Chapter 14
Melody's POV
We were now all in our hotel room, all of our stuff in the room. when we first got in the room, all of our mouths just dropped it was HUGE like GIANT room!! There was four rooms there were two bedrooms a living room and a kitchen, an then a onsweet in both bedrooms it was like a appartment but bigger there was so much room to move and OHH MYYY GOD the closets in our rooms were huge also I could put 50 bodies in there, not that I want to but still it was unbelievable..
We were just sitting in the couch just looking at everything still shocked on how big this hotel room is! Well Ainsleigh, Penny, Emily and I were shocked but I quess the boys were use to this stuff but still HOLY FIRETRUCK!!!!!!
"HEY GUYS GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE.. LIKE NOW.!!" I heard Ainsleigh shout we all ran over to see what was going on and she was just standing in front or the window with the blinds...... still closed. (Da dada dahhh!!!! sorry had to add that :P )
"What what's wrong" I asked with worry
She turned around and opened the blinds.. there was no window behind the blind it was a FREAKING PORCH!!! she opened the door and the wind blew in nice it smelt so good the London air at night was beautiful.
We all walked out on the balcony and man it was a big BIG balcony it went for Penny's and Ainsleigh's room to Emily and My room. we all had a look around London it was a view was unbelievable how beautiful it was.
It was kinda cold out so we walked back in a headed back to the couch. But before I could leave the bed room I felt someone grab me by my arm ... it was Louis...
"Ouch! what was that for" I said rubbing my arm
"Sorry but i don't know if you notices but down the road there's a fair and I was wondering...... if .. you wanted to go.... with me......?" he ask. was he asking me as a date or what??
"Ya sure why not let me just tell....." I was cut off
" No.. don't tell the other just you and me" oh man he is asking me out... i think
"Are you asking me out like is this going to be a date" I asked hoping he would say yes
"Ya why not " he said and winked. love his sass
We were walking out of the bed room and everyone was looking at us.
"What?" I asked them
"Nothing" Emily said and winked at me
"K well were going for a walk" Louis spoke beside me
"Ok have fun" Penny said and mouthed "you go girl" OMG this is why I love them!
We left the room and headed to the elevator and then walked out the hotel door . The cold nights air gave me chills thank god I grabbed a jumper.
We've been walking for a while and my feet were kinda getting sore I would stop sometime and just have a seat to stop my feet from falling off.
I stopped again....
"You ok?" he asked
"Ya I'm just tired my feet are sore" I said looking at me. He came up to me and turned around
"Get on my back ill carry you.... piggy back you know " he said I giggled and jumped onto his back
We were walking not that long with me on his back. as we arrived the fair I jumped off his back and walked in front of him. I was just looking at the fair and how big it was and colourful
"Wow" that's all I said
Louis came up to and grabbed my hand and we started to walk into the fail.. there was so many ride and stuff that you can do it was a all night thing so we could stay till we wanted to leave.
We first went on to the fairest wheel it was taller then what I've been on before.... AWESOME!!
We were now at the top of the fairest wheel and it stopped. the view was unbelievably so beautiful. I could feel a hand on mine, I then looked at my hand to see that Louis was hold my hand so I entwined mine with his and next thing leads to a other I kissed him I couldn't help it his blue eyes connected to my blue gray eyes. I pulled back.
"Sorry" I said facing in the opposer side from Louis. I felt his hand snake around my face and I turn back facing him now inches aways from his face. this time he kissed me
"It's totally fine" he mumbled and continued to kiss me ... I kissed back.......
Ainsleigh POV
It's a hour since Melody and Louis left us for a walk, I hope there I ok. I didn't want anything happening to Melody or Louis. Melody is new to London we all are but I guess she'll be ok since she with Louis.
While them "love birds" were gone the others and I just talked got to know each other more and just chatted.
"K seriously Harry we need to know what's the meaning of all your tattoos like did you just get them because you though they would look cool on you or is there a meaning behind them?".Emily asked, Penny and I shook our hand because we didn't understand what the hell was up with all his tattoos.
"Well some have meaning and some are just because they look cool....." harry answered.
Of course...
"Does any of you girls have tattoos?" Liam asked and I raised my hand.
"Really how many?" Niall asked looking into my blue yellow eyes.
"Umm... 5 I think" I wasn't really sure how many tattoos I had I didn't count them
"Really where and what are they?" Niall asked scanning my body
"Well I have a bird on my back under my left shoulder *points at shoulder*.. um I have a cross on my hand *point at cross on my hand* I have this bow on my finger *point at finger* I have my cats face on my thigh and I have a quote on my arm *rase are to show it*"
"Hey you have a quote to and at the same spot that I have my quote.." Liam said while showing his quote in his arm
"Ya I didn't know were els to put it and it doesn't hurt that much there" I said
"What does it say " Penny asked
"It says 'Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much'" I said rubbing my index finger in it
"Why did you get it?" Emily asked
"I got it because when my parents got married they got this quote and I wanted something to keep me strong and for something about my parent" I looked down I felt like crying me and my family had lost of trouble and I was glad I left but I just remember the day I couldn't take it anymore and started to cut myself I was a mess. I let a tear out.
