Otherwise known as after "All For Nothing!"
smoakandmirrors: Well
smoakandmirrors: That all happened
timetravelsabitch: I don't even want to think about how this guy managed all that in the warehouse
angelpuppydanvers: Neither do I
angelpuppydanvers: Because quite frankly
angelpuppydanvers: That
angelpuppydanvers: Hurt
spartacus: It sounded like it did
spartacus: And I wasn't even on the same floor
timedetectivepretty: I think there should be a new rule in this chatroom
timedetectivepretty: Context needs to be given before comments are made about a mission
frostbite: I second this motion
frostbite: Because I don't like being confused
goodvibes: I disagree with this motion
goodvibes: Please keep confusing Caitlin
youreawizardharry: You really are suicidal aren't you Ramon
goodvibes: Nah
goodvibes: Just bored
goodvibes: We haven't had anything to do for a while
backinaflash: Dude
backinaflash: You probably just jinxed it
goodvibes: Frack
easteriris: Good job Cisco
easteriris: And I was just enjoying the time I had with my husband before he had to run around saving the city
goodvibes: I predict Iris wants to kill me
backinaflash: Or Caitlin
youreawizardharry: Like I said
youreawizardharry: Suicidal
angelpuppydanvers: Nah
angelpuppydanvers: Sara and Reign was still more suicidal than that
lancelot: I'm never going to hear the end of that am I
angelpuppydanvers: Probably not
lightemup: How'd your date go
spartacus: Wait
fast&furious: WHAT WHEN HOW WHERE
lancelot: Thank you for telling all the teams that I had a date Mick
lightemup: You're welcome
athenathegoddessofwisdom: I knew already
lancelot: Yeah
lancelot: Because I asked you to help me get ready for it
lancelot: Thank you for that btw
athenathegoddessofwisdom: You're welcome
moralcompass: Was it this Ava person
lancelot: Yes it was
lancelot: I was enjoying it
lancelot: And then the Waverider crashed
timedetectivepretty: Oops?
lancelot: You idiots ruined my date
timedetectivepretty: Sorry
lancelot: But then Ava kissed me
lancelot: So I think I can forgive you
timedetectivepretty: Oh good
mammamia: To which of those statements
timedetectivepretty: Yes
lancelot: Smart answer Nate
timedetectivepretty: Thank you
lancelot: Though Ava is wondering why there's a picture of Amaya on our bottle
timedetectivepretty: What
smoakandmirrors: Of Amaya?
missfoxtrot has changed their name to dreadpiratejiwe
dreadpiratejiwe: There's a reason for that
lightemup: She makes a badass pirate
backinaflash: That's high praise Amaya
backinaflash: Take it and run
dreadpiratejiwe: Noted
mammamia: That's a much better name than the other one
dreadpiratejiwe: You made the first one for me
mammamia: What else was I supposed to call you?
merlynthemagician: Dr. Dolittle
mammamia: Who?
frostbite: What's that ridiculous noise I'm hearing
youreawizard: That would be Ramon
youreawizard: Cause of death – reacting to Merlyn calling Amaya "Dr. Dolittle"
backinaflash: Goddamnit Cisco
timedetectivepretty: Shouldn't you be saying that to Malcolm
lightemup: Red isn't that suicidal Pretty
backinaflash: ^^^
timedetectivepretty: Fair enough
angelpuppydanvers: How did we get this far off topic
timetravelsabitch: I haven't been on here nearly as long
timetravelsabitch: And I've learned not to ask that
timetravelsabitch: We'd just get further off topic
angelpuppydanvers: . . .
angelpuppydanvers: I don't know why I even asked
lancelot: Me neither
lancelot: So what happened
angelpuppydanvers: Well
smoakandmirrors: There's bad news and there's worse news
easteriris: Bad news first
lightemup: What's the worse news
mammamia: How about we guess
moralcompass: Good God
backinaflash: This group chat: a summary
aresthegodofwar: We really have no lives
smoakandmirrors: Bad news
smoakandmirrors: Thermobaric bomb has yet to be found
athenathegoddessofwisdom: Say what
lightemup: The what bomb
goodvibes: Frack
youreawizardharry: There's a what in Star City
mammamia: Fuck
timedetectivepretty: So that's bad
timedetectivepretty: What the hell is worse than that
merlynthemagician: Vigilante is dead
lightemup: Who the fuck is Vigilante
smoakandmirrors: A double agent inside Cayden James' little criminal group
spartacus: Who also happened to be Dinah's boyfriend
dreadpiratejiwe: How did he die
merlynthemagician: There's
merlynthemagician: A bit of confusion on that end
frostbite: How do you get confused about how someone dies
goodvibes: Filing that under 'questions I never thought would be asked in this group chat'
backinaflash: Cisco
easteriris: Cisco
youreawizardharry: Ramon
frostbite: Cisco!
goodvibes: . . .
goodvibes: I'll be quiet now
merlynthemagician: Two ways
merlynthemagician: Who did the killing
merlynthemagician: And who the only witness was
merlynthemagician: And considering Dinah was the only one who saw this happen
merlynthemagician: You'll understand we're concerned she may be twisted on how she saw this happen
lightemup: So who killed him
smoakandmirrors: Evelyn Sharp
mammamia: Don't know her
mammamia: And that already biases my opinion
lancelot: Wait up
lancelot: Isn't she still a teenager
angelpuppydanvers: Yup
merlynthemagician: Laurel talked to her literally minutes before all this happened
merlynthemagician: I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt until we actually get her story
lightemup: Good
lightemup: Girl's still young and in a bad crowd
lightemup: Could be someone else pulling her strings
aresthegodofwar: That's
aresthegodofwar: Actually good advice
lightemup: The Englishman gave Snart and I a chance on this ship
lightemup: That's nothing compared to this Evelyn girl
aresthegodofwar: Touché
dreadpiratejiwe: He gives good advice doesn't he
lightemup: Bout time someone noticed
angelpuppydanvers: Hey question
backinaflash: Shoot
angelpuppydanvers: For the Legends actually
backinaflash: Oh
mammamia: This should be good
angelpuppydanvers: Practically everyone is on right
timedetectivepretty: Yeah
angelpuppydanvers: So
angelpuppydanvers: Then where's Ray
lifeinthefastlane: I swear this chat is usually all buzz and chatter
lifeinthefastlane: Why's it silent for ten minutes
athenathegoddessofwisdom: Excuse us while we go rescue Ray
merlynthemagician: That's why
In other news, I'm getting more and more certain I want to tackle the 2018-2019 seasons after I'm done writing last year's seasons. Any protests about that?
Also, one hundred percent certain I want to do "Elseworlds" and include the Legends. It was already hilarious enough without them, but including them? That would be a riot. Plus then there's the Devil's Triad . . . how I could I miss an opportunity with that crossover?
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