Chapter 6
Later that night...
Ainsleigh's POV
I had though about the fact that I really wanted to go on the XFactor and so did Emily. I don't know if the other girls would want to do the XFactor thing to but I guess we will just have to ask!
Emily's POV
I was kinda happy that I told Ainsleigh about the fact I REALLY wanted to go on the XFactor and see if I was good or not.....
After a while I though OMG wouldn't it be awesome if us 4 girls go on the XFactor and be in a group like Little Mix!!! that would be awesome!!
I went to the group chat to tell then my plan
" hey I have a really good plan!!!" I said. we already told each other that we LOVE to sing so thats when the bolt of lightning hit me about that though of going on the XFactor together !!
"TELL US!!!" Melody said
"Ya tell us what the REALLY GOOD PLAN is " penny said
"Well because we LOVE to sing we should go on the XFactor UK and audition together as a group and see what happen!!" I said hoping they wouldn't say something like "that's the stupid idea ever" or " no" but my luck came
"OMFG THAT'S THE BEST IDEA EVER!!!!! But why UK XFactor?? " Aisnleigh said
" Because it were we could meet up there and live together there plus we all want to live in London UK anyways right!! I said
"True" Ainsleigh said back
Soon after, the other girls said it would be awesome.....
Melody's POV
We just were talking about going on the the XFactor together as a group and see what happens from there.
"But wait what would we call ourself like group name?" I said
"That a good question! I have no idea" Ainsleigh said
"We could call our self Angles of song..... Nvm that sucks" I said stupidly but I was trying to thing of something good... NO not good GREAT!
"Sorry but that is kinda stupid lolz sorry" Ainsleigh said, I laughed
"Guys stop typing so I can read the convo!!!" Emily said, we totally forgot she left to go take a shower. oops lolz.
OMG that when it hit me like a bullet
"Young and Free?" I said
That's actually not bad like it!!" Ainsleigh said
"I like it" Emily said
"What about young and infinity?" I said
"I like it but I think Young and Free is better" Ainsleigh said
"I can just imagine... and heres the group..... YOUNG AND FREE!!" Emily said.....
Penny's POV
I kinda didn't really talk I was trying to think of a GOOD name for our group. I saw the Young and Free and I loved it, it just screamed our names !!
"Angels of voice or Young Angels or idel I like young and free lolz" I said but still was going with the Young and Free
"Nice but lest go with the Young and Free and our fans can be called freedoms" Melody said
"Young and free our fans can also be freebies :3" Emily said lol
We all agreed and then I was getting tired so I said my good byes and headed off to bed...
Sooooooo am I doing good???? I still hope y'all like it and continue reading its would make me feel soo much better! I haven't been feeling so good this past few day my friend was not well ( in a way i cant say here) and I was crying for 2 days hopefully she gets better!!
Random question of this chapter:
If you were going in a group band what would you call your band???
It took us a while to think of a name but we finally thought of one!! Young and free!!!
P.S when I said we or us I'm actually talking about penny Emily and melody there real ppl and they are my Internet best friend!!
Read on!!!
Love ya Directioner and crazy mofos!!!
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