Also known as after "Doppelgänger" and what this poor music major has had time to write these last few weeks!
smoakandmirrors: I feel obliged to inform everyone Thea will most likely not be on the chat tonight
frostbite: OK
lancelot: Why
gumballintherain: She's allowed to do that
timedetectivepretty: So no second Merlyn being savage?
angelpuppydanvers: And I'm sitting over here laughing at everyone's priorities
merlynthemagician: My daughter's happiness is mine thank you very much
goodvibes: Did Malcolm just have feelings
backinaflash: I think he's sick
youreawizardharry: He's a dad he's allowed to have feelings about his children
merlynthemagician: He can also see all of your messages
merlynthemagician: He would also like to inform you his sword is right next to him
promiseskept: He also killed several thugs for taking Laurel
promiseskept: So he's most likely in a mood
merlynthemagician: Excuse you he took a teammate
merlynthemagician: How could I not be upset by that
promiseskept: A teammate
promiseskept: Sure
secondisthebest: You're the worst Slade
promiseskept: Is that any way to speak to someone who rescued you
secondisthebest: Kara rescued me thank you very much
angelpuppydanvers: *angel emoji*
merlynthemagician: Damnit almas I can't argue when you do that
angelpuppydanvers: That's exactly what I do that
merlynthemagician: Great I'm outnumbered
merlynthemagician: Someone help
aresthegodofwar: Why did Laurel need rescuing
secondisthebest: Diaz likes making Oliver's life miserable
oliverking: If this year had a book title that would absolutely be it
penn&telle: "Making Oliver Queen's Life Miserable" – a memoir by Ricardo Diaz
supersfriend: Read by supervillains everywhere
merlynthemagician: We get a little bit of credit for this right?
promiseskept: Does it count if we're no longer villains?
timetravelsabitch: Says the two members of the redeemed villains club
merlynthemagician: Exactly
merlynthemagician: Redeemed
merlynthemagician: We were still villains
bigbadwolf: I never knew someone could sound so smug over a group message
bigbadwolf: Congratulations Malcolm
merlynthemagician: I do my humble best
promiseskept: Humble
merlynthemagician: I will stab you
promiseskept: No you won't
smoakandmirrors: I still say just Ricardo Diaz wrote the book
smoakandmirrors: He isn't going for the "I want to kill you Oliver Queen" route
smoakandmirrors: He's going the "I'm going to take your entire city away from you" route
smoakandmirrors: It's failing miserably
smoakandmirrors: But that's where he's going
moralcompass: Ruvé Darhk tried to become the mayor though
smoakandmirrors: Hm
mammamia: Hey wanna bet Damien Darhk has that book
dreadpiratejiwe: Zari
mammamia: They started it!
lancelot: No
lancelot: He'd write his own memoir
lancelot: "Making The Legends' Lives Miserable" – a memoir by Damien Darhk
lightemup: Co-authored by little Darhk
lifeinthefastlane: Little Darhk
lightemup: Shut up
timedetectivepretty: And Kuasa
athenathegoddessofwisdom: And Gorilla Grodd
aresthegodofwar: Don't forget the time demon
athenathegoddessofwisdom: Ah yes the one behind all this trouble to begin with
athenathegoddessofwisdom: Must never forget him
lancelot: The Firestorm bond at its finest ladies and gentlemen
aresthegodofwar: Nah
athenathegoddessofwisdom: We're just sitting right next to each other
aresthegodofwar: [image attached]
athenathegoddessofwisdom: Easy to coordinate that way
lancelot: "Making The Legends' Lives Miserable" – a memoir by too many anachronisms to name
timedetectivepretty: And Beebo
gumballintherain: Seriously
aresthegodofwar: Beebo was an anachronism
lifeinthefastlane: Who's Beebo
spartacus: Don't get them started
goodvibes: Apparently all the supervillains are teaming up to write a series
secondisthebest: "Making Superhero Lives Miserable" – a series by supervillains everywhere
merlynthemagician: This is why she's my favorite Lance
lancelot: Go to hell Merlyn
merlynthemagician: Does Purgatory count
goodvibes: "Making Barry Allen's Life Miserable" – a memoir by Clifford DeVoe
backinaflash: You know
backinaflash: It really wouldn't surprise me if DeVoe was actually writing a book about that
frostbite: Does he have a doctorate?
easteriris: Could he get a doctorate in making my husband's life miserable?
