Chapter 12
Niall's POV
I was walking in the park with the girls of my dreams, she was the most beautiful girls I've ever seen in years. we were walking on the path way with the beautiful trees blossoming pink flowers and tulips growing it was a site that was unbelievable "so beautiful" I said looking into here's eye "ya it is its beautiful and colourful and just.....amazing" she said..
Waking up from my dream to think to myself that will never happen te girls from my dreams won't be with me she's to.......WAIT!!..... as I was lying there on the couch adjusting my eyes to the light, I felt a body lying on my chest..... it was the girl, the girl from my dreams.... Ainsleigh....... she had fallen asleep on me when we were watching the movie....
She looked so beautiful sleeping it was like a angle sleeping... NO NOT LIKE...... she is a angle sleeping. Her beauty was filling the atmosphere around me...... JUSES NIALL STOP DROOLING GOD!!!!
As I lied there with Ainsleigh on me I could see that all the other boys and Penny were sleeping to but were did Emily and Melody had gone? Looking around the room I couldn't see them at all but I knew they were still here I could hear them giggling and chatting.
It was now 10:30pm. WOW I've been asleep for a while now. I snapped my finger to see if Emily and Melody would hear me, I didn't want to get up and wake Ainsleigh so that's was the only way to get them to hear me.
After snapping my fingers together for a bite they finally heard me and came over to see what the noises was.
"OHH hey Niall I see your awake" Melody whispered trying to be quiet so no one would wake up
"Ya hi... umm but what time did you girls say you would get your hotel room?" I asked
"OHHH right!!! we get the room at 11 tonight" Emily said but man she was really bad at whispering
"Well it's almost 11 and you girls wouldn't want to lose that hotel room" I said.
I knew what hotel Ainsleigh booked them to stay at and it was a pretty expensive hotel I didn't want them to lose the room and all the money that Ainsleigh put into the room. She had told me when we were in the kitchen making eggs and I was really shocked that she got that hotel and booked a sweet for the four girls I mean that hotel was for famous people and rich people and she booked it for them. She must really care for the girls and it must mean a lot to them for her to book at great but expensive hotel.
"OHH wow we should really get going then... who long is it to get there?" melody asked
"About 30 mins from here" I said looking at the clock. the employes weren't going to be there after 11:45 and if they got there after 11:45 they wouldn't be able to get the room. Stupid I know but that's how famous hotels worked in London
(It might not be true about the hotel but just keep reading)
" GET UP YOU LAZY FUCKS!!!!! WE GOTTA GO GIRLS" Emily shouted making me jump
As she screamed that everyone jumped up from there slumber and scared the living out of us.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!!!!" Penny yelled at Emily
"Well we have to go to our hotel now like right now or we will lose our room and I'm pretty sure Ainsleigh won't like that" Melody said
"Wait why won't I like that?" Ainsleigh asked in confusion while getting off of me and sat up
"Well with that hotel it's really stupid but if you don't go and get your room at the time your suppost to you lose everything and when I mean everything I mean everything money and all" I said looking at her beautiful sleepy eye
She jump up and ran to the door we all looked at her with confusion
"Well what the fuck are you waiting for we have 30 mins to get there and get our room" Ainsleigh said. I quess she didn't know that, she payed A LOT for that room so she didn't want it to go to waits.
We all jumped up and ran to the door and walked out into the car.....
Liam's POV
DAMN!!!!! Emily just randomly screamed at us to wake up, she was like a alarm clock..... HOT.......
We jumped into the van as quick as we could. Louis was driving then Harry in shotgun an the rest of us In the back.
We didn't really talk we were all still tried. Harry, Louis, Niall and I wanted to come and get then safe there and maybe say a goodbye for now.
We arrived at the hotel and while we were just pulling up, Ainsleigh got out of the car while it was still in motion. it kinda scared us that she was doing that but The girls had two mins left to get the room so she didn't care if the car was still moving. She ran into the hotel as fast as she could and then we couldn't see her anymore she was now t the counter
"Damn!!" Niall said
"OHH shut up Niall" Louis said
After that Emily, Penny and Melody got out of the car and went to go see Ainsleigh..
Louis POV
The girls were in the hotel for a while they didn't come back out yet to get there stuff from the car so the boys and I just sat in the car.....
"So today was interesting.." I said to brake the silence
"Ya but fun" Harry said
"I hope this isn't the last time we will get to see them" Niall said. Obviously he had a GIANT crush on Ainsleigh but I'm pretty sure that Liam has a crush on Emily, harry has a crush on Penny, Niall has a crush on Ainsleigh I I have a crush on Melody, I mean who wouldn't Melody is so beautiful and here personality is perfect.
After a while as we were just sitting there thinking about our day we saw the girls come out of the hotel giggling and chatting.
"Sooooo what happen?" Liam asked
"OHH we were just telling the conter girls that we booked a room for today and she couldn't find Ainsleigh's name" Penny said still laughing
"So why is that so funny? I don't get it" Niall said
"Well she asked me for my name and she was having trouble spelling it and I keaped telling her how to spell it but she would always get it wrong" Ainsleigh spoke
"Ya but after she finally got your name right she asked for Ainsleigh's last name and she didn't know how to spell it ether" Emily said
"It was a had to be there moment" Melody said
"But you got the room right??" I asked
"Ya we have the top floor sweet" Ainsleigh said with excitement
Harry's POV
I was really quiet for a while I ques I was sad that this mite be the last time we will get to see the girls, I really REALLY like Penny and I didn't want to move on with my life if she wasn't in it. I was to chicken to ask her out I just couldn't spit it out.
As we were helping the girls get there stuff to there room Emily came up to me with a worried face.
"Why so glum?" she asked
I though about it for a second I didn't want her to tell Penny I had a BIG crush in her and that I was to nervous to ask her out.
"Can you keep a secret?" I asked
"Of course" she replied
"But seriously DONT tell anyone especially Penny" I added
" Ya I promise I won't tell anyone!! what's wrong" she said
" Well it's just that I really like Penny and I'm to scared to ask her out... I'm scared she doesn't feel the same way" I said
Emily put her had on my shoulder looking right into my eyes
" Don't be scared I'm pretty sure she would love to date you... just ask her" Emily said to me.
"Ok I will but can you help me with it like can you make me and Penny go in the elevator alone so i can ask her" I added. I sound so stupid.
"Ya sure no problem" she added
"Thanks Emily your a great friend" I said.
Hey!!! sorry if I made you excited
"cough cough PENNY cough"
But hey your just gonna have to wait till next chapter!!!!!!!!
Next chapter is going to get exciting!!!!!
To : Emily, Penny and Melody
NO SNEAK PEAKES THIS TIME for the next chapter!! Haha the suspense is going to kill you!!!!!
OHHHHH and a quick shout out to Penny's story/fanfic she writing called "Why is 1D in our shower". It's a really good story so go and read it!!!!!
Love ya Directioners !!!!
Ainsleigh <3
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