Chapter 7
Emily's POV
Its been 2 mouths now seance I meat Penny, Melody and Ainsleigh and we've become really great friend!
And today was THE day. THE day we are going to meet each other. we talk and planed a day to go to London and were to meet each other.
I was packing all my stuff from my parents house to my suitcase and man I have a lot A LOT of stuff.
"good morning" I said (Hoping they were awake )
"hi" Ainsleigh said
"hey "melody said
"good morning" penny said
"Today's the day girls!!" I said with excitement
"Ya I know I'm soo excited but nervous at the same time" Ainsleigh said
"Why are you nervous Ainsleigh??" Penny asked
"Because I've never been on a plan before and I'm kinda scared of them" Ainsleigh replied
"You'll be ok" melody said
After a while we said goodbye to each other for now and I continued packing.
I was kinda sad though I was going to leave my family and my friends and my BFF Bianca. Bianca was helping me pack and she was so sad and trying not to cry to but when she saw a picture of me and her she just let it all out. As i hurd her fall to her knees i rand to her aid, I told her that we would still keep in touch at all time and we pinky promised to that. I didn't really cry when I was in my bedroom with Bianca but I knew that the tears would come out sooner or later.
I was now done packing and I already had my plan ticket I walk out of my bedroom and that's when the tears came out,all of my friends and family was there, it felt like I was leaving forever and never coming back. My mom was crying so much and my dad was actually crying I've never seen him crying this much.
I told them that I'm not leaving forever and that I will come and visit often. My family and friends were all happy for me that I was making my dream come true and that this was my passion.
We all it in our cars and headed to the airport. I got out of the car and gave everyone a BIG hug goodbye. I headed of to the plan. as I was walking to the plan to London I hurd a mans voice saying "PLAN TO LONDON UK LIVING IN 5 MINS" SHIIIITTTT I started to run toward the entrance, thankfully I got in ok. When I was in the tunnel toward the entrance of the plan I stopped a looked back and said to myself "goodbye Texas ". turning back toward the plan i said to myself "here i come London" got into the plan.......
Penny's POV
OHHHHHH MANNNN. WOOT WOOT IMMA GOING TO SEE MA GIRLIES TODAY WOOT WOOT!!! I was really excited to finally meet them a go to London!!!! I though I would be more sad then happy but somewhere inside of my I was crying a river but it wasn't showing yet. My best friend Kyra stayed with me over night for a last sleepover and she wanted to help me pack.
We woke up at 6 in the morning to get me ready my parents wanted to say a goodbye before I left. Kyra and I were packing some little things that I forgot to pack the night before, I was feeling a little bit sad that I was leaving my friends and family but I'm strong girls I can handle it. Kyra and I were just sitting in ma room for bit till I had to leave and we were just laughing about the old days and stuff that we remember of "good time" I said.
I could see she was crying inside but she didn't really like crying in front of people but this time she didn't care.
She started to cry a bit and so did I she was like my sister we were there for each other on our bad days and our good days she was always there for me and I was always there for her. we would have our ups and downs but we always talked to each other and figure things out but we NEVER ever hated each other.
We both walked out of my room to find my parents at the table. I could tell that they were upset but no tears showed. they were happy for me and they wanted me to follow my dreams. My parents weren't coming with me to the airport but Kyra was going to drive me. As leaving the house I hugged my parents goodbye they told me to be carefull and blah blah blah safety blah blah blah.... Over protective parents.
As I arrived at the airport tears fell down my face again I was sad leaving my BFF, she told me to be strong and that she will be ok and that we will keep in touch. Tears still falling down my face ad now they were falling down her face.
I finally got out of the car and headed to my plan. Waving goodbye to Kyra with tears in my eyes as I walked away......
Melody's POV
As I was getting ready to go on the plan I hurd a knock on my door. I went to go see who it would be? Opening the front door to see my BFFL Sam. I was soooooo happy to see him I didn't think he was going to come and say goodbye because he was heart broken that I was leaving. I could tell he was crying his eyes were all red and puffy at that point my heart chatered. I was now crying to I loved him, he was like my brother and now I'm leaving him.
I was already done packing I did it all the night before so I didn't forget or rush myself in the morning. My parents were Woking so I was really sad that they couldn't be here to say goodbye. So it was just me and Sam at my house, we were watching tv to waist sometime.
It was about time that I had to go to the airport Sam was driving me there. The ride was quiet but I knew something was on SAM's mind. we arrived at the airpor, Sam got out of the car to open my door "he's such a gentleman" I though to myself, I started to cry because I was going to miss a lot of people especially him. I remember playing XBox at night with him and one night saying that I was tired and that I was going to bed and he said that he was sad I was going to leave him and that he called me beautiful.
As I got out of the car he gave me a great big bear hug and I hugged back. He told me to not worrie about him but suddenly he did something I NEVER though he would do .... he kissed me on the lips... I was shocked at first but I had no idea that he felt that way about me but I didn't feel the same way back...
I told him I had to go now and left waving goodbye walking into the plan door still shocked.
Ainsleigh's POV
I was soo nervous this was my first time going on a plan and leaving my family. I was not crying no one was crying my life seem bad since no one was crying but we were a strong family. I was kinda happy to leave my home I didn't really have any friends my family was not doing well and there was A LOT of drama on my shoulders.
As I was walking out the door my mom was talking to me and yelling at my because I was doing a stupid idea she was saying that I didn't even know these people an that they could be complete stranger (WELL DAHH). I couldn't take it anymore so I bolted out of the house upset but I didn't care.
I arrived at the airport and walked towards the door of the airplane I was so nervous... what if the plan crashed what of there's a murderer on the plan but what of.????? You know what I'm going to forget about all of this I'm going to the place I've dreamed of living and living my dream with the girls I love......
And the plan took off....
Well I hope I didn't make you cry In this chapter :/
I don't know when I'm going to do the next chapter my life if stressful right now and I hope my mom doesn't make me delete my wattpad account which would suck really bad.
Random question:
If you were living your family to follow your dreams who would you feel??? Upset happy mixed emotions ????
Read on!!!
Great love to all the Directioners and Crazy Mofos out there!!!!
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