youreawizardharry: Doubtful
easteriris: Oh good
youreawizard: At least not on this Earth
easteriris: What
backinaflash: Oh joy
thecollector: There's an Earth for that?
youreawizardharry: There's an Earth for everything
penn&telle: I understood that reference
youreawizardharry: Congratulations Schott you get an imaginary cookie
penn&telle: Better than no cookie at all
smoakandmirrors: This is the positivity the rest of you should have
bigbadwolf: Sorry, my unrelenting seriousness is one of my best qualities
spacepapabear: Alex
bigbadwolf: J'onn
angelpuppydanvers: Oliver
oliverking: Angel
youreawizardharry: Frosty
frostbite: Harry
lightemup: Pretty
timedetectivepretty: Mick
aresthegodofwar: Sister
athenathegoddessofwisdom: Brother
promiseskept: Wizard
merlynthemagician: Magician
lancelot: And without fail Merlyn ruins everything
merlynthemagician: Go to hell Lance
lancelot: Pretty sure that's where I ended up when we met Beebo the God of War
lifeinthefastlane: The what
mammamia: And we're back to that blue bastard
dreadpiratejiwe: It was funnier when there was eggnog
lifeinthefastlane: That makes so much sense now
lifeinthefastlane: With alcohol?
secondisthebest: You bet
lifeinthefastlane: Much more sense now
gumballintherain: We were not drunk
lightemup: Eh
gumballintherain: OK Mick may have been drunk
lightemup: Eh
gumballintherain: . . .
gumballintherain: Mick was definitely drunk
lightemup: There you go Pretty
lifeinthefastlane: I have so many questions for the Legends
lancelot: And I so want to meet you
supersfriend: Oh God
penn&telle: Oh man
spacepapabear: That would be
angelpuppydanvers: Please no
bigbadwolf: I object to this
spacepapabear: Interesting
matilda: I'm confused?
timetravelsabitch: Same
bigbadwolf: I move for Sara Lance to not meet Lucy Lane
angelpuppydanvers: I second this motion!
lifeinthefastlane: ???
lifeinthefastlane: Betrayal???
bigbadwolf: More like keeping National City intact
penn&telle: More like the planet
supersfriend: More like the universe
angelpuppydanvers: How about the multiverse
lifeinthefastlane: I am not that bad!
bigbadwolf: Fair
lifeinthefastlane: Thank you
angelpuppydanvers: Sara is
lancelot: Excuse you
oliverking: Eh
backinaflash: I've met Lucy
backinaflash: That would definitely be something
merlynthemagician: You know what
merlynthemagician: I'd want to see how bad they could get
lancelot: I can't believe I'm saying this
lancelot: Thank you for your support Merlyn
promiseskept: What the hell
promiseskept: I like chaos
spartacus: That explains so much
lancleot: Did I just get support from both of them
angelpuppydanvers: I will find the two of you and pout
merlynthemagician: You know what
merlynthemagician: I'm more scared of that than Sara
lancelot: The super puppy is scary?
merlynthemagician: The Kryptonian I saw break every bone in Chase's body is scary
promiseskept: ^^^
lancelot: . . .
lancelot: Fine
lancelot: Lucy we'll cause chaos another time
lifeinthefastlane: Noted
backinaflash: Kara can you let me know when that is
angelpuppydanvers: Sure
angelpuppydanvers: Why
backinaflash: Just to know when we should prepare for the apocalypse
lancelot: And I thought you loved me Barry
backinaflash: You're amazing Sara
backinaflash: But I don't want to die because you meet Lucy Lane
backinaflash: Please don't kill me now
lancelot: Barry is my new favorite team leader
angelpuppydanvers: I will pout at you too
backinaflash: I didn't tell her to do that!
oliverking: At this rate I'll be the only team leader left standing
promiseskept: And you just got yourself killed kid
goodvibes: RIP Oliver Queen
goodvibes: Please pay your respects
matilda: Why am I still in this
timetravelsabitch: Because we both get more amusement from this when we watch and don't comment
matilda: True
moralcompass: Welcome to my life
For real, these "Crisis on Infinite Earths" trailers, though . . . I was so happy with seeing the "Black Widow" trailer this morning, and then I saw there was a new Crisis one.
For the record, none of you are allowed in my bunker during this crossover because I predict you will want to stay there and then you will all murder me no doubt for whatever angsty feels I write in the future.
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