sixty four
[a/n: i have a gymnastics meet tomorrow yall wish me luck]
trying to see what calum was doing on his phone all day probably wasn't something michael should've done.
maybe just straight out asking calum would have been the best idea. but michael didn't always choose the right things
"luke, let's talk." michael said, smiling.
luke looked at him questionably and nodded, leading him into his room. "what's up, bro?"
michael cringed, "please don't 'bro' me ever again, thanks."
the blonde laughed and nodded. "what do you want to talk about though?"
michael fiddled with the bracelets on his wrist. he really didn't want to tell luke, but they were really good friends so he should probably tell him.
"c'mon spit it out, i don't have all day." luke chuckled, drinking some water.
"ithinkcalum'scheatingonme." michael spit out in one swift moment.
luke choked, "you what now?!"
"well theres this girl, jaz or something i think--"
"jaz!" luke cheered. "i love her! and no he's not cheating on you with her, stupid! they're like best internet friends!"
michael let out the breath he was holding in from nerves and stared uo at luke. "you sure?"
"positive." luke nodded. "now go talk to the boy!"
"right..." michael said and walked away slowly, confused as to why luke was acting so cheerful today.
"hey, wanna go get ice cream?" calum yelled from the kitchen to the living room (where michael was).
michael came running in at the mention of ice cream, "you know it!"
they changed their clothes from sweatpants to skinny jeans and a random shirt to a band tee and they were set. calum grabbed his keys and headed out the door with him and his boyfriend's hands intertwined.
they soon arrived to the ice cream shop and went to the counter to order as they entered the small place.
"hi welcome to friendly's, what would you like today?"
they ordered their ice cream and waited until their name was called to get the treats.
they grabbed their orders and sat down in a booth across one another. and michael just dive right in.
"so, who's jaz?"
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