Chapter 4
Preston's POV(Dont worry Lachlan will have a POV in this ch):
I start pacing around the kitchen waiting for Mitch and Jerome to arrive.
I check my phone for any new texts from Mitch or Jerome.
(M- Mitch, J-Jerome, P-Preston)
M- We are on our way from the airport
P- Okay :) Cant wait to see you guys again!!
J-Yeah bud, dont worry about your problem. We will talk ;)
I turn off my phone and decide to grab something to drink to ease my nerves.
I decide on an energy drink and sit on the couch so I can calm down.
Almost right after I sit down the doorbell rings.
"Fudge you guys." I mutter.
I walk up to the door, wiping off my shirt.
I dont know why but people do it all the time.
I take a deep bretah and open the door.
"Hey guys!!" I say smiling and gving them hugs.
"Hey Puurrston." Mitch greets rolling his R's.
I beckon for them to come in and I grab their bags.
"I'll show you to your room." I add.
They nod and follow, hand in hand(AWWWWW I need more Merome).
"If you dont mind preston we are going to unpack real quick." Jerome says.
I nod and smile, "I dont mind at all, anyway, I'm expecting a Skype call from someone."
Jerome nods an approval and I walk back into my room.
I hop onto the computer, 3 missed calls from Lachlan.
Lachlan's POV(I promised huh):
I've called Preston 3 times, he hasnt picked up any of them.
I'm starting to get worried.
After the fourth try he finally picks up.
"Hey man, whats the holdup?" I greet.
"Oh, I was out and stuff." He replies.
I smile, "Ok, so I have something I want to tell you."
I see his eyes light up but he tries to hide it, "What is it?"
"I decided to come out to Texas!!!" I exclaim, throwing up my arms.
He has a smile that goes ear to ear, "When are the tickets for?"
"I catch my flight tomorrow." I answer.
"Okay, I hope you dont mind I have two other visitors."
"Its okay, and do you mind picking me up?"
"Yeah sure thing." He says.
"Cool, well I need to hit the hay." I sigh.
"Okay, see you cactus."
"You too dood."
He clicked off first.
Preston's POV:
I lean back in my chair.
I let out a loud, long moan.
I hear a knock on my wall, "Preston, I was just wondering if we could have something to eat? We are kinda hungry."
"Yeah sure." I answer.
"If anything is wrong you can talk to me and Jerome anytime. Thats why we are here."
"Yeah, I know. I will, I promise."
Yay another chapter!! Comment, vote, share and follow if you enjoyed and want more!!!!! Take care and may StarClan light your path my fellow Warriors!!!!!!
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