"Sorry" I said and stormed out into my bed room crying
I didn't want them to see me like this I was not normally like this I was normally strong but some stuff just get to me.
"Hey you ok?" I heard a voice come up to me. I quickly wiped the tears off and hoping that I didn't smug my makeup. I turn around to see Niall standing behind me with worry in his eyes
"Ya I'm fine" I lied
"No your not I can tell that your not... how about we go for a walk and you can tell me what wrong..." He said. nodded I didn't feel like talking I was scared that I would start crying again
We walked out of the bed room. everyone was looking at me with worry.
"Were going for a walk... be back later" Niall spoke and before anyone could say anything he grabbed my hand and we walked out to the elevator.
We were now outside I didn't think of grabbing a coat or a jumper so I was freezing my ass off.
"You cold?" Niall asked. I only nodded. he then took of his jumper and gave it to me. I wasn't going to accept it I didn't want him to freeze too but he was wearing two jumper so I accepted the jumper. I should be strong with the cold I'm a Canadian I can survive but I was only wearing t-shirt.
"Thank you Ni" I said putting the jumper over my head
"Do you want to tell me what wrong or we could just keep walking... but you know you can tell me anything.... I'm here for.... you" I felt loved the word that exited Niall's mouth just gave me a warm feeling
"It's just....." I paused taking a deep breath "it's just that my family is going threw a rough time and there's always someone yelling and most of the yelling is directed to me." I trying to keep the tears in but they just came out
"I'm sorry Ains" he said and giving me a hug
"It's not just that.... I am begin bullied at college because I'm the 'loner' of college, I have no friend, everyone calls me name and pushed me around. once a guy pushed me into a brick wall and I ended up braking my hand because of it" I said now crying
"Did he get in trouble?"
"No I didn't say anything to anyone" I said now letting go of our hug
"You should have told someone" Niall said worried
"I know but it gets worse.... it feels like everone around me is getting hurt or dying" I was now crying a river
"My friend died because she cut herself till she bleed out and died because of the same reason I just can't handle it anymore.. I don't know what to do Niall I'm just done I can't handle it anymore" I said still crying
He grabbed me and hugged me tight. I was still crying I was a mess my life is a mess I didn't know what to do anymore I was done with everything, I just could handle it anymore.
While we were hugging Niall let go and took my hand he pulled up my sleeve revealing my cuts. I had cut myself from my wrist to my elbow.
"When... when did you do this?" He asked looking at my cuts, he let a tear out when he looked at me
"Umm.. a week before coming here" I said trying to hold my tears back but still didn't work
"Stop please stop don't do this to you please don't" he said now crying. I didn't want him to feel bad I didn't want him to cry for me he didn't deserve this. he kisses my cuts and pulled my sleeve back down and hugged me tightly........
I finally stopped crying I had no more tears to let out
"Sorry" I said looking at his jumper that now has a wet spot from my tears
"Sorry for what" he asked me looking confused
"My tears made a wet spot on your jumper" I said pointing towards the wet spot
"It ok" he said giggling which made me giggle to
"So do you want to go back to your room and watch a movie" he asked smiling at me
"Ya I could go for a movie right now" I said and returned the smile......
We got back to the room but before we open the door Niall tuned to face me and took my face in his hands and wiped aways the last tears remaining from when i was crying. I had the biggest urge to kiss him but it didn't come out ......yet
We walked in to find that Louis and Melody got back from there "walk"
"Hey were just about to start a movie wanna join?" Harry asked
"Ya ..sure what movie" I asked
"Safe Haven" Penny said
"Great" Niall added
We walked to the couch and I sat with Niall I felt better that I told him about all that's happen but I didn't want for the others to know i didn't want them to worry about me.
" Please don't tell the other about what we just talked about please " I whispered in Niall's ear
He simply nodded and then the movie started...........
Hey !!!
So this is just Melody and Ainsleigh's POV I thought out would be fair since Penny and Emily had a chapter for there POV so ya
Ps: jumper is a sweater if you don't know that it's just how British ppl call there sweater sometime .
Please don't judge Ainsleigh's or my POV because some of that is actually true I am having problem and I DID cut but I've stopped so places be respective about that.
Follow me
Love ya Directioners
Over and out
Ainsleigh <3
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