Location: monster island
After finally awakening, helios had made a rather 'explosive' debut, now he has been reunited with his best friend godorah, along with the kaiju girls.
It had been a few hours since helios awakened, godorah had assembled the kaiju girls to monster island to properly introduce his old friend to his new ones.
Location: monster islands beach.
Each of the kaiju girls where standing before godorah. Rodan rubbed her eyes and yawned while looking at godorah, with a confused expression.
Rodan: so what are we doing here exactly godorah?
Godorah: well I brought you all here to Introduce you to an old friend of mine.
Caesar: old friend? Wait so does that mean there are more males?
Anguirus: actually yeah, I remember sensing a strange presence, similar to godorah but not like us.
Mothra: indeed, I felt that too. They seemed to be in some kind of deep slumber, and one of them felt like they where going to awaken soon.
Godorah: yeah well, here he is. Helios my closest friend.
Helios: hello there.
???: general kenobi!
Everyone looked around, very confused.
Godzilla: what was that?
Helios: I don't think we wanna know...
Everyone examined helios, from his armour, Mechanical enhancements, and his...ridiculously long hair.
Anguirus: damn, he's really quite something isn't he rodan- huh? Rodan?
She looked at rodan, who's eyes were widened and she was slack jawed.
Rodan: aaaaaaaaaah.........
Helios noticed rodan staring at him and he looked at her.
Helios: umm, you okay there lady?
Rodan: uhh-um I.. umm...
Helios: oh..*chuckles* I guess your still not used to seeing males yet?
Rodan kept muttering and she turned away, to not let helios see the massive blush on her face. And helios turns to the rest of the kaiju girls.
Helios: well its very nice to meet all of you, my name is helios and I am godorah second in command and his right hand man!
He said and took a small bow as he introduced himself.
Neo: uncle helios!
Neo ran to while laughing and playfully jumped onto his arm and handing on it.
Neo: it's so great to see you! Did you miss me? Did ya miss me!?
Helios chuckles as he pets his head, and ruffled his hair.
Helios: how've ya been kiddo?
Neo: great! I have two moms now!
Umm.....I'm sorry what?
Neo: yeah! Dad started dating goji and ghidorah!
He said excitedly, while pointing at the two kaiju girls who waved and chuckled nervously at him.
Helios glares at the two kaiju girls and teleported in front of them. All while still having that same angry look on his face..or at least from what wasn't covered by metal.
Helios: grrr.."moms" huh?
Godzilla: eheh..yeah.
Ghidorah: hmph, is that a problem to you?
Godorah got in between them.
Godorah: okay, okay. I think that's enough intimidation helios.
Helios: hmph.
He backs away from them and scoffs. He turns to godorah, still not very happy.
Helios:*whispering* what the hell man!? Did muesli not mean anything to you!?
Godorah: ill explain it all later. But for now let's jus- huh?
He looked up into the sky to see five lights in the distance, slowly growing larger as they seemed to he approaching the group.
Anguirus: what is that?
Rodan: I dunno. But whatever they are, they're coming in hot.
Godorah: wait..its that..? Helios.
Helios: on it.
He clicks his scouter eye, and it glows red and began to zoom in onto the approaching entities. And checking their power levels.
Helios: oh is them.
Godorahs eyes widened slightly but he also smirked as he looked back up at the lights in the sky.
It didn't take long for the shapes of the unknown objects to become more and more visible.
And in a short amount of time they crashed into the beach, not far from the kaiju girls and males. Forming a large crater.
And out of the crater crawled five different individuals. All of them were male and each had multiple unique features to themselves.
Kaiju girls: Holy shit..
Godorah: we are Autonomous, extraterrestrial, cybernetically enhanced, intergalactic mercenaries.
The man who looked like a giant golden bug stood forward.
???: but you can call us I.M for short.
Godzilla: "I.M"?
???: what's crackin' lil bitches?
They all looked to see a man with white hair a purple suit, red gloves silver wings and tail and black upper body armour
He backflips and lands on a cool pose as a way to show off.
Godorah: *sigh* this is our lieutenant, hades.
Hades: this look like a cool place to kick it.
He jumps backwards onto a large rock and relaxes while sitting on it while crossing his arms and making himself at home while looking around.
Godorahs attention shifts to a tall and bulky man wearing black and orange armour, he had a large spiky shell on his back along with a tail with a Mace like bludgeon on the end, also his armour seemed to be eternally on fire even though his body doesn't take any damage.
Godorah: our weapon specialist, bauzire.
As godorah finished his sentence, bauxite instantly got into a defensive position and armed himself with two giant cannons on his back that came out of his shell.
(Replace the water with magma and fire)
Bauzire: you feeling lucky, punks?
The girls had looks of uncertainty on their faces.
Godorah: easy, bauzire..
Bauzire: I was just kidding, I just wanted to show them my canons..
Godorah: hm, here's the brawler of our group, gregar.
Gregar: みなさんこんにちは、お会いできて光栄です..
