustation in it.. His fingers were lightly roaming on my belly.. I felt butterflies.. He was sucking my lower lips while I sucked his upper lips. After kissing each other for some minutes which felt like forever we broke the kiss.
He kept his forehead on mine, we both were trying to breathe normally.. Pushing him slightly I came over him. Now he's under me.. Trailing my lips from his cheek to neck I bit his collar bone leaving a mark there.. I buried my face in the crook of his neck, he switched our position. He sucked my ear lobe sending a shiver down my spine.
"Good night, Princess! " he whispered near my ears, I hugged him tightly and slept in his arm. In between our fight and romance I forgot to ask how he entered inside.
Abir :)
She won't understand but it's painful for me as well to hide things from her. I want to tell her about her birth truth but again something is just pulling me back. I can't break her by saying it. After the reception day, after our arguments I directly went to my room and searched for the custody paper. It was not there, so I got to know she was talking about it.
Everything just got ruined, I wanted to be with her in the reception but she ignored me. I can tolerate her anger, her frustation, her yelling everything but not her ignorance. I wish things would have been not this much messed up between us.
She doesn't know that I had taken the spare key of her house without her acknowledge. She will kill me for this, I chuckled internally .. She was hurt yesterday, I know but it's not easy for me too..
I parked my bike in front of Aarav bhai's car. He was sitting on the front, I sat over my bike. It's the vacant ground behind Rajvansh company near to NH. It's around 11:30 am, Mishti went to college. So I called his brother , so that I will get some answers to my questions.
But we both kept looking at the ground not knowing what to ask each other. I wanted to ask so many things to him but words were not coming out of my mouth. And he must be curious about mine and his sister's relationship, why I am so involved in their family matter. Taking a deep breath finally I took the step to break the awkward silence.
"Umm! Why you choosed to stay with your father? You could have told the truth to Mishti, she would have shattered but atleast for some days. But what you did left a impact on her for her whole life. It destroyed your bond with her, your family got shattered, everything just got ruined, " I said, he listened to me carefully. At the end he let out a dry chuckle.
"I know! But I did what I felt right. You think the truth would have just gave her a heartbreak. But I know her, she would have blamed herself for her whole life, " he said, I sighed. He was not wrong either.
"And you are a brother too. Imagine how hard it's to tell something like this to your sister. How could have I told her that she's is not my own sister. To the women she calls Mom is not her own mom. How could have I told her that we have adopted her? " he told, his voice was cracking in pain. I was playing with my fingers..
"By the way how did you know about all this? " he asked me.
"Umm once I went to your home. Mishti was showing me her baby picture. That's the same picture I had seen in the orphanage when I stayed there on Rajashree ji's birthday. We both were there. I found that picture and a picture of her with her Nani , I mean with Rajashree ji. It was under the telescope. I didn't think much , but that day when Mishti showed me her picture I was too stunned to react.
So I went to orphanage to double check, as I was the owner so they could not stop me from checking all the files. I checked everything related to Rajashree Maheshwari and got to know that Mishti is her grand child. I could not understand what to do, the members of orphanage informed this to your Chachi. She had strictly told me to not tell anything to Mishti. So I am silent till now! " I concluded..
Rajashree Maheshwari. Her grandmother. I still can't believe Mishti is her grand daughter but it's true. I don't know much but Mishti got the walk from her Nani. The walk which hold so much power in it. I had seen so many videos of her Nani, she resembles her so much. The stubbornness in her is genetic. I wish I could tell her.
Rajashree Maheshwari had one and only daughter named Mahira Maheshwari , Mishti's biological Mom. Her nani always wanted her Mom to become a business woman so that she will handle her business but she choosed education as her profession just like Mishti. It's just making me so emotional knowing my girl don't know about all this but she resembles so much with her real family. Her dad was Tanveer Agarwal, he was an orphan. Her parents had a love marriage, he was good in business.
So he joined her Nani's business and helped her. After 2 year Mishti came in their life. But life was cruel. After just 6 months they both met in an car accident and the fact that the accident happened in front of her Nani, she was holding Mishti. That's was the dream which Mishti had seen in orphanage. But who will tell her that it was true.
It was not enough, after one year she found out that she's in the last stage of blood cancer. Aarav bhai's family were close to them, Aunty wanted to adopt her because she always wanted a baby girl. But Mr Agarwal didn't agree with her until he realized about the property thing. Her nani trusted Aunty so much, so she let her adopt Mishti. Before dying she handed all the property to Mishti.
Nobody got to know about Rajashree Maheshwari grand child because she didn't wanted to disclose it for her safety. She had too many rivals at that time.
