Jonathan was on his phone texting his friends in a group chat, some of them asked why he got offline, he lied and said he didn't feel good. He than got a new text from Evan in a normal chat with just him and Jonathan. Lazily he opened it to see.
"I know your lying." His eyes widened as he texted back.
J:"What do ya mean?"
E:"Your not sick, we played for hours last night and you never complained."
J: "Maybe that's why I don't feel good, duh. :/"
E: "Uh-huh sure, that's why you do it.. ALL THE TIME"
J: "Woah, caps lock much?"
E: "Sorry. But I know your hiding something, you can tell me anything man, we're friends."
J: "True."
E: ":D"
J: "Skype?"
E: "Yeah, sure."
This was it, he was going to show one of his friends his face, show his true identity and spill the truth of something he's been hiding for way too long. He went back to his computer, turning it on. Once his computer was booted up he double clicked Skype, opening it. He was first called by Marcel which he denied and than he was called by Evan.
"Hey what's up man." Evan said in his normal chill tone.
"Hey Vanoss, uh, er. It's time." Jonathan said nervously.
"Time of the month?" Evan said and the two laughed shortly afterwards.
"No. You kn-" he was cut off.
"Yeah, yeah." There was a pause. "It's the time of the month." The two laughed again.
"No! Shut up!" Jonathan laughed before a serious atmosphere kicked in and Evan knew what was going on.
"Face reveal?" Evan asked already knowing the answer.
"Face reveal." Jonathan stated.
"Hold up! Let me get my camera." Evan said only for Jonathan to panic.
"No! You stupid owl, you ain't doin none of that shit." Jonathan laughed.
"I'm just kidding, I wouldn't do that." There was a large amount of silence.
"Just be prepared, you might be surprised at what I actually look like." Jonathan said as he hooked up a webcam to his computer.
"Alright. I don't judge." Evan said casually. Jonathan gulped as his mouse hovered over the camera button, before he could back out he clicked it fast immediately regretting his decision to do this shortly after, but it was to late his webcam was loading and his face would come up any second. Before his webcam showed himself he ducked down so his face was not in sight.
"Ah! Your a messy room, so terrified." Evan said with a laugh.
"Hehe, I'm pretty sure you'll be even more terrified with what your about to see." Jonathan said.
"Doubt it." Evan stated.
"Okay, here it goes." Jonathan slowly lifted his head up to reveal his face. He smiled slightly and waved at the camera only to see Evans jaw drop.
"Y-you're." Evan stuttered only to cause Jonathan's smile to disappear.
"Your a kid?!" Evan exclaimed.
"Teenager to be exact!" Jonathan argued.
"How old?" Evan asked.
"15." Jonathan answered. Evan face palmed himself.
"Damn. I mean, darn." Evan said.
"Fuck you, I might be slightly younger than you guys but that doesn't he I can't hear cussing." Jonathan said.
"A little younger?! Most of us are out of college and or been out of high school for a couple years! Your barely getting into high school." Evan argued back.
"Does age matter?" Jonathan shrugged his shoulders sadly looking away from the camera, his bangs falling into his eyes. Evan sighed.
"I guess not."
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