Godorah nudges gregar who's eyes widened, then he cleared his throat.
Gregar: ahem! Sorry about that. That's just the language I preferred to use when communicating.
Godzilla: no problem. I speak a bit of Japanese from time to time also.
As the kaiju girls examined gregars figure, one of them began to stare and their jaws dropped in a similar fashion to rodan. This time it was caesar, and her tail was wagging.
Gregar noticed this and cocked an eyebrow while looking at her with curiosity in his eyes.
Gregar: you okay there?
Caesar: y-yeah!
She said shakily while grabbing her tail, stopping it from swaying back and forth.
Godorah: alright, here is our medic and healer...and also the voice of reason in our little group, goldstinger.
He steps forward and scans everyone with a magenta coloured aura.
Stinger: hm, the two alpha girls hormone levels suggests that they wish to mate with you godorah.
Everyone paused upon hearing his words, godzilla and ghidorah blushed immensely with embarrassment, godorah snickering slightly alongside many of the other kaiju girls whilst mothra covered neo and juniors ears.
Godorah: And of course all you know our little scout.
He said while pointing at neo who was being held in in mothras arms as she stroked his head.
???: aren't you forgetting someone godorah?
Upon hearing a deep and threatening voice, godorah turns to see his rival in the flesh.
Godorah: blizzard.
Blizzard: godorah.
The two stood only a few meters away from one another, both charging their ki round extreme heights where they both emited a powerful aura that engulfed the whole beach. Blizzards aura managed to freeze over a vast majority of the island itself. Causing it to snow and for ice to appear beneath their feet, covering the sand below.
Everyone was astonished by their power. Except for the mercenaries themselves.
After a few seconds the auras disbanded and disappeared. Leaving only two massive craters.
After a while of Intense staring, the two of them chuckled and fist bumped.
Godorah: heheh, its good to see ya again.
Blizzard: I suppose my opinion is the same.
After that, stinger looked down at the duo and extended his hand out towards them.
Stinger: our power levels have been significantly nullified and supressed since the crash landing and our recent awakening. I'm gonna have to start working on that..
He said while scanning the area using a green aura.
Then out of a hatch hidden in an armour piece on his thigh, goldstinger took out a vial with an unknown blue liquid. He then poured it over the destroyed land, soon the liquid glowed upon making contact with the ground. And little by little it began to repair the areas that were damaged.
Mothra: well that certainly must come in handy.
Stinger: indeed, its very useful when repairing the damages done because of our missions.
Mothra: I certainly could've used that on multiple occasions.
Stinger: how so?
Mothra: well, godzilla here is rather destructive when battling against forces that pose a threat to the planet. Sometimes entire civilisations are destroyed because of the fighting.
Gregar: is that so?
Gregar approached the two and turned his gaze over to godzilla.
Gregar: if you cause that much destruction then you must be pretty strong. In that case, how about we go a couple rounds?
He said with a smirk and gave her an encouraging a thumbs up.
Godzilla: sounds good to me!
She pounds her fists together as she slams her tail onto the ground in a challenging Manner.
Mothra: *sigh* goji! There you go again thinking with your fists.
Godorah: yeah with all due respect, that's pretty much out teams personalities in a nutshell, aside from stinger of course.
Stinger: I agree with the moth goddess on this one. I only have five vials of the blue liquid left, and it'll take months to brew more doses.
Ghidorah: I believe that a friendly competition would be pleasant.
Godorah: is that so? Then what exactly do you propose?
Godzilla: males vs females, your team vs ours.
Bauzire: I like the sound of that!
Gregar: same here!
Anguirus: I'm looking forward to this.
Rodan: agreed, this'll definitely be relieving.
Blizzard: oh it'll be 'relieving' alright.... for us that is.
Stinger: *sigh* fine then, if you insist on battling until you can't feel your limbs anymore, them it will be wise to not do it here. Its best to move to a more safe environment for fighting, we could harm the wildlife if we do it all here.
Godorah: I agree, here. Take my hand.
Everyone placed their hand onto godorahs hands and shoulders. And after he places two fingers on his forehead he was able to teleport everyone away to a more secure location.
They landed in an open field. No life in sight apart from the dress, trees and other plantlife.
Godorah: okay then stinger, work your magic.
Stinger: alrighty then.
*Small timeskip*
Stinger was finished building the arena and the final result was pleasing to the kaiju.
Hades: sweet!
Anguirus: plenty of open space to brawl, better for when someone wants to use any ranged attacks for the fights.
Gregar: I agree, when it comes to building fighting arenas, stinger is the master. Kinda ironic considering he's the pacifist of the group.
Stinger: I'm a master of architecture. It's one of my best skills.
Blizzard: now let's get this over with.
Helios: so, who's fighting who?
Godorah: I was thinking a-
suddenly explosions began to occur around everyone. Causing smoke to spread out and cover the area.
Once it had cleared due to godorah and Helios flapping their wings, what appeared where hundreds of..robot godzillas?
And in front of them landed three other kaiju.
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