Chapter 15
( just a quick say something I kinda have writers block right now so this and maybe the next two chapter might be short and bad but i tried my best)
Niall's POV
I woke up by a finger poking my cheek. "what the hell" I mumbled with my eyes still closed. it was bright I guess someone forgot to close the blind on the widow so the sun was shining in my face. As I talked I felt a cold hand cover my mouth. WAS IS GOING ON I really need to open my eyes.
I opened my eyes to see Ainsleigh lying on me still with her hand on my mouth. I removed her hand from my mouth and just looked at her.
"Why did you poke my face?" I asked and again she out her hand on my mouth and singled me to be quiet. I looked around the room and I saw that we all past out on the couches other then Harry an Penny they were on the floor and they were all still sleeping.
She got off of me and I sat up tryin to be quiet
"Do you want to go out and get some food for us I can make my eggs again I just need to go shooing for them... but........ I don't want to go alone... " she whispered she looks so cute talking there and blushing when she said she didn't want to go alone.
I nod to go with her and added "what time is it?" She took out her phone from her skinny jean. man she looks good in those
"It's 8am"
"K let me just clean up and then we can go" I said and she nodded.
I waked over to one of the room to the bathroom. I saw that Ainsleigh had already took a shower. " what time did this girl wake up at" I asked myself. I just washers my face and gave my hair a little brush with my finger and walked back out.
I saw Ainsleigh putting her shoes on already, she had awesome nikes they were all colourful and hight on her ankles... hot right!!
"Nice sneaker" I said walking up to her, putting my shoes on too
"Thank you the coast A LOT" she said an my eyes just widen
"How much? " I asked
"Ummm....100 some odd dolors" wow she must be rich she could afford the biggest room in the hotel an own sneaker that expensive, were in gods name did she get that much money she must have worked her ass off for everything and by what she told me yesterday I don't think her parents would give her that money.
"You ready?" I snapped out of my though and simply nodded
We walked out wait what if the others wake up and were just gone they will worry??
"What if....." I was cut off
"I left a note in the middle of the tv so there will know were we are" she said as if she read my mind............
It was about a 15 min walk to the store, I though it would have gone easier but as we were walking we were followed by paps and screaming fan. she got really scared so I just stayed by her side. I was debating if I wanted to hold her hand of not I wanted too soooooo bad but I was scared that she would let go and plus paps will get all of this and I really don't want any more hate going toward her she already has to much problem I DONT want her to have more problem.
We arrived at the store safe I did have to give some auto graphs for some nice fans that came around. We quickly got all of our stuff we needed and headed back home or to there hotel.
"Your probably use to all this stuff aren't you" she asked as we walked
"Ya but sometimes I get really scared if its a BIG crowed" I said
"Why did you get scared when they came up to us?" I added
"Ya a little" she said blushing
"Don't worry I won't let anything happen to you" I can't believe that just came out of my mouth . I looked over at her I was scared she would look at me with a "WTF" face but she just blushed even more and smiled.
This time when we were walking back I knew the paps were behind us I could hear it. I didn't point it out to Ainsleigh she was already scared about the screaming fans I didn't want her to worry about this. I saw there was a Starbucks a few stores aways from us so I grabbed her hand and entwined my fingers with her. Thank go she didn't let go.
"Can we just go in here to get a coffee" I asked trying to get aways front he pap
"Ya I could go for a coffee right now or I might just fall asleep while waking back" she said giggling I couldn't help it but laugh too
We got into Starbucks and sat at a table in the back so no one could see us.
"What's wrong?" she asked putting her hand on mine.
"Nothing.." I lied "just looking for a waiter" again lying
"I don't think there's a waiter outside" she said and giggled. I should have just said nothing I was looking outside while I said "looking for a waiter"......smooth Niall smooth.......
It has been two min since we were sitting in Starbucks. we both ordered a coffee and started walking back to the hotel.
"Seriously Ni.. what's wrong?? your palms are hot and sweaty." I didn't realise that they were, we still had our hand entwined and that I was that nervous about the paps. why am I so nervous about the paps I've never been this nervous about then ever.
"It's just......*CLICK* "
"What was that?" she asked looking around
"Nothing c'omon let's just go home" did I just say home I meant hotel but right now I didn't care. I grabbed onto her hand tighter and walked faster......