During her last stage she and Mishti used to live in the orphanage, that's why Aunty always send her to the orphanage. It was close to her. But in the property contract it was clearly written if Mishti won't use the property it will automatically get transferred to all the orphanage she owned. After knowing it Mr Agarwal got furious but things were not under his control as they had already adopted her.
During the custody he blackmailed her family saying he will tell everything to Mishti, he always loves Aarav bhai, so he wanted to keep him at any cost. The situation was worse, Mishti had lost his bua, her parents were divorced, her Mom was fighting the custody. So they didn't want to hurt her more but still I feel they should have told her everything.
Atleast she would have been with her family. I know it would have hurt her to the core.
"You know, when I went to her after the custody day, I wanted to see her for the last time before moving to Australia. I wanted to keep Mr Agarwal away from her that's why I choosed to stay in another country. I can't trust him. But that night I slept with her, only I know how much tears I had shed. I was leaving my baby sister behind. I knew I lost her at the moment I choosed my father but I just couldn't tell her. She would have never let me go. Before morning writing a letter I left. But she met with an accident. For five days she was in hospital, she still don't know but I was there. I was there with her. But before she regain her sense I left again. I sometimes come here but without her acknowledge I just see her and left. It's not easy for me too. But I don't know at that time it felt right, " he uttered, tears had occupied his eyes..
My throat was burning in pain. He was about to say something when his phone started ringing. I waited till he ended his call.
"I need to go! " saying he hurriedly stood up, I nodded my head. He was sounding serious so I didn't feel like to ask more.. Getting inside his car he left in hurry. I stared at his disappearing car aimlessly.. I turned my head to leave this place. But my whole world stopped seeing Mishti standing there.
What the fuck!
I stood up on my place, my heart stopped beating. I felt heavy in my chest as air stuck in my lungs. Seeing her standing like a statue I understood she had overheard everything. A red thin layer had covered her eyes. Her purse was on the floor. She was just staring at me..
Taking steady steps I went to her, before I could hold her hand she stepped back. I was trembling in fear, I was just hoping she won't get any panic attack. Her eyes have the tales that her fragile heart wasn't ready to absorb.. There was no tears in her eyes but it was filled with the feelings of betrayal.
"Mishti please calm down, "
She fell down on her kness, I tried to hold her but she showed me her palm.
"I am an orphan? "
Her cracky voice made my heart shattered. Unknowingly tears started dropping from my eyes. I could hear my own heartbeat.. I was too scared to seeing her rigid body . My heart was too fragile to see her like this.
I touched her palm but she jerked it away.
"Let's go home, we will talk there, " I said trying to hold her but she stood up.
"I don't have any home! " she murmured, her voice was deadly dangerous. Her tone forced me to take a step back but I gathered all my courage.
"Don't talk rubbish , please come with me, " I said but she again took a step back..
"Please leave me! " she whispered lowering her gaze.
"I won't! " I said sternly and held her hand. But she pushed me so hard that I fell on the floor. I hissed in pain as her hands hit my injury. But I didn't make any sound and stood up. She was crossing the road to go to other side. The way she was walking it sent a bolt of shiver down my spine. She was not even looking at anyside. And the way the vehicles were moving I knew what will happen.
I ran towards her to stop her but it was too late. I froze at my place, a truck hit her . Her head got hit with the front car and her body fell on the road. I could not even breath properly. Someone who was standing by my side called the ambulance.
I ran to her, she was breathing heavily. Her eyes were half closed, blood was flowing from her forehead. There was an injury on her shoulder too. I held her hand in me and a tear dropped on her palm, she blinked her eyes in pain and stared at me.. The ambulance came after some seconds, they carefully shifted her inside the van, I went with her.. My dress, hands everything were stained with blood. She was shedding blood tears.
My heart ached seeing her in such state.. The nurse was about to make her wear the ventilator but she refused to wear it by turning her head. Her chest were moving up & down.
"Don't! I don't want to live, " she whispered, my breath hitched in my throat.
"Don't say like that, please! " I cried holding her palm. She was not even trying to breath. I held her head gently and the nurse made her wear it..
"Her pulse is getting down! " the nurse informed me, I stared at Mishti helplessly..
"Please breath, for me at least! I can't leave without you, " I whispered, her half closed eyes were fixed on me. I kept my forehead on her palm, letting out those tears falling from my eyes. Never in my life I had imagined a day like this.. My stomach twisted in pain. The ambulance sound was taking my breath away.
"I love you, "
"I love you from the bottom of my heart, please don't leave me. I can't live without you, " I yelped shutting my eyes tightly trying to control my sobs. I looked at her, her eyes were already closed .
It was too late!
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