sixty three
[a/n: remember over the summer when i used to update everyday @ old readers bc same. ps dedicated to jaz aka alltimebro , you guys will see why. she knows ;)]
"wake up you turd nugget." michael giggled and tried shaking calum awake, which didnt work very well. he groaned and grabbed his phone, opening the music app, knowing what would wale calum up. michael put on panic! at the disco's new album on full volume and almost immediately calum was awake and singing.
"you should sing more often," michael said to his boyfriend then kissed him on the cheek. "good morning."
calum smiled and turned off the music, "good morning, love. how did you sleep?"
"good," michael grinned. "i was with you." it was two days after new year's which meant michael left in 5 days because he had to work. he was lucky his boss even let him off for this long.
"you're cute." calum mumbled in michael's neck, kissing it a few times making michael giggle and squirm away. he pulled on calum's hand and dragged him down the stair and to the kitchen. he needed food before be starves.
"slow down, sonic." calum laughed and pulled michael the other way which resulted in the two of them falling on the floor in a giggling mess.
"shut up!" you could hear luke yell from his room (they were all staying at luke's house), which made them laugh even harder.
eventually they got up and started making eggs and luke walked in the kitchen, his hair looking like a hot mess [bc damn hes hot].
michael snorted, "nice hair, loser."
luke rolled his eyes and got out the lucky charms and milk for his cereal.
"calum, michael, we love having you here! but could you please quiet it down a bit, us hemmings like to sleep until 10am at least." liz said walking into the kitchen.
calum and michael nodded.
as luke was about to pour himself some orange juice, liz stopped him, "luke, you're doing the just water challenge, you can't have orange juice." he groaned but nodded, getting a cup of water instead. [read the latest chapter in my rants book to see what the just water challenge is!]
soon enough, calum and michaels eggs were ready and on a plate. they walked into the living room with luke and turned on the news. calum got out his phone and immediately started texting someone. michael didn't know who, but calum wasnt paying attention to him and he was beginning to get a little upset with the lack of communication from his boyfriend.
"cal," michael said in his nicest voice possible, "who are ya textin'?"
"hmm? oh, no one." he said and began texting and laughing quietly again. michael huffed and crossed his arms, pouting like a little kid, and tried to focus on the news. it was kind of hard when your partner is laughing and giggling at someone else, though.
michael was starting to get fed up with the faint giggles from beside him. yes, they were adorable he had to say that. but he was getting a bit jealous because it wasn't him causing the adorable sound.
michael glanced over calum's shoulder to get a glance at the person talking to his boyfriend when he saw the contact name 'jaz ✨'.
the only thing he wanted to know... who was jaz?
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