Harry's POV
"Ugg" I moaned as I opened my eyes. I ques we al fell asleep in the living room while we were watching the movie. I looked down and I saw that Penny was lying oh my chest, I put my hand on her back and did little circles with my fingers on her back.
I looked around and I could see Louis and Meldoy cuddling on a one person recliner and then Liam and Emily on the couch but no were in site was Niall and Ainsleigh. maybe they went out for food or maybe they went to the bed.. ya probably went to go get food... me and my dirty thoughts.
"Good morning" I heard penny wake up
"Good morning" I replied she looked so beautiful walking up even tho her hair was a little messed up but she still looks beautiful.
"Where's Niall and Ainsleigh" she asked looking around the room
"I really don't know" I was looking around the room till I saw a little yellow note on the tv. I got up and went to the tv and grabbed the note. it wrote
Hey sorry if you woke up and didn't see Niall or me, we went out to get some stuff for breakfast be back soon
Xoxoxo Ainsleigh
I read the note outlawed so penny would hear me she giggled when I read "xoxo Ainsleigh". Sadly I woke up the others while readin it.... oops
"Good morning" Emily spoke
"We're is Ainsleigh and Niall? " Louis asked till cuddling melody
"They went out to get food " Penny spoke
"Hope they get home soon I'm starving" said melody still sleepy
As we were just talking about them they walked in the door with coffee in there hands and a bag of food in the other.......
Liam's POV
Ainsleigh made her "famous eggs" while the rest of us watched some TV. we could hear Ainsleigh and Niall laughing in the kitchen we had a clear view of the kitchen is we could see what they were doing.
While watching tv I scooted over closer to Emily she was sitting at on end of the couch and I was sitting and the other end. I really wanted to ask her out sooner or later but I didn't have the courage yet..... but today was going to be the day, the day I WILL as her out... why not now?
"Hey Liam what's up" she asked as I scooted over closer to him
Ainsleigh and Niall just finished the eggs but I didn't want anything to keep me from asking her. very one was around us and looking at us.. whyyyyy
" Well umm I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" I ended up asking her to be my girlfriend instead of going out on a date but i was hoping she would say yes. I crossed my finger and closed my eyes waiting to get a answer. as my eyes were closed I felt a pair of lips on mine, they were so smooth and soft I had to kiss back. I quickly opened my eyes to see it was ...but was Emily. I closed my eyes again and kissed her back.. her kiss was the best kiss that I've ever gotten.. she pulled back
"Yes" that all that came out of her mouth and I......I kissed her again.
Louis POV
So Liam just asked Emily to be his girlfriend, um I asked melody out last night Harry asked penny out yesterday now we just have to wait for Niall. the boys and I know that he really like her but he's just to nervous to ask her out, I don't get it normally it would be a piece of cake to ask a girl out for him, I ques Ainsleigh is the girl he's been waiting for for a long time now.... she s the one.
We were now done breakfast and we were going to help the girls find a apartment for them to live in. I was going to suggest just to stay with us but they wanted to buy a apartment for then to live in. the girl wen into there bed ion to get changed and stuff so me and the lads just say on the couch.
"Nice Liam" Niall said
"Thanks " Liam said all happy
"Well Niall when are you going to ask Ainsleigh out? I asked, he only shrugged
"You need to she perfect for you and you totally like her" Harry spoke
"Ya I know I'm just waiting for the right moment to ask her" he said looking at the floor
Soon after the girls came out looking stunning all of our mouths just dropped. Ainsleigh was wearing skinny jeans with a nice blows with her nikes, Penny was wearing a shirt with a lace top and flats, Emily was wearing jeans that were tight around her thighs and I tight shirt that fit her perfect and some high heels that didn't really show since the pants were over them and last... Melody was wearing a nice yellow dress that was tight at the top and loosed up on the way down with some little flowed flats.
"Wow" we all said and looked at each other. we walked over to them and just looked at there outfits....
We then headed out the door to go find then a apartment .........
Hey well I ques my writers block unclogged!!!
Did you gets excited when Emily kissed Liam????
"Cough cough EMILY cough cough"
Well hope y'all like it!!
Follow me
Love ya directioner
Over and out
Ainsleigh